Alien Invasion

Entrapment by ET Aliens, are you serving this?

                                       Entrapment by ET Aliens, are you serving this?           

Human Surrogate being prepared for Hybrid embryo implant. This is the start of the Second Level of Entrapment.

Entrapment by ET Aliens. Are you serving this? This is not just a thought provoking statement; it is the reality we are living in. What is Entrapment? This can happen when your discernment and attentiveness falls away, while you are infatuated or mentally over taken. It can happen when others mislead you into doing something that you would not normally do. When you become a slave to another mind and must respond to its every wish, this is Entrapment. When you loose your freedom to other forces and do not recognise its subtle encroachment, you are moving into realms of Entrapment. Our world and the Planet we call home is going through this very same process, but it is not recognised. But how can this happen to our world, when there are apparently so many intelligent and aware people in the world? Truly, you need to give this some serious thought. The world and Planet we live upon is situated in what we call The Solar System. It’s a small collection of Planets orbiting its Sun sitting in the centre of this System. The Solar System is but a minute part of what is known as the Greater Community of Worlds. Here there are billions of Planetary Systems where intelligent life forms have evolved, and they have not all evolved with the same mentality. If you have read the Book, “Life in the Universe” you will gain a deeper understanding, far

Life in the Universe is one of the greatest Revelations Given by God the Creator. Only the Creator knows what is happening in the Universe

beyond what the scientists can tell you. At best they will give you theories, assumptions and preferences, depending upon their mindset at any given moment. The Human Family in comparison to many other worlds, is young and still in its adolescent stage of evolution. It is naive and complacent about what lives out in the Greater Community. It is a dangerous environment for the likes of Humanity, for majority of Evolved worlds are driven by conformity. It is not the conformity recognised in our world, we use conformity to produce and manufacture products. It is also used to grow our food and raise cattle to required standards. The conformity use in many worlds is not only to produce their products; it is used to produce the Beings of these worlds. They use a different genetic design for the different roles Beings will perform within. These worlds are totally controlled by conformity and there is no such thing as Freedom. Here, they do not get to choose how they wish to live, or with those they wish to associate with. Their life in this regard is chosen for them. From the first minute of their life they are checked and assessed for their conformity and compliance. If they are found to deviate from requirements that prove they will not perform to role, then they are destroyed. Here’s the thing, you see, these Beings have come to our world seeking resources. They are from worlds living totally under the Laws of Conformity and these are the worlds who use up their resources. Worlds who follow a path of Technological advancement, will always outstrip their worlds resources. This is not done intentionally of cause, it is a point they arrive at in their Evolution. To avert their extinction, they seek the services of what is known as Collectives to obtain and secure resources for them. This is a very lucrative form of Commerce in the Greater Community and they have come to our world to obtain our resources. They do not want to purchase them, more they wish to own them by taking the Planet for their own. Do not be fooled by their influence or their forms of manipulation, for they are experts in the Mental Environment. This is not as straight forward has they would like, for our Planet has a Biological structure too dangerous for them. They are ET Aliens and in this, they live in a sterile environment. The threat our world poses for them come from its Microbiological structure, its many thousands of germs, virus’s and bacteria. Living in a sterile existence removes their immune system and therefore they will not survive in our environments. Their way of moving around this problem is to introduce their own breed of Being onto the Planet. A Being that is part of them and resembling the Human Being, this can be achieved through genetic manipulation. This Being will conform genetically more to the ET Alien than the Human, due to it having the Alien mental alignment. For this strategy to work the Aliens have used the power of Entrapment through Influence and the mental manipulation of hypnotics. It is through this method hundreds of thousands of Hybrid Beings have been born to this world through the process of ET Alien abduction of Humans. This has becoming known, but it must not become accepted by Humanity it must be dealt with by Humanity. To accept this has a passing phase of human evolvement, will ensure the Entrapment of Humanity. The Entrapment is designed to appear as our normal path of evolution you see. The only people who refuse to comment are the leaders of our world, due to duress from other forces. The forces referred to here are forces of fear and the unknown. Our leaders believe ET Aliens are here with advanced weaponry that Humanity could not withstand. This is not a truth; it is an assumption, yet it has become their belief. Beliefs are part of the problem. The ET Aliens have the belief they can come to our world and take it for their own. They believe Humanity will not pose a problem against their influence and manipulation. They carry these beliefs because they have done this type of thing many times to other worlds. Beliefs are held as a substitute for not knowing. Going back to the abductions and the way people have been taken without consent for many decades. Millions of people have been abducted and hundreds of documentaries have been shown and broadcast. YouTube is an example of where to find these documentaries; there may be other sites. Because of these abductions, Human Beings have been forced into a life changing Entrapment they cannot escape from. Women have been taken for their fertile eggs and Men have been taken for their sperm. They are not aware of their

