Alien Invasion

Allies Give Humanity Emergence Guidance.

The Observers of Intervention

Allies give Humanity Emergence guidance into the Greater Community.

What Allies are we speaking of here? Surely, true
Allies are those who are there for you, in times of
trouble, that join in dialogue with you for your
advancement and security. They are those who
give guidance and a way forward when you are
stumbling for resolution to the important issues
in your life and you may not even be aware of
these issues to begin with. Allies can be trusted
to watch your back and give you information,
you will surely miss for yourself.
They will suffer the consequences, even death to
remain loyal in their allegiance to your cause.
Do you know or recognise any of these qualities,
within Human experience across the world, in
a frame-work of reality.
You will certainly find these scenario’s in the
realm of make believe, in films created for the
cinema or television. You will read about it in
multitudes of fiction based novels, on sale at
any book stall.
But have you actually witnessed this bravery,
and this sacrifice in total loyalty to the cause of
an Ally. You may have witnessed the act of valour,
when someone has acted from pure reflex, in an
attempt to save someone from serious harm or
death, and in doing so have suffered or even
given their life in saving another. This is rare, and
not the common reaction for people, yet certainly
these instances happen in regard to the bravery
of those who risk their own life in saving others
in their desperate circumstances.
This is also an act of caring and bravery. But,
a true Ally will be ready to commit themselves
at the needed moment, knowing it will have
to be done. Humanity has such Allies that give
of themselves in the advancement of Humanity
and have done so already. The Allies of Humanity
are not presenting themselves to Humanity in
a physical nature. They are far too evolved to
do this. They have a dedicated and robust
foundation for their life, from the Spiritual Practice
of Steps to Knowledge. Here, their education

A Guidance and Spiritual Assistance and Direction from those calling themselves the Allies of Humanity

gives them responsibility and understanding to
not trespass into other worlds without committing
to the protocols of that worlds ethos of contact,
from Beings not of that world. So, they remain
at a point of discretion and beyond the confines
of our world, in order to observe movements of
comings and goings of Alien Colonialists in our
world, moving with stealth and secrecy and
who do not have the sense of responsibility
and discretion of our Allies. These visitors are
Intervening in our world for reasons of gain and
to have an advantage over Humanity in their
secrecy. It is important to understand and not
confuse these Aliens with those who are our
Those acting in secrecy are here to deceive
Humanity, they are in no way friends of humanity,
or to give enlightenment to Humanity, regardless
of what they convey, their presence in our world
is being kept secret and undisclosed to the
populations of our world for reasons of their
security, and having influence over Humanity.
Our Allies and friends understand only too well
what is happening here, for they also have had
to repel Alien settlers from their world. This
happened at a time in their past, when Alien
Beings arrived without warning, saying they
came wishing to be their friends and are visiting
with friendly intentions of helping their world to
evolve and integrate into the Greater community
of Worlds. Our Allies at this time in their evolution
were naive and gullible, just has Humanity are
also naive and gullible now.
Time passed, those Aliens who had gained
access to their world were slowly taking control
of our Allies world, making changes not agreed
upon. Yet our Allies still had greater control than
their visitors. But, like the help we are having from
our Allies, they also received help from Beings
who observed the Alien incursion into their
world, and knowing the true intentions of their
visitors, of taking full control of our Allies world.
It was only when they were contacted by those
who gave them information of what their Alien
visitors were intending to do, that they gained full
understanding of the errors they had made in
allowing their visitors the ability to be in control
within their world and not having the discernment
to identify their intentions. Those who came to
their aid only gave advice, preparation, practice
and gave Greater Community Way of Knowledge.
This in itself, and the Steps to Knowledge, began
the start of taking back control. Sadly, for our
Allies, the situation in their world had advanced

their new found world. This was to prove a
terrible time for our Allies, in having to resort to
force and conflict. This caused the loss of many
lives in their world, a loss of which they mourn
to this day.
When those who came to the aid of our Allies,
needed to go back to their world, they told our
Allies, a time will come, when you will also
need to assist others in need of your advice
and assistance, as you were in need at this time.
It had been a long time, when they were
informed by the Unseen Ones, of a world in
need of help and assistance to regain the
control of their world. They were asked to
go and observe the activity of intruders in the
world of Humanity, and then report the findings
to Marshall Vian Summers, the New Messenger
from the God in our world. This they have done

The New Messenger from God,
Marshall Vian Summers

and in the process of attending to this task
there was a great tragedy, for those who were
being observed, became aware of observers
overseeing them and suspected what they
were doing. Instantly Our Allies took flight
away from where their hide away was to avoid
being captured, for if this happened, then their
world would suffer at the hands of their
pursuers. If captured, our Allies would under-go
serious damage in order for their captors to
gain information of their origin and home.
Even then they knew they would be destroyed
after the event of interrogation by those
pursuing them. They tried everything to escape
from their pursuers and they knew the time
was quickly approaching for them to take the
only action open to them. These brave beings
took the only way open for them. They destroyed
themselves and their craft in order to save their
own world any repercussions for their actions.

