Alien Invasion

Alien Intervention removing Humanities Integrity.

         Alien Intervention Removing Humanities Integrity


Alien Hybrids Intrusion and manipulation to plunder and violate the Women

 Hybrids have no realisation of Integrity

We are obviously oblivious to the nightmare being played out in
the midst of Humanity, that sadly, Humanity cannot accept or
come to terms with, and to respond to, in order that Humanity
resolve this sick scenario. It comes down to the integrity of
Humanity, that Humanity know so little about, yet there are
others Intervening our world who know exactly what I am
talking about, and to them it is a commercial venture of
Here, I am speaking of Aliens and what they are willing to do in
order for them to subjugate Humanity and ultimately remove
Humanity from their our own planet. To the Alien, integrity is just

Alien Hybrids coming to adulthood violating the Men, Women and Children of Humanity.

another word yet they have no comprehension of its meaning.
What integrity does it take, to abduct a Human Being?
What integrity will it take to invade the body of the Abductee?
What integrity does it take for them to impose their will over those
of Humanity, to violate and abuse Men, Women and Children.

The Alien Beings are trespassing in the realm of Humanity, and
they give no regard or remorse for doing so. They make this is
obvious by the way they treat Human Beings during abduction
events. Humans are taken against their will to make their
prey become compliant and submissive by using their power
of persuasion, then use Mental Intrusion and Manipulation to
make them become part of their Breeding Program that will
remove Humanity purely by the structure of their design, due
to them using Hybrids that go unrecognised in our world.
The Hybrid is not a Human being, they may resemble Human
form, yet their mind and mentality is Alien without the ability to
be Spiritual and recognise or accept the will of the Creator.
To them, there is no Creator of the Universe, there is no inner
Spirit and to them there is only life and its continuation. It is
Humanity that will help these  Aliens maintain continuation,
for they see humanity as expendable in our service to them.

Human Beings have a Spiritual Purpose for their Life.

Humanity understand the meaning of integrity, they try
to live with its meaning on a daily basis, in their involvement with
others, showing honesty, trustworthiness and being loyal to the
values they hold. With this, Humanity also hold dear to Religion
and Spirituality, with a Creator that initiated life and the universe.
Our integrity is something we cannot see yet it is referred to by
others, talking about it as if an attachment to our physical body.
Integrity is known as an indicator for our honesty, sincerity
completeness and wholeness and the values we hold dear.
Yet to understand more fully the meaning of integrity, we only
have to look at its use in applications that are familiar and not
so familiar.

A vehicle or vessel is that which carries a substance or medium,
to be transferred from one place to another place, requiring a vessel
of integrity in order to carry its consignment without spillage or loss.
This integrity has the ability to be damaged and made untrustworthy,
making its service unreliable and unsuitable for the purpose it was
designed for.

If I say, for instance, that I had a bucket to carry milk, from one
place to another, it needs to be completely free of holes or leakage’s
of any kind, for it to be fit for the purpose that it was made for. Even
then, if the bucket was not of the cleanest condition it would not be
suitable for the purpose it is required to carry out. Even so. after years
of good service, it still needs to be maintained to keep that same level
of integrity for its purpose. If, for any reason the bucket becomes
damaged and a leak forms somewhere in the structure of the bucket,
then the buckets integrity is corrupt and is no longer fit for the
purpose it was made for. This applies to all things made for the
purpose of carrying an item of value or need. It may be a bottle,
a saucepan, kettle, envelope, a purse and many many other vessels
or vehicles that we could think of.

The Human body is also a vehicle with special designs for it to
be a vessel or vehicle that makes us the body and Being we are, and
in this, what our body carries within it, is the Spiritual Being we that

we were and still are, before we came to exist within the body in this life.
The Purpose of the vehicle / body in this instance is not only to carry
the Spiritual Being, but also to serve the Spiritual Being and to form
an allegiance with the Spiritual Being, to develop sufficiently through
a special practice known as Steps to Knowledge to raise the
integrity of the mind and body, to align with the Spirit within. This is

A Guidance and Spiritual Assistance and Direction from those calling themselves the Allies of Humanity

the Purpose of the mind and body in this life, yet when the Spirit and
body aligns, the body serves the mind and mind serves the Spirit
to enable the Spirit to deliver Its Purpose to the world.