abductions; they are hypnotically induced at the outset of the abduction. They are programmed to have no recall of their abduction, and this is why many are taken while they asleep. Here there are no time laps to create a mystery, no apparent time loss for them. They go to bed at night, fall asleep and then awaken in the morning. Thousands of abductions have happen this way. Those who have been abducted are automatically tagged with a signal beacon. This enables them to be located at any time for further abductions. This is Entrapment of the First Level, and they serve the ET Alien agenda unknowingly. The next phase of the Alien agenda is to fertilise the Human Eggs with Alien Sperm. This is carried out under sterile and clinical conditions, known as test tube procreation. At the same time they take Alien Eggs and fertilise them with Human Sperm. They have advanced techniques in this matter allowing them to bypass the rejection factor These minute embryo’s undergo a genetic procedure to give the embryo an Alien mentality. The Beings they are producing must be responsive and compliant, with a Collective ability of communication. The embryo is transferred into a holding incubator, awaiting a Human Women Surrogate. The Human Surrogate was selected at the beginning of the first stage, making sure the Surrogate would be compatible. The Alien’s are not concerned with rejection within the process, by using the same tissue parts it is overcome. The Surrogate is also a donor of the needed body fluids within the process. The Entrapment of the Second Level begins when the Human Surrogate has the embryo implanted into her womb. This becomes an anchor for the ET Alien Genes, enough to claim their Sovereignty upon this world. This is a very important part of the Alien Agenda; it gives them a viable challenge to our worlds Sovereignty! The impregnation is an overwhelming bond between the Human Surrogate and the Hybrid embryo. Unknowingly she is carrying a Being that is not human, even though its outward appearance looks Human, it is truly Alien. The Human Surrogates recognition of pregnancy is a big surprise for her, having little or no awareness of its inception. This changes as weeks and months pass, being abducted to regularly, checking the progress of their produce, their Alien Prodigy. The Surrogate is now being abducted while fully aware and present to the abduction. This is done purposely to deepen the Level of Entrapment. They are told a fairy-tail of how the ET Aliens have an impending extinction problem of their Race. This is why they are desperate for help to keep their Genes in continuation. By being a Surrogate of a Being that shares Genes from themselves and a Human Being, then they will survive in the shape of Human Form. This is not true, but the Surrogate suffers further Entrapment and gives their allegiance and devotion to the Alien cause. The Aliens determine the time of the baby’s birth, where it will be born. If all goes well then it will be born to the world under their close surveillance. If difficulties arise, or the Surrogate tries terminating the pregnancy, the ET Aliens will remove the foetus to maintain its continuance. The Surrogate is the preference for carrying the foetus, but the life of the foetus is prime over the life of the Surrogate. The Surrogate is carrying a Hybrid you see. The Hybrid is the key to the Aliens agenda of gaining a foothold into our world. The Third Level of Entrapment happens when the Surrogate gives birth to the Hybrid. Regardless of whether it is Alien, Hybrid or Human the mother of a child will give her life to protect her offspring. She will die in order for her offspring to survive, what better protection could the Aliens wish for. It is no accident, the Aliens prefer Surrogates to bring and raise the Hybrid into the world. Again, read the Book, “Life in the Universe” you will gain a deeper understanding, beyond anything the scientists will tell you. At best they will give you theories, assumptions and preferences, depending upon their mindset at any given moment. But the Book “Life in the Universe” will deliver a true understanding beyond anything anyone else can give you. The information in the pages of this Book is so diverse and wide spread, no physical Being who could know this. The incredible thing here is that it has come from the Creator of all Life. Only the Creator would know the details given in this Book. Only the Creator would know the

