Alien Invasion

Collectives. Who are they? Why are they Here?


Abduction of Humans by Collectives
Collectives in the process of Abducting Humans

Collectives, Who are they? Why Are They Here? And the greater question is. What Do They Want? The Human Family is under Siege from Alien Beings and this Siege is known as Intervention in our world. There is much to be discovered and learned here, for what you discover will be true; your challenge is denial here. But remember, even though it is hard to accept, it is true none the less. This is an urgent need to know for Humanity; making this urgent to be revealed. Yes, our Human Family has been kept deprived of information they certainly must know; and is now late in forthcoming. Not informing the world, leaves the Human Family with no recourse for the future, for there will be no future. What is little understood here, is that Collectives and Resource Explorers abduct thousands of people year after year and they and never return. This is done with stealth and guile, and they are kept without receiving any explanation. Some do not survive;  becoming sick and die. But even here the Collectives have a use for them; they are used as biological resources. In the Greater Community, biological resources are highly valued; body organs, skin, blood, plasma, bone marrow and DNA hold valuable chemicals. From these, medicines can be made. They can be used for breeding new life forms for they are building blocks of life. Our World the home of the Human Family is under Siege by Beings from the Greater Community of Worlds. To humanity The Greater Community it is known as the Galaxy. Those Alien Beings intervening in our world are well known in The Greater Community as Economic Collectives. There are many others who are similar waiting in the wings, so to speak, known as Resource Explorers. They are waiting to have their chance at

Life in the Universe is one of the revealing Revelations Given by God the Creator. Only the Creator knows what is happening in the Universe

intervening in our world. But at this time we are under intervention from Economic Collectives. So what are Economic Collectives? Our world exists in a much larger Greater Community of intelligent life. Has this becomes revealed it will correct Humanities understanding of Life in the Universe. Yes, intelligent life in the Universe is plentiful, but in many worlds where intelligent life exists their resources become exhausted. This happens because more often than not, worlds follow the path of Technology to the point it becomes their religion. Relatively speaking, our world has just started out on this path, with little understanding that we are also exhausting our natural resources. Economic Collectives are not spiritual Beings though they will say many things relating to this. The truth here is they are a Commercial Enterprise. Essentially they are opportunists and Predators, seeking out natural resources to supply worlds that have used up their natural resources. This is a very lucrative Enterprise for the Collectives; coming at a very high price for worlds in need. The problem here for the worlds who have used up their natural resources; they face extinction without them! Our world and the Human Family live on a planet endowed with spectacular beauty and abundance of natural resources. The Planet Earth has been visited in the past by various Alien Races to replenish their world’s natural environments. They were careful where they went and how they moved within our world for it has a very hostile biological environment. They came and went leaving no trace of their visit to our planet. But times and circumstances have changed on our planet, for the Human Family have evolved as the Stewards for Planet Earth. If we are truthful, we have not served our Planets best interests as its Stewards. We are all responsible for the wellbeing of our world, the environments in particular we have neglected. We have pillaged the natural resources of our world, and predominately over the last few centuries. We are using up our natural resources at an unparalleled rate, and this is not sustainable. Why are the Economic Collectives here in our world? Our Planets abuse and neglect by Humanity while Races in the Greater Community observed this neglect; more importantly by Economic Collectives. This was no accident you see, for they have been watching our world for many years. Noting our evolvement and crude advancement in fields of engineering and scientific endeavours. The Collectives witnessed the Two World Wars and the destruction of many Humans and wild life. The Collectives observed how we have degraded our environments by using and testing Atomic Weapons. Although at the time it was done to stop a great war and its inherent destruction if it continued. It was also done indiscriminately across our Planet, and done to further the aims of conquest. The Collectives understood this as the Human Family taking a path of self-destruction. Without permission to be in our world the Collectives started moving in our world to create their agenda. This was the start of the Alien Abduction program. People have been taken for many decades, many never returning to their families and loved ones. The Collectives over time put together their Hybrid Being agenda, by using and manipulating Human Sperm and Eggs. Here they crossbred Alien biology with Human biology to produce Hybrids who are loyal and allegiant to the Collectives. What do the Collectives want from our world? The Collectives are not in our world to make friends but secure the Planets resources for themselves. They are here as predators against the Human Family and have little regard for Human Beings. To achieve their aims and goals, they have installed their preferred Being in our world. Their preferred Being is their Hybrid and hundreds of thousand of living Humans have been taken for this endeavour. The experience of being abducted was to terrifying for many and they died and collapsed in the process. But they were not treated with respect, and their bodies were used as resources for their building blocks of life. The Collectives are here to take advantage of the Human Family and use them for their benefit. They will use the Human Race as slave workers to remove the world’s resources. Humans will not have a choice here; they must become allegiant to the Alien Hybrid. Those who resist will be deemed as