Humanity learned of this tragedy, from the
continued communications with the other Allies
that were out of sight from the Intervention
Forces, and were not discouraged by the deaths
of their colleagues, for they understood the
seriousness of their objectives in doing these
Those Allies that lost their lives were replaced
by others understanding the urgency to keep the
observations of those intervening in our world
going. All this happened without the awareness
of Humanity, with the exception of Gods New
Messenger, Marshall Vian Summers. He alone
received all the information gathered by our
Allies and delivered it to Humanity in the form
of three books. These books go by the name of
The Allies of Humanity, Book 1,Book 2 and Book 3.
They are set out in the format of Briefings, and our
Allies hold nothing back, they tell it exactly has it is.
They can be obtained free of charge on line at,
The New Message from God.
You will learn so much more about those who are
not only visiting our world but are remaining in our
world, under the sea and underground, to remain
hidden, and stay in our world in secret and away
from the public domain. There are some who are
here as spectators, and have come to witness how
Humanity respond to those who are here to take
possession of this world and to use Humanity as
resources in their need to process our world into
commodities of commercial value and then use

The Greater Community Revelations

them as items for sale to those worlds that are resource destitute. This happens to worlds in the
Greater Community, due to continued investment
in the relentless seeking of new technology and its
continued overuse of their resources to maintain
the manufacturing of these products of temporary
value. Yet this type of activity, will soon deplete a
worlds resources if they are not secured and used
with close observation, for the resources of any
world are to serve the thousands of generations
into the future of worlds, and not just for those who
wish to use them for their personal use and gain.
Yet this happens in worlds where selfishness and
greed supersede the needs of generations to come
in the future.
The resources of our world are so valuable to
these worlds, for they will not care from where they
came, or who will go without, as long as they can
take possession of them. It is toward this end that
those Alien Forces that are in our world are working.
Vast fortunes are to be made in the Greater
Community, specially if you can deceive and distort
what you are doing to represent something
acceptable to those who are their target.
The Beings doing this in our world are not here
to make friends with Humanity, they have no such
sentiments for Humanity. The see Humanity as an
ignorant and backward Race, only concerned with
creating wars, destroying their environments and
wasting their resources. For Humanity are one of
those Races in the process of depleting their valued
resources. Yet, with all their faults, Humanity are a
young Race of Beings and still have a spark for
the Creator of all life, where-as many Races have
turned away from the Creator and chosen the path
of control, conformity and genetic manipulation to
enhance their Races from those they subjugate
for their resources. Here, Humanity have a rare ability
in the Greater Community, an ability that comes from
living on the surface of our Planet, because in doing
this we have had to live with the many different types
of bacteria, deceases, virus’s, all by-products of
living on the surface of our world. Humanity have
adapted to this situation through the forces of
nature and have built up a resistance to these
biological death-traps. Humanity have their immune
system that helps them live in this demanding
environment, and is something the Alien Beings are
now working to overcome what they consider to
be Humanities strength. This is an advantage for
any Race of Beings, particularly when you are in
the business of resource explorers. To be able to
join our gene structure to their gene structure,
would give them superior strength over their rivals.
This works in the favour of those intervening in
our world, in two ways, for they have set up a Gene
manipulation program that works in both ways.
One, to remove the current form of Human Being,
by using their advanced Gene technology to
create a Being more compliant and responsive
to their rule. Two, these new Beings have been put in
place within and among the human race.
They resemble the Human Being, but truthfully
they are not the Being the Creator put in place
in this world and will not recognise the Creator
to be their creator. These Beings are known as
Hybrid Beings, and their task in this world, is to
mate with the natural Human Being and bring
forth their offspring to rule over the Native Beings
of this world, and then use them as slaves, as we
have used the beast in the field, the horse in the
mines and the slaves we have created in our
recent history.
The Hybrid will also be used in their search for
resources in other worlds because they will be
stronger and more durable than those presently
used, by having an immune system taken from
the Human Being. This is also the reason why                                           Humanity has suffered so many Alien abductions.

