Alien Invasion

Defense from Alien Intrusion: Breaking Taboo

There’s a new spark out there in #ufotwitter, a trending, deeper analysis of alien encounters that is breaking the taboo of common narratives about the ET presence.

If you’re not busy being angry at Lue Elizondo, you will find that there are some beginning to ask the question “are they gaslighting us?” MG Stephens asks this in her new book “The Boogeyman Chronicles.” In her interviews, she is clear, curious and urging others to investigate. Could people who are being abducted and tormented be ostracized for their negative experiences by the “UFO community?” Is it a part of the plan of alien manipulation? Could they even have their minds so flipped inside out that they begin to drive a narrative about the “benefits” of such an encounter?

This goes against much of the hopeful dialogue about the ET presence. It takes us a step back to first recognizing that, hey, in everyday life, we don’t like it when people are taken. It is inherently a bad thing. We binge on true crime podcasts, horrified about kidnapped children and abused men and women, hoping to crack the case and bring justice to the situation. Why is alien abduction not an intolerable practice?

This step backward to view a larger picture is a step forward in recognizing what Stephens refers to as “Paranormal PTSD.” They are effects of traumatic experiences combined with not being believed or worse, told you had a good experience.

Where does the gaslighting come from?

Now why would otherwise well-meaning members of the UFO/UAP/Paranormal lot try to change your mind on the issue, and discourage viewing reality? Surely they don’t mean to Jedi mind trick you into flipping the experience? We need not demonize these people because they too have been subject to manipulation. We walk through a soup of manipulation every day just living on Earth – human manipulation as well as alien intrusion.

Some fundamentals of this type of mental intrusion:

If you spend much time with a group of people who have a particular point of view which they reinforce for one another, you will find yourself over time being persuaded by their point of view, and may even adopt it yourself. If you spend time with a group of people who are highly critical of the government, for example, you will find yourself falling into their line of thinking. This is part of your social adaptation, but it is also the influence in the mental environment there.”  -Freedom from Manipulation


Now take it a step further to an alien presence.

Here we have what’s known as a “pacification program”. The phrase Greater Community is one being used increasingly to reflect a larger reality of life on Earth, to acknowledge that as below, so above with competition, trade, conflict, commerce and spirituality, but that’s for another day. See here the idea of group mind:

If you consider this seriously, you will see that a Greater Community presence involving a small number of individuals can over time generate a significant impact upon human thought and priorities. Because in the Greater Community, cultures and races that travel often utilize a pooling of intelligence called group mind, they can exert tremendous influence. In practicing group mind, they do not all attempt to think identically to each other all the time, but they do become focused on one arena, and to this they dedicate their total and complete concentration.”

Greater Community Intelligence and the Mental Environment


What is an example of this?

The loss of ability to judge something. Going with the flow of thought around you so much that you are losing your means to even ask fundamental questions. Jumping from alien encounter to “they are helping the human race.” Not stopping to consider the implications of being taken, the damage caused, the effects of trauma. When did you forget the willingness to look and evaluate? You must get this back if it has been removed.

Where do I start?

If you are not ready to speak publicly outside the norm, that’s OK. Try practicing thinking and asking questions when faced with assumptions presented by the next UFO documentary you see. Question a prominent voice in the research community, privately at first. If you have had experiences, try asking yourself to look deep into what you know. What do you really know? It may be taboo now to see the alien presence as a threat, but this growing trend of breaking the narratives has the possibility to empower the human race. The Alien Abduction subreddit is an example of this increasing questioning.

The Allies of Humanity warn of the intervention on our planet


“This is the key to your freedom and your fulfillment in the world and your ability to serve a world in need rather than merely condemning it.” – Marshall Vian Summers

The voices are growing, cross-culturally and more directly.

Why are they here? What do they want? Am I being influenced?
The truth is they are here and not showing up as friends. How can you become freer from manipulation?

Live Broadcast Monday, May 9th on exactly this. Tune in 6pm MT/ 8pm EST here.