Alien Invasion

Control in the Mental Environment! Is it Human or Alien?

Control in the Mental Environment is a New Education for Humanity
Control in the Mental Environment of our World! Is it Human or Alien? Humanity must learn of the Mental Environment and gain Control here.

Control in the Mental Environment of our World! Is it Human or Alien? What then is the Mental Environment? This environment is created by all the thinking minds, in your location, community, Nation and the World. Wherever you are there is, or has been mental activity. Even more so today, it is affecting our world. The places where emotional Mental activity is generated it attaches itself. Whether it is fearful, sad, happy or hopeful these Mental emotions become attached to that place. Therefore, creating a force within that environment. Unless you are out in the wide-open spaces of nature then this is the case. In the open places they dissipate has their is nothing to contain them. If you enter a room where an argument is in progress. You will know you have opened the right door, at the wrong time. Have you ever attended a function involving many people? If so, then you will certainly feel the pressure of the Mental Environment. Depending what these gathering are for and its nature, will depend how it affects you. At a funeral, the nature of the atmosphere is very strong, maybe overwhelming. At a wedding it is lighter and happy for guests and family members. The Mental Environment of communities, cities, nations and worlds can be

Learning about Control in our worlds Mental Environment is the Education for Life in the Universe.

influenced. Right or wrong, I must tell you, our world is being influenced in the Mental Environment. Let’s make this clear then, Humanity knows nothing about what Life in the Universe is like! We have made many assumptions and have dreams about what we wish it to be. For thousands of years we have looked at the Night Sky saying. That is Heaven, Our Heavenly Abode. There I will be free. In this world I am not free! This is primitive thinking, naive and silly. The Universe is like our world but far greater; far more complicated than we can imagine. What we see in the Sky is The Greater Community of Worlds, another name for the Galaxy. This is why we associate Beings from Space as Angelic and Spiritual Beings. Yet where does this idea come from? There are Aliens in our world and The Greater Community is where they come from. They are here to take

Reality of The Greater Community in our world is why we need this New Spiritual Preparation and Education. A Revelation revealing the Hidden Alien Intervention.

Control in our Worlds Mental Environment. Moreover, it is to Control all the thinking minds within this Environment. It is an Alien Control to Influence and put persuasion upon our world! The Human Family has lived within this Control for many decades now. Starting in the late 1940s continuing till this day. Think about this, making your own investigations here. Think of all the devices that were in the world then? Now look around the world and see all the vastly improved devices here now. Moreover, many are about communication! Yes, Humanity has made many discoveries. First came the Telegraph and Postal Service. Then came the Telephone, followed by the Radio and soon after came the Television. Believe it or not, this was the beginning of the age of Higher Technology and Communication. Albeit, primitive and lacking. But this was seen by the extraterrestrials has an opportunity. The ET’s in question are opportunistic in their cause and their design. More to the point is, they have predatory instincts, seeking Control over other worlds Resources. Meanwhile, Humanity continued about its conflicts and wars, our normal way of life. Would you not say this was routine for Humanity, even to this day! However, our world was involved with two World Wars with only twenty years between them. Consequently, culminating with the birth of nuclear weapons. This was a deciding factor for the ET’s; they had done and completed their observations and preparations. In the late 1940s came the start of the Alien Intervention in our world. The Intervention is an Economic Collective Enterprise of Beings. Similar to what we call Mercenaries. Many of them are types of Hybrid Beings. Genetically designed to fill a role and purpose within this Enterprise. The Abduction of Humans then, was to develop and introduce Hybrid Beings in our world. The Abductees are used to gather Human genetics through Eggs and Sperm. These are then combined with Alien genetics to crossbreed a New Being. A Hybrid Being looking similar to a Human but with an Alien Mentality. They are not Human. And are not your Family or Kindred, they are your Predators!! They wish to discreetly remove the Sovereignty of this world from the Human Family! Making The Human Race Slaves to the Hybrids placed in our world. To do this however, they start with seeking to Control Humanity in our Worlds Mental Environment. They have been designed to do this work, here they are very experienced. The Intervention started their Abduction program, taking men, women and children, causing bewilderment and confusion for Humanity. Additionally, an Alliance between the Intervention and a Human Military Scientific Unit was secretly established. This helped to secure highly sort after Alien material, equipment and Space Craft designs. This Military Unit also conceded to the abduction of Humans! The Aliens true agenda was unknown to this Military Unit. Yet on its discovery the Alliance was ended. Even so, what is it the Alien Intervention seeks from Humanity? It will be everything they can sell or exchanged in the Greater Community. To be blunt and to the point they are not a charity, but a Commercial Enterprise. Here they will be looking to gain the advantage. They have made great outlays in costs and time, and this must be reimbursed. You must consider what they can sell to those in need in the Greater Community. Here, everything has its value. Worlds have depleted their own Natural Resources, through extravagant overuse of them. Worlds have outstripped their own Genetic structure and seek another structure. Our Genetic structure is unblemished and will be in demand. Worlds will require the building blocks of life, in order to regenerate their own Race. These are needed in the Greater Community. They will be used in the development of barren worlds, turning them into habitable worlds. This involves all life in our world! Everything Humanity has will be wanted and will be taken from our world. Moreover, in our world, the various life supporting structures are basically the same. They either use Blood or Chlorophyll. The difference between them is the atom in its molecule structure. In Blood it is an iron atom making the Blood red. In Chlorophyll it is a magnesium atom making it Green. They both support the life in each type of life structure. Blood and Chlorophyll will definitely be required. Likewise, the various Organs of the Human body, including Bone Marrow, Skin, Liver, Lungs, Brain Stem. It also applies to the same parts of all the Animals and Plants. In pertaining to life forms in the Greater Community, they will be of Great value there. These are the main resources they will require. Of cause, the rare geological Minerals and Metals will be required. Some of them the Human Family is yet to discover. Only if Humanity is delusional and weak can they become compliant and submissive allowing this atrocity to happen. Slowly, and wilfully the Alien Intervention works in our Mental Environment. Gaining Control over Humanity is vital for them. Enabling them to influence, manipulate and persuade us to be subservient and compliant to their needs. Likewise, this procedure also needs Control to simulate Natural Human evolvement. Here they work and move surreptitiously, stealthily taking command of our Mental

The Allies of Humanity give guidance and Assistance in dealing with the Collective Intervention and its removal through the Spirit of Knowledge.