Our Allies were sent to Observe the situation in
our world by those known as the Unseen Ones.
Their work in our world is to create the path for
the future of Humanity. They work preparing the
way ahead for our future relationships with other
worlds and this is done in conjunction with the
Angelic Assembly of our world. The Creator of
all life knows what is happening with Humanity,
through the Angelic Assembly and it is they who
translate the words of the Creator into the
language humanity understands. This is why
there is a New Messenger in the world. To
warn and prepare Humanity of the their stark
emergence into the Greater Community of
Worlds and the advancing threats from the

Revelations for what is on the Horizon of Humanities Immediate Future.

Great Waves of Change.                                                                                                The help and
preparation, comes in the Way of Knowledge,
the same preparation and practice used by
our Allies. It is an ancient preparation designed
for developing our relationship with the
Great Spirit of Knowledge within us. This
Great Spirit was put within the Spirit we are, by
the Creator as we set out on our experience of
Separation from the Creator. This is carried by
the Spirit and is born to the world through the
birth of the body of flesh, but the Great Spirit is
like a seed waiting to germinate through the
interaction of the mind and body. And it is the
preparation and practice of Steps to Knowledge.
that will achieve our relationship with Knowledge,
and is the Creators help for Humanity, in removing
the presence of intervention in our world by
those Alien Invasion Forces and their agents in our
world. It is the Will of the Creator, that Humanity
have command over the Intervention to emerge
into the Greater Community with their freedom
intact and not under subjugation.
With Knowledge, Humanity will have the greatest
power in the universe at their side, to protect
and guide the follower of Knowledge.
Knowledge is the part of the Creator that will
show Humanity the way forward.
With this, everyone being born to this world
not encumbered by the Alien intervention, has
been born with the purpose of serving Humanity
in its removal of the Intervention Forces from
our World. The time is late, for the Alien
Intervention in our world is well advanced and
is presumed a done job. But this is not the truth,
for with Knowledge, this can be turned into a
victory for Humanity. Though it will be an encounter
of epic proportions, Humanity have so much more
to lose. Here everyone is needed in this epic
challenge for survival, everyone is needed to
bring about security and freedom of Humanity.
All who are reading this post are here to answer
their Calling in life, without you, Humanity may fail.
What could you do with your life if your freedom
is taken from you. Who else can you turn to, in
time for Humanity to succeed in their challenge.
The Creator has given the help they need, you
and the Knowledge within you are the help and
the way forward. Practice the Steps to Knowledge
and be a Force for Good in the world, and prevent
Humanity losing its Freedom in the Universe.

[quote]     Steps to Knowledge
The Continuation Training

Step 48.
We present this practice today to counteract
many prevailing notions that people have, that if
they can escape the limitations of the world and enter into a
Greater Community of intelligent life, then they will Naturally
be liberated and freed. This set of assumptions exists because
people have associated the Greater Community with their
heavenly state. They look to the stars and they say, “That is
the heavenly abode. I will be free there. In the world I am
not free. But there I will be free.” And this assumption has
been reinforced throughout the centuries, so people naturally
think that visitors from the Greater Community will be
angelic and will be enlightened and will be coming here for
the sole purpose of edifying humanity, uplifting humanity and
enlightening humanity.[/quote]

[quote]  It is incredible how well established these assumptions
are and how people will not question them, believing in them
so fervently and placing so much hope and expectation upon
them. But it is Our responsibility to teach you about life in the
Greater Community and to prepare you for life in the Greater
Community so that you will be able to distinguish your allies
from your potential adversaries and be able to understand how
to engage with other forces of intelligent life with wisdom and
discernment. Neglecting to do this would be to deny humanity
its freedom and self-determination in the future.[/quote]

[quote]   Therefore, We cannot neglect this primary
Responsibility. In the Greater Community, you will not be free
unless you can establish your freedom and maintain it. In the                  Greater Community, you will be persuaded unless you can gain
Knowledge and establish a foundation for it within your life.
You may ask then, “Is the greater Community an evil place
or a place without grace?” Certainly not. It is simply like your
world, only far bigger and far more complicated. Therefore,
it requires a greater power and a greater presence of mind.
This is redeeming for you, for you need this. And the very
circumstances that require it now exist within the world.[/quote]