Alien Invasion

Advancement of Humanity, Spiritually? Alien Subjugation?

The Collectives want to own our resources when they leave there will be nothing for Human sustenance

When the Collectives leave our Planet, this is what it will look like, Barren without any resources


                      Advancement of Humanity, Spiritually? or Alien Subjugation?

Advancement of Humanity, Spiritually?or Alien Subjugation? I will begin by asking, what do you know about Alien Life Intervention in our world? There are many avenues of discussion here, but very few with true details why the Aliens are here. Many assumptions abound here, so lets continue; I will bring you up to speed in this regard.

                                                  Recognising Advancement Requirement.

There are Advancement pointers for Humanity and we must learn and recognise them. But this must not come from hindsight. But certainly it must come from observing and discerning what comes over our Horizon. The Human Family must take the path of Self-determination not risking our Freedom at the outset. You see, Alien Intervention is moving our world, deep it is. Behind the backs of the Human Family; hidden and secret it is! Those leading this Intervention have not revealed why they are present here. They have not made clear their Intentions to any Governments of our world. However, for many decades now, we have observed strange Alien Crafts in our skies.

They come, has did the Great Tall Ships in our past, but Alien Intervention comes from Space.

         Human Intervention in our world.

They came, has did the Great Tall Ships in our past; travelling and exploring across our oceans to New Lands. Back in earlier times, Interventions were motivated by powerful rulers to acquire wealth and resources. Intervention happens to acquire land and the valuable ores and minerals to be discovered there. However, the natives of these lands were not worldly wise, becoming overtaken by trinkets and talk of peace and friendship. But so soon overtaken with little or no resistance. What did these natives gain here? What did the Intervening forces gain? Most importantly, what did Humanity learn from these past lessons? Moreover, for the Natives there was no Advancement in any respect. Yet the Intervening Forces made great Advancement of value from those lands.

                                           The Resources of Our World and Intervention.

Intervention happens, and victims are always subjugated within there own land. Forces of Intervention use a transition period to influence and manipulate their victims. To seduce them into a false sense of security. While this happens the Intervening visitors are increasing their numbers securing their Advancement. Done to gain a deeper Advancement into this land or unsuspecting world.  Now, I need you the one reading this information to take note. To be aware and present to what I am saying. What I say here is essential for you to know and is certainly very important. I briefly mentioned earlier. Intervention is happening again, not to one or two Nations but the whole world. Alien Beings of various Groups are here seeking Wealth and Resources; Biological, Geological and Oceanic. Like in the past, and the Tall Ships in history; Alien groups also come without invitation or communication.  

                                                    Greater Community Commercial Enterprises.

Reality of The Greater Community is why we need this Spiritual Preparation and its Revelation against the Hidden Alien Intervention and its Conformity of the Being. Is this what Humanity need?

They appear in our world from the depths of The Greater Community of Worlds [The Galaxy] to bring Intervention. Their none communication speaks volumes, they are not here to be friends. Likewise they are not here to give Spiritual Advancement or Commercial Advancement. They come without explanation of their intentions, surely this is the clearest indication of our position. Moreover, we cannot allow mistakes in our past to reoccur, there is no Advancement here for Humanity.

   The Allies of Humanity and Life in the Universe.

Life in the Universe is a revealing Revelation Given by God the Creator. Only the Creator knows what is happening in the Universe

This is the truth of Life in the Universe and Humanity must be very Discerning here. But errors of our past must be understood and recognised. They are a learning for the present, guiding us into the future. We are a developing Intelligent, Spiritual and Sentient Race. With this, surely we can accept advice and guidance from other Spiritual Beings. Those who resist visiting our world because they know how contact between worlds will disrupt their Evolutions. However, none Spiritual Beings have little regard for this. Their interest is only in worlds they gain from. These Alien Beings are Commercial Enterprises seeking profit and reward. It is adolescent and young worlds they seek, naive and unsuspecting. However, there are Beings who have attained Spiritual Advancement, calling themselves The Allies of Humanity. Very special they are, coming from a small group of worlds in our vicinity of the Greater Community.

                                                        Greater Community Awareness.

The Allies of Humanity give guidance and Assistance in dealing with the Collective Intervention and its removal through the Spirit of Knowledge.

The Allies of Humanity had severe problems with Alien Intervention, back in their distant past. Similar to the Human Family, they were not Greater Community aware. With this and like Humanity they had no control over their borders in space. This naivety allowed any External Force to gain access to them! These errors were discovered from those who became their Allies, giving them advice and guidance like our Allies give us. In addition they received a Preparation and a Practice, for Living the Way of Knowledge and Steps to Knowledge.

Living the Way of Knowledge is part of our True Reality and is needed to remove the Alien Intervention in our world

       Living With the Spirit of Knowledge.