Environment. Our Mental Environment then, becomes a tool and a weapon in this regard. With prior observations and preparations they know Humanity have no awareness of the Mental Environment! Without involvement from The Allies of Humanity and New Messenger from God, it would still be hidden. In truth, the Allies of Humanity are a Blessing for Humanity. They have come to observe our world; requested by the Unseen Ones. They are Angelic Beings, doing work for the Creator in the Universe. The Unseen Ones know and understand this Alien Intervention, and the danger it represent for Humanity. Furthermore, the New Messenger from God in the world came from the Angelic Assembly. He came in the

A comprehensive Teaching about the Greater Community, and Alien Intervention Reality in our World

late 1940s not receiving his mission in the world until 1983. Yet in that time, He lived with questions He could not find answers for. Our Allies make notes of the Alien activity, its coming and going within our world. Then communicated their reports in briefings to Gods New Messenger. They are now published for the worlds learning and to start Preparing For The Greater Community. To fully understand the Alien Intervention and connection this has for the Human Race. This Consequence means Humanity is now Emerging into The Greater Community of Worlds. Essentially our identity in the Greater Community until now was not known. But now, the Alien Intervention in our world has pulled Humanity into Greater Community recognition! Therefore, like the native tribes in the jungle always hidden, we have now been discovered. This is a dangerous time for any world. Even if we remove this Intervention. Now we are known and will be the target of others, such as Resource Explorers. It is at these times in our evolution, being at the crossroads and vulnerable. God the Creator sends a New Messenger into the world. For the world needs a New Education for the future and to shake off this Intervention. Understanding the Mental Environment is but one issue for Humanity. Moreover, the stage of the Human Families evolution is Adolescent. Therefore in the

The New Messenger a Prophet and a Teacher for Our times and Times to Come of Critical Change for the world.
Marshall Vian Summers, Gods New Messenger for the World.

Greater Community we need to become Adults, gain intellectual advancement and Higher Wisdom. At this time we are not in Control. Hence, Humanity need to regain their Control appropriately. To do this we need a New Education using a curriculum not designed by ourselves. How can we create the right curriculum not knowing what is required? This is why God the Creator has given this New and needed Education. We need Wisdom and Control to remain free in the Greater Community. Otherwise we will fail and be completely overtaken by Economic Collectives or Resource Explorers. The New Messenger   Marshall Vian Summers, has received over 9,000 pages of Revelations to use in our new Education. The Steps to Knowledge is a prime Learning, Practice and Education for these times. It develops our Spirituality and potential to form our Relationship with the Great Spirit of

The Book, The One God

Knowledge. One of the Great mysteries for Humanity is to know why we are in this life? This is very fundamental you see. Truthfully I tell you, we are Spirit living in the body of flesh. This is The Separation from our God and Creator. The Revelation The One God opens our mind to this truth. Why do you feel we have been Adolescent for so long? How could this happen when God sends Messengers, Teachers and Prophets to the world? God the Creator initiated all the major religions of the world. However, it is man that misused, abused and misinterpreted them for their own power over the populations. This removed the original meaning of Gods Message at those times. Leaving Humanity

In the Greater Community There are Sentient Wise and Intelligent Beings and many Beings of Conformity

floundering in Adolescence and without Wisdom and Control. All the previous Messengers came with Gods Message, and from the same Book of God. Bringing the next chapter for that time. It is a continuing Education throughout time, to our time. Humanity

Greater Education is given by The Creator for the Human Family to prepare and advance in the Way of Knowledge

needs this New Message and Education. We need to be with the Great Spirit of Knowledge that lives within us. The Control I speak of here is Control to remain Free. If we have no Control, then we will not have Freedom in the Greater Community. Being in Control is being Aware and Present. Knowing what is happening about you. Knowing what to respond to and what to avoid. Where to be and who to be with is very important in these times. There are many Revelations revealed to the New Messenger. Like, Wisdom from the Greater Community and Greater Community Spirituality, part of our New Education. This New Education explain to you what is needed for Humanity. Therefore, when I say we need to become self-sustainable. Self- determined and Discreet you will learn of this. Steps to Knowledge is part of

The Book of Knowing and a Spiritual Education for Your Life, and The Pathway to Gaining a Relationship with the Spirit of Knowledge within you.

this Greater Community Education. It has come from the Greater Community, has been in the Greater Community longer than our worlds existence. You can also join with this New Education for Humanity to respond to the need of Humanity. This is why you are in the world and born at this time. Finding this communication then, is not by accident. You have been seeking direction and purpose in your life and you have found it. Seek the New Messenger from God, Marshall Vian Summers. You can seek The New Message from God and its many Revelations. And you can seek The New Message Worldwide Community to find Purpose, Meaning and Direction for your life. Here you gain Control of your direction.