The New Messenger a Prophet and a Teacher for Our times and Times to Come of Critical Change for the world.

evolvement of all the other worlds. Only the Creator would be able to hold all this information. It is too vast and complicated for any mind of the Physical Reality to contain. This Book will probably be seen has one of the greatest Revelations Humanity have ever received from the Creator. But I assure you there are more than 9,000 pages of revelations given by the Creator. They have been given to Gods New Messenger in the world; yes The New Messenger has come to this world for this Purpose. The Human Family are now living in perilous times for they are the times of the Great Waves of Change. They are times of Intervention from the Greater Community of Worlds; this Intervention has been confirmed by The Allies of Humanity. Those who have sent the New Messenger into the world have confirmed it, They are the Angelic Assembly. The Angelic Assembly is the Spiritual presence that watches over our world and interprets the Will of God the Creator of all life. The New Messenger from God has been sent into the world by God the Creator to deliver The Creators Message. It is a Warning and a Blessing for our times. The Creator does this for the Human Family at critical times in their Evolution, such as these times now. The Great Waves of Change is now upon our world. It is described in the Book of Revelation of the same name giving warnings, guidance and navigation for the Human Family. Our world is falling into Entrapment of Intervention; the Human Family cannot see this, for their Discernment has been weakened. The Forces of

A Guidance and Spiritual Assistance to a Preparation against Alien Entrapment and invasion through Knowledge and Direction from those calling themselves the Allies of Humanity

Intervention have manipulated our worlds Mental Environment, Humanity do not understand and are not educated for this. From the Allies of Humanity, the Human Family have been given much information regarding the process of Alien Intervention. How the Intervention is secret and kept away from Human understanding, they fully understand these things. They have had to deal with Alien Intervention themselves and thankfully were given information of how to remove it. This is why they are observing our world and reporting their findings to The New Messenger from God. It is their debt of gratitude being paid for the help they received with their Entrapment. Yet even here they have suffered loss of life in doing this great service for the Human Family. Part of their small group was discovered making their observations by the Forces of Intervention. And the Forces of Intervention, to capture and interrogate them, pursued our Allies at great lengths. Our Allies knew if they were caught, then the groups observations would be finished. To save the rest of the group and even their world they knew the only action to be taken was self-destruction. This was their outcome, yet the rest of the group knowingly continue to observe, but more discreetly and further away. They are to this day still sending their reports and briefings to the New Messenger from God. The

The New Messenger from God,
Marshall Vian Summers Giving Guidance of Change and Preparation in the times of human Entrapment by ET Aliens