Our True Allies in the Universe are Known to us.

With this, the Allies of Humanity have given guidance and support to
Humanity through their briefings concerning the Intervention from
Alien Forces that are covertly and deliberately trying to make claims
upon our world through the Intervention, and through the taking of
Men, Women and Childr

that our integrity will be in jeopardy
if we do not take responsible action to prevent this tragedy.
It was the Allies of Humanity that introduced Steps to Knowledge
to Humanity after receiving instruction to do so from those known

the Unseen Ones, advanced Spirits working in conjunction with
The Angelic Assembly that oversees our world and seeing the need
for a self study and training for a relationship with Knowledge.

A Higher level of integrity is needed for the mind and body to carry

out this function with the Spirit, and the preparation is not the normal
form of education, nor the normal curriculum that must be adhered to
in order to achieve the results needed, for our  relationship with the
Spirit, that we were before we came to this life at this time. The body is of the
Physical reality and is made of elements that are contained within the
Physical reality. The Spirit though, is made of elements that are of our
Ancient Home that is of an Ancient and Spiritual Heritage. This is
where our Ancient Home resides, in the Cusp of the Creator of all life,
in a state of Inclusion with all that exists within our Ancient Home.
This was the only reality and existence, yet there became a need for
experience of being responsible by some of the Spirits and to not be
be reliant on the Creator for there needs.

The Creator recognised the need of the Spirits and their understanding
to be self sustaining. The Creator started the Creation of the Physical
Reality that was to take eons of what we call time, in stark contrast to
the understanding of the Religions of our time now. When the Physical
Reality became available the Creator could not let the Spirits leave
without them having a way back to their Ancient Home and back to the
Creator. So the Creator placed the Great Spirits of Knowledge within
each Spirit before they left for the Physical Reality. The process of
Spirits leaving the Creator is known as The Separation.

And can be found in the Book, The One God Chapter 4
The Creator knew what could transpire for the Spirits

The Book, The One God

within this New existence, and knew that Knowledge, the Great Spirit
would be the Spirits only way back to the Creator. This is still the case,
the way back to the Creator and our Ancient Home can only
be accomplished through Knowledge.

The Integrity of the Mind and Body must align with the Spirit

and BodyThe transitionary journey back to our Ancient Home and to the

Creator, is a journey of Spiritual Practice, yet the Spirit is within the
body of flesh waiting for the mind of the body to align itself into a
purposeful arrangement of the body serving the mind and the mind
serving the Spirit. This is the appropriate way for the Hierarchy to be
adopted in order for the correct alignment to be formed, for the
Spiritual Practice to give meaning direction and Purpose.
The Practice that is used is Steps to Knowledge giving us preparation.
At this time, in the evolution of humanity the minds of humanity are
not being used appropriately, for they are given to self gratification
war and destruction, and abuse of the world they live upon. They have
stripped the worlds resources to the limit of no return. Because of this
want and destruction, there is an Intervention in the world from other
Races of the Greater Community, that understand Humanity to be
lacking in intelligence and a threat to the worlds in the same vicinity.
Therefore, there is an intervention against Humanity and when
complete, will be an irreversible move against humanity. The
Intervention is to replace Humanity as the sovereign Race of Beings
for our world. Humanity will be removed permanently.

Those that are trying to replace Humanity are Beings designed and
created by Aliens, through a breeding program being initiated by what
are known as Hybrids, they are similar to the Human Being but have
loyalty and allegiance to the Alien race that designed them and
programmed them to do what they are doing. What they are doing,
is abducting men women and children and removing their sperm and
eggs in order to produce Hybrid Beings. At the same time, the Hybrids
that are maturing into adulthood are being used to plunder the women
of Humanity by making them compliant and submissive to their art
of persuasion by using Mental Intrusion and Mental Manipulation,
delving deep into the mind of the woman, subjected to the plunder
against their Humanity and will. This is the Violation of men women
and even children, subjecting them to untold horrors and mental
cruelty and all done in the deceit of secrecy not only violating them
once or twice, but many many times, over and over again.
Here they lose their integrity, and our integrity is vital in forming a
relationship with Knowledge. This Alien replacement Hybrid
has no integrity or Spirituality, if they had they would not be in our world.

