Alien Invasion

3 Reasons Why Humanity Will Defeat The Alien Invasion


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[quote]”Though the visitors have a superior technology, the success of their entire mission rests upon their ability to persuade and to encourage human allegiance. You have the power to resist this. You have the power to see through the deception.” — Allies of Humanity[/quote]

Competition for power and influence in the universe is not that different than it is here on Earth. Powerful beings and organizations play the same game. They compete for land, resources and influence. Most of all they compete for your mind.

The most complete victory is when you’ve convinced your adversary that they never should have opposed you in the first place. The alien invasion is hard at work trying to make this a reality. The false meme that aliens are here to help us grow spiritually and to protect our planet’s ecosystem is an opening salvo in the war for our hearts and minds.

Humanity can defeat the alien invasion. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. The situation is not hopeless. Indeed, we have great strengths and advantages that we can draw upon. Here are three of many reasons why humanity will defeat the alien invasion:

Strength In Numbers

Like the natives of the New World being discovered by aggressive Europeans, our adversaries are far more organized and technologically advanced than we are. Nevertheless, they are a tiny expeditionary force. The Aztecs could have easily defeated the Conquistators had they clearly understood the reality of their situation. Such is the challenge and opportunity of our times.

If enough of us rise up against them, they will have to fall back and reconsider their plans. Humanity must become very honest about this situation. It must become a topic discussed at every dinner table. Is there anything more important than this? Entering a Greater Community of life is the greatest threshold a race can take. Get the word out: aliens are here and they must be opposed.

Biological Adaptation

Natural evolution has blessed us with millions of years of biological adaptation to this world. It is very easy and natural for our bodies to inhabit this environment. We take it for granted. While it is true that aliens have visited our planet in the past, on a biological level they are complete newcomers. Bacteria and viruses that your body wouldn’t even sneeze at could easily kill them. They could even spread and destroy an entire alien civilization.

Aliens want this planet for themselves but they need us to operate here on their behalf. Exterminating the human race would not serve them. The ease with which we can operate in this environment is a huge advantage for us. It is the reason why aliens have been so slow and meticulous in their approach here.

Spiritual Power

Humanity is far from perfect but it is not a hopeless race. In many ways, we’re far ahead of the aliens flying around our skies at night. The greatest power in the universe is not technological or mental. It is spiritual. Alien worker drones abducting humans are no match for an advanced practitioner in the ways of Spirit. The alien invasion does not even know of this power. It is our greatest hope.

One that has reclaimed his or her relationship with Spirit can simply Know. The alien invasion’s deceitful manipulation would easily be discerned. The very weakness they continuously use against us – our ignorance – could be surmounted. Becoming a bridge between our Ancient Home and the physical reality of Separation allows one to express spiritual power in the world. If many humans cultivate this strength, it will pose a great danger to the machinations of the alien invasion.


We live in the most important time in human history. The freedoms we so cherish are at stake. Become a contributor to your race. Get the word out. Keep learning:

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