New Messengers name is Marshall Vian Summers; His Purpose is to deliver Gods New Message to the Human Family. The Humanity Family must realise its Entrapment, it must be overcome and removed for us to remain a Free Race of Beings. To do this the Human Family must learn who they are and what their world truly is. They need to grow up and leave their adolescents and naivety in the past for the future will be unlike the past. The Human Being is more than the flesh and bones, for within the body of the flesh lives the truth of the Being. The body of flesh, you see. is the vehicle for the Living Spirit within the flesh. The Spirit is forever and permanent, the flesh is temporary and carries the Truth of who we are. We are living in a temporary world of Separation away from the Creator, to gain experience of existence without The Creator. This is what we wished to experience, a Separation from The Creator. But with this experience we must seek our way back to the Creator, for we are living in a temporary situation. This is the Purpose of Life, the Purpose for the Physical Creation, yet we know nothing or very little about this. To discover the Purpose of our life we must seek and discover Knowledge, a Greatness within you aligned to the Creator. The Human Being is more advanced than those who are Intervening in their world. The Human Being has recognition of the Spirit and therefore is Spiritual in nature. Those who travel the Universe seeking to interfere in other worlds is a pastime that is not spiritual. Beings of Spirituality do not do this, for this will interfere with the Evolution of a world. Those who are taking us to Entrapment are seeking to remove our Freedom and use us for their own goals. They seek our resources and the resources of our Planet; these are the Commodities of the Greater Community of Worlds.

The Greater Community of Worlds and the Entrapment of ET Alien Intervention.

The Intervention in our world does not seek friendship with the Human Family. It seeks our ownership and Sovereignty of our world for their own interests, and not those of the Human Family. But yes, they will say things to mislead us, seeking Entrapment of us, seeking to remove our Freedom and so much more. The Allies of Humanity explain in detail of the Interventions aims for The Human Family. The resources they seek are not only geological; they are biological also, for they seek the building blocks of life. These are highly valued Commodities in the Greater Community of Worlds. They will strip our world bare and leave nothing for the survivors. Those who do not comply, those who are not subservient will perish and their

The Book of Knowing and a Spiritual Education for Your Life in a World of Alien Entrapment. The Pathway to Gaining a Relationship with the Spirit of Knowledge within you.

organic remains used as resources for sale. They must be seen as a Commercial Enterprise willing to go to

extremes to get what they want. Humanity have been given the Greatest help to overcoming this Intervention. It comes from the Way of Knowledge the Great Spiritual Practice of the Universe. All those who have overcome Intervention, do so with the help of Knowledge the Great Spirit of Knowledge. All who go their own way will fall deeper into Entrapment. To this end, the Creator has given the Human Family Steps to Knowledge. It has been received and delivered to the world for the Human Family to form a relationship with. This works, The Creator will only do that which works. The world needs to respond to this Revelation, for the Steps to Knowledge practice is the Greatest Revelation of all time. The Human Family have received the Revelation; Preparation for the Greater Community. This is another Revelation that will be seen as one of the Great Revelations from the Creator of all life. My goodness, where else can

A comprehensive Teaching about the Greater Community, Alien Intervention and its Entrapment.

you get a preparation for Contact with Extraterrestrial life? And giving the Human Family guidance and a preparation for its emergence into the Greater Community of Worlds in the Universe. It lets us know, our isolation in the universe is over and Humanity must learn of the Greater Community. For the Entrapment of the Intervention is itself pulling us into the Greater Community. The big problem is, those who have yet to be born and those who are infants and unable to make the response. Who is going to respond for them? Who is going to practice the Steps to Knowledge for them and become a student of Knowledge? If this is not done you see, they will suffer the will of the Intervention. They cannot respond at this time, this makes the response more urgently needed. We must be able to take care of those who are vulnerable in this way, and make sure the Intervention is removed. The greater part of the Intervention is the introduction of the ET Alien Hybrids, they are also the Entrapment. The Hybrids are also a slow Alien Invasion of our world and believe it will not be noticed. They have become established to take control of our world and it is already happening. They are raising their voice for public recognition. They are moving along the corridors of Power in the world! They are the threat to the Human Family’s future. Your response is urgently needed; now you are in the world for the purpose of responding to this dire situation of the Human Family. Seek Marshall Vian Summers the New Messenger from God. Seek the New Message from God. Seek the Steps to Knowledge to give you guidance and the authority to move in the world serving the Great Spirit of Knowledge. Go to the World Wide Community of the New Message from God. Let us bring Knowledge into our world and end this ET Alien Entrapment; or are you serving this?