 Likewise, the Human Family have also received Revelations of Living the Way of Knowledge and Steps to Knowledge, beautiful they are. I cannot speak of all the details in these Revelations, even though I have read them and studied them. I ask you, go read this Information of Revelations for yourself, at the links I have provided. But truthfully, I am telling you how important they are for you. Moreover, you get the value of the Message first hand, not an interpretation from someone else. However, our Allies suffered great loss of life in their populations, removing their Alien Intervention. This served as a hard lesson for our Allies the hardest lesson in their history. 

              Practicing Steps To Knowledge and gaining Knowing Awareness.

The Book of Knowing and a Spiritual Education for Your Life in and The Pathway to Gaining a Relationship with the Spirit of Knowledge within you.

Becoming aware and present to what is on their Horizon was of great value, here Steps to Knowledge proved to be their great turning point. Living the

The New Messenger a Prophet and a Teacher for Our times and Times to Come of Critical Change for the world.

Way of Knowledge the great companion for Practicing Steps to Knowledge are both Revelations in our world now. They have arrived because a Miracle is happening in the world at this time. It is so rare and happens very seldom. The New Messenger from God has come to the world. He is a humble man with Spiritual Advancement, having come to our world from the Angelic Assembly. They are the Angelic Presence looking over our world. For you, who are reading this communication, the Angelic Assembly is where all previous Messengers came from. But all previous Messengers, Teachers and Prophets, came to serve one Nation, Tribe or Community.  

                                     Who is the New Messenger from God.

The New Messenger from God,
Marshall Vian Summers Giving Guidance of Change and Preparation in the times of human Entrapment by ET Collectives

The New Messenger is known as Marshall Vian Summers and He is here to serve the whole world. Over the last thirty years the New Messenger has received over 9,000 pages of Revelations. They are a Warning, Guidance and Teaching for Living the Way of Knowledge, and Steps to Knowledge. He has received the Revelation, Life in the Universe, detailing what Life in the Universe is like. Speaking of millions upon millions of different cultures and societies. It speaks of the Spirit of Knowledge and how it is the Greatest Power above and beyond all other Powers. Further, it  speaks of our great need for Knowledge and the need of assistance here. For the Spirit of Knowledge will assist in Humanities Emergence into the Greater Community of Worlds. It warns us; how worlds seeking

 Science and Technology  Abuses the Resources.

Life in the Universe is a revealing Revelation Given by God the Creator. Only the Creator knows what is happening in the Universe

It warns us, how worlds seeking Science and Technology always outstrip and deplete their own resources, to leave them very vulnerable. Worlds that lose their own resources will without doubt become reliant upon other worlds resources. Otherwise how do they survive into the future. Yet in a short while, worlds reliant on other worlds will gradually lose their self-determination to their providers. This happens so often in the Greater Community, worlds seeking Scientific and Technological Advancement outstrip their worlds Resources. Above all things, young worlds emerging into the Greater Community need to be aware and learn this lesson early. Likewise they need to become Discreet and Self-reliant, only using their resources scarcely. Unlike our world, now on the brink of world resource depletion. Humanity have used them without a thought for the future Human Race.

      The Storehouse of Resources in our Vicinity of Space.

Advancement is part of being present and aware to where we are, who we are with and what we are doing. But also, there are events and circumstances in our past we have lost awareness of. Here, previous civilisations having been overtaken and destroyed. However, we are regaining some of this awareness, and the Human Family must be mindful of these events. Over millennia unknown to life on our world, our world was used as a storehouse for resources. Not just for our world but for other world in our vicinity.

                     Genetic Manipulation and How Worlds Over Use Their Resources.

Therefore, over eons other worlds have visited and use our world in this way. We have stripped out those resources we have used knowing and valuing them, yet there are more resources to be discovered. The Alien Intervention will know the existence of any remaining Geological resources in our world; they will want them. But this is not the end of the Alien Interventions wants. They are here for many other Resources that are prime and plentiful in our world and needed in the Greater Community. Why is there such a demand for resources in the Greater Community? The need stems from over use of resources b Greater Community Worlds, although not confined to Geological resources.

This is because worlds seeking Advancement Scientifically and Technologically and evolve a Genetic form of life maintenance. They move away from Natural Procreation to a method of genetically selected Beings. This existence becomes problematic, suffering in due time. Races of Beings involved loose their natural genetic identity. Almost all of these genetic ventures suffer the same outcome. This is why many worlds seek an original genetic design they can clone. The Human Race still has its original genetic design, so this is highly valued.

                                  Intervention and their Hybrid Beings.

Hybrids are developed this way.