So, the integrity of the Mind and body is very important and is required
for us in serving the Great Spirit within us. This is imperative for us
in returning to our Creator and Ancient Home. But the situation is grave
for Humanity and its Future in our world. Humanity will lose its Freedom
and become a race in servitude to its Alien masters, who wish to remove
Humanity from being the Race in control of this Beautiful world, in order
for the Aliens to remove the Planets resources, of great value to other
worlds in The Greater Community, and in this, they will sell them on to other
worlds, worlds that have outstripped their own resources and now rely
up on the trade of the Resource Explorers to continue to survive.
There are many hundreds of thousands of worlds in this situation, and
at the mercy of the Resource Explorers. If Humanity is to have a future
here, in its own world, then Humanity must respond to this great threat.
To stand as onlookers at our own tragedy and extinction from being the
Spiritual Race we are, then we must respond. To do this, we must turn to
Knowledge and take up the practice of Steps To Knowledge, for then
we start to take control of our own destiny. We must remember,
Knowledge is within us even as I write these words, Knowledge is with
you. It awaits for your involvement and need to serve the Great Spirit
the Creator has placed within you for times such as these, For the
Creator could see this eventuality and situation arising, the Creator
and Knowledge are our true Heritage for we are the Spirits that came
from the Creator that the Aliens are trying to imprison. Our alignment
with the Great Spirit of Knowledge is our redeemer and guardian, even
now at this late hour in our evolution we can respond. Come with an
open heart and an open mind to the practice of Steps to Knowledge.

Let me leave you with this quote from the:

Steps to Knowledge Continuation Training

Steps to Knowledge Continuation Training

Step 48.
In the Greater Community
You will not be Free.

We present this practice today to counteract
many prevailing notions that people have that if
they can escape the limitations of the world and enter into a
Greater Community of intelligent life then they will naturally
be liberated and freed. This et of assumptions exits because
people have associated the Greater Community with their
heavenly state. They look at the stars and they say” That is
the Heavenly abode. I will be free there. In the world I am
not free. But there I will be free.” And this assumption has
been reinforced throughout the centuries, so people naturally
think that visitors from the Greater Community will be
angelic and will be enlightened and will be coming here for
the sole purpose of edifying humanity, uplifting humanity and
enlightening humanity.

are and how people will not question them, believing in them
so fervently and placing so much hope and expectation upon
them. But it is Our responsibility to teach you about life in the
Greater Community and to prepare you for life in the Greater
Community so the you will be able to distinguish your allies
from your potential adversaries and be able to understand how
to engage with other forces of intelligent life with wisdom and
discernment. Neglecting to do this would be to deny humanity
its freedom and self-determination in the future.

responsibility. In the Greater Community, you will not be free
unless you can establish your freedom and maintain it. In the
Greater Community, you will be persuaded unless you can gain
Knowledge and establish a foundation for it within your life.
You may ask then, “Is the Greater Community an evil place
or place without grace?” Certainly not. It is simply like your
world, only far bigger and far more complicated. Therefore,
it requires a greater power an a greater presence of mind.
This is redeeming for you, for you need this And the very
circumstances that will require it now exist within the world.

You have great friends there. You have allies. There are cultures
that have achieved high levels of Knowledge, but they are not
the ones travelling all over the universe interfering with other
races. You have much to learn about the Greater Community,
and today we take another step in that direction.

This is an urgent need for Humanity, to seek and align ourselves with
the great Spirit within us, for with Knowledge we will not lose our
freedom for Knowledge will guide us against the actions of those
who perpetrate these crimes against humanity. Here, we will be able
to seek and encounter them and remove them from our world.
We must learn about the importance of our Freedom and the
Freedom to use our authority, for Knowledge is our authority.