Marshall Vian Summers, Gods New Messenger for the World.

rebels and heretics and suffer the fate of becoming resources of the Collectives. When they have obtained all our Planets resources they will leave the remaining Human Family with nothing to survive with. It may be, they will keep this world to further their wealth by replenishing those resources that are of value. These resources will be of an organic nature and the Human Body would be used for this purpose. How as this information become known? Many years ago now, a New Messenger from God; Marshall Vian Summers was sent into the world. He has come to Teach and Guide the Human Family about Living in The Way of Knowledge. The Creator of All Life understands the Human predicament and why its predator adversaries are installing themselves in our world. With this, the Creator has given the Human Family what is needed to remove this Siege and Intervention upon the world. Through the Unseen Ones, the Creator has also given support for the Human Family, from those with experience of Alien Intervention. This support comes from those who call themselves The Allies of Humanity. They are not going to remove this

The Allies of Humanity give guidance and Assistance in dealing with the Collective Intervention and its removal through the Spirit of Knowledge.

Intervention; rather they give the Human Family information to achieving this. They are our True Allies and not like those who are now in our world. Our Allies are Spiritual Beings and will not come to our world  to interfere as the Collectives are doing. Their words to the Human Family are part of The New Message from God. They are part of the Greatest Revelations ever to be given the people of the world, to learn and develop. This is development for Emerging into the Greater Community of Worlds, an experience the world is unaware of and without understand. The Human Family is up

Living the Way of Knowledge is part of our True Reality and is needed to remove the  Intervention in our world

against those who manipulate worlds Mental Environments and use them to their advantage. The New Messenger has received and is still receiving the Revelations; over 9,000 pages have been delivered now. Within these Revelations is Living the Way of Knowledge made possible through the practice of Steps to Knowledge. It is a preparation to develop a relationship with the Spirit living within you. Here you develop all the qualities of Listening, Looking, Seeing and Knowing, for Knowledge, the Great Spirit will work through you. Here the body and its mind does not have a Spirit. It is rather the Spirit has a vehicle for navigating the world through the mind and body. Here you will Know how to remove those who have taken Siege of our world. Here you join with others you have Purpose with in this life. With this you become a Force for Good in the world and become the Truth of whom you are. The

A comprehensive Teaching about the Greater Community, Alien Intervention Reality

Revelations will aid you in gaining a deeper comprehension of your life and here, there are many Revelations to discover. Preparing for the Greater Community is but one example, it is a mind-expanding experience of truth. Then there is The Great Waves of Change that gives you a glimpse of the future and how to prepare for it. Here the

Revelation and Preparation for the Reality of what Change is on the Horizon of Humanities Immediate Future and The Alien Intervention and Invasion in our World

Creator gives guidance and a warning, and there is a need here to read and understand the Creators Message. If you value the Human Families Sovereignty of this world; then you must understand where your loyalty must lie. The Hybrids have been placed in our world by the Economic Collectives. They are not, has some would have you believe, to be the natural evolution of the Human Being. They are no such things; they are a product of abducted Human Beings, merged with Genes of Alien and Human species. The Hybrid is a purpose made Being, biologically and mentally tied to their Alien producers. This is important for the Collectives, for they remain in control of their investments here. The truth of their investment is the Planet and Human resources, geological and biological; wanting to take ownership of them. The future of the Human Family is seriously at risk here, and the need to respond to its situation is critical. Do not be in denial here, go check out the facts represented in this post. Go seek the New Messenger from God, Marshall Vian Summers. Go seek the Steps to Knowledge and learn to look without the inhibitions of the mind and its preconceived ideas. Go see with a clear and open mind, for you who are reading this message are here for a Purpose. Its time to awaken to the demise of the Human Family. It is time to prepare with others at the World Wide Community Site for The New Message from God. The fate of the Generations to come is held in our response here, they have no chance to respond. You have their future in your response.


                     The  Collectives Intentions Are Not Spiritual.

                      Allies of Humanity; Book One.

                                           Fourth Briefing,

                                             Paragraph 47.

      If humanity should fail in opposing the Intervention, we can 
      paint a picture of what this would mean. We have seen it 
      elsewhere, for each one of us came very close, within our 
      own worlds. Being part of a Collective, the planet Earth will 
      be mined for its resources, its people will be corralled to 
      work and its rebels and heretics will be either alienated or 
      destroyed. The world will be preserved for its agriculture and 
      its mining interests. Human societies will exist, but only in 
      subordination to powers from beyond your world. And should 
      the world exhaust its usefulness, should its resources be 
      completely taken, then you will be left, bereft. The supportive 
      life upon your world will have been taken from you; the very 
      means of survival will have been stolen. This has happened 
      before in many other places.