Within the Human body there are organs carrying building blocks of life. It goes without saying then the Alien Intervention will seek our bodily organs. The Alien Intervention is happening in primarily two ways, and the one is through Alien Hybrids. Their origin come from Humans having suffered the trauma of abduction for their Eggs and Sperm. These are used to develop an  Alien preferred Being. It is a compliant crossbreed between Alien and Human. However, do not accept them as a Human Being, they are not Human. Essentially, they are Alien with the familiar Human appearance yet move and work in the world with an Alien mind.

                                 The Hybrid Allegiance? Human Wisdom and the Spirit.

Therefore, we must deal and respond carefully around these Hybrid Beings, knowing they are allegiant and work for the Aliens. Yet I can tell you, intelligence is not Wisdom and this is important and must be part of our awareness. When I refer to Human Advancement, I speak of the Spirit of Knowledge and obtaining a relationship with Knowledge. Essentially, we come to this life has Spirit, to occupy the Physical Being before it is born to the world. Yet the Spirit is incomplete and needs to join with the Greater Spirit of Knowledge.

                                                     Human Vulnerability and Naivety.  

But when we are born our personal mind is empty, it is new unused without experiences of its own. But the Spirit our Soul within the body, also has a mind. Yet it cannot converse with the physical mind. How can it converse with a mind that knows nothing? But the Physical mind is observant and inquisitive and listening. Much it hears it will accepts without question, for it has nothing to qualify what it is told. Therefore the mind at this stage takes in much that is false, being given has baby talk. But has the infant grows and experiences the world most of the information has no foundation in truth. Much is assumption, making the minds education questionable. Making us Vulnerable without information for why you are in the world. Consequently the mind and its body grow, learning what others are telling it.

                                        The Spirits Relationship with the Mind and Body.

The Spirit is trying reach you but you are oblivious it is even there. But here is the thing you see, within the Spirit is the Greater Spirit of Knowledge. It is the Spirit of Knowledge who needs to join with the Spirit who you are. However, all this must wait till the Physical mind and it body has developed sufficiently. This may take

Greater Education is given by The Creator for the Human Family to prepare and advance in the Way of Knowledge

much of your life, or it may not happen at all. Our need to Know is the determining factor here, for we have Spiritual Teachers listening to our every word. Therefore, when we ask within ourselves questions why we are in this life. Or what is the purpose of life. It is here our Spiritual Teachers spring into action, giving us pointers and direction. The Teacher is directing us to the teaching and Practice of Steps to Knowledge. This is so essential for our life, to developing our relationship with the Spirit of Knowledge. The Steps to Knowledge is available in the world, It is within you. How easy it is to reach out then to this Great Spirit. The Spirit of Knowledge will save and protect us from this Alien Intervention. Along with the use of the

A comprehensive Teaching about the Greater Community, and Alien Intervention Reality in our World

   The Great Spiritual Teachings for Our Time

Revelations received by The New Messenger. For example; Preparing for the Greater Community. Along with Greater Community Spirituality and Wisdom from the Greater Community. Teachings never given to Humanity before. In this, everything given has a need and a time. Therefore, the need and the time is now. This world, our world is very much in need at this time. God the Creator has given

They are Wise and Ancient Teachings, created and developed by ancient Races by following the Way of Knowledge.

Therefore, the need and the time is now. This our world is very much in need at this time. God the Creator has given what the Human Family needs to resolve this Alien Intervention. Now is the time to Awaken and Prepare and do what we have come to this life to do. We have all come to the world at this time in order to respond and serve the world. This is now the time. Do not think you can leave for others what you have come to do. You have come to serve and fulfil the purpose given to you. Do not leave  our Future generations to deal with this, it will be far too late. They are unable to resist this Intervention then. The Intervention will have grown in numbers and become too strong.

                 Response is Needed Now at This Time.

Time is desperately late to respond. Your family in generations to come will suffer the consequences of any lack of response then. Here and now you can stand up for them with your response. Otherwise the Human Family will be delivered to certain Slavery, Destitution and Subjugation. This will be your Grandchildren, your Great-grandchildren; surely you cannot let this be the case. Seek the New Messenger from God for direction here. Contact has been made. Engagement is hidden but underway. Its Advancement


unseen but for the visual and abduction implications. It takes the Human Family away from its awareness and truthful Purpose. So Seek the Steps to Knowledge and prepare, let this be your defining moment for Humanity. You can Seek the New Message from God, this will be the start of your journey. Seek the Revelations from God they will give you guidance. Seeking the New Message Worldwide Community will join you with others who have also responded. Seek your relationships with Knowledge and the world. Join with others to remain the Sovereign Race of this world. Our Sovereignty of this world is now in question. Human Spiritual Advancement is crucial; Steps to Knowledge is provide for this.