Alien Invasion

Hidden in Plain Sight. Alien Hybrids. Can You See Them?

The Hidden Hybridisation behind the Alien Abduction Program
What is Hidden here is the Alien Hybridisation program of Humanity

Hidden in Plain Sight! Alien Hybrids. Can You See Them? Hybrids have been developed and placed in our world by Alien Collectives, in a bid to take over our world. Go back in time to the late 1940’s for this was the start of the UFO phenomenon. In 1947 an Alien Space Craft crashed onto a cattle ranch 75 miles North West of Roswell New Mexico. This was The Beginning of Alien Intervention in our world; it was the birth and origin of contrivance of Intervention. This along with other circumstances was the reason for the Creator to send a New Messenger into the world. What is amazing and Hidden here was the role of world Governments, their Military and their Secret Service departments. If you look closer at the Roswell Crashed Space Craft incident much can be learned and discerned. It needed three vehicles to remove it from the crash scene, by trained Army Air Force Military personnel. It was even inspected by highly trained Military personnel in its crashed situation before removal. The very next day after removal, the High Military Command took control by reporting the wreckage as a Weather Balloon. The High Military Command held a meeting with news reporters, showing pieces of rubber and string as the objects they recovered. This really discredited the intelligence of those sent to collect the wreckage, and even needing three vehicles to carry it in? What was being Hidden here, what did the Higher Command see that needed covering up? This was Another Beginning. This was the start of Hidden Alien involvement with Military establishments. Six months after these events the Army Air Force Military establishment and all its files were shut down. Then the United States of America Air Force came into being. But behind the scenes, a New Military establishment was firmly put into place, an establishment of deceit and undercover Alien allegiance.

Hidden within this was the Alien agenda to abduct and use Human Beings for their research! This should have set the alarm bells ringing for Humanity! What is Hidden here is the Alien Hybridisation program of Humanity; this was the purpose of the Alien abduction program. Lets start putting things together here, regarding the timing of these and other events that followed. The date and time of the Roswell Incident actually occurred on the Evening of 2, July 1947. Then 577 days later, on 28, January 1949 the New Messenger from God was born. The alarm bells didn’t ring for Humanity but they certainly did for the Creator and the Angelic Presence for our world. The Angelic Presence for our world could see and know what was happening to our world. These circumstances were Hidden from Humanity, but

Revelation and Preparation for the Reality of what Change is on the Horizon of Humanities Immediate Future and The Alien Intervention and Invasion in our World
Marshall Vian Summers, Gods New Messenger for the World.

nothing can be Hidden from the Angelic Presence of our world. The New Messenger from God is known as Marshall Vian Summers and has come to prepare the Human Family for its emergence into The Greater Community of Worlds. The New Messenger has been given Revelations from the Creator and some will be mentioned here. The Great Waves of Change is one such Revelation, revealing the Great changes upon the Human horizon. It explains how our world is a world in decline, and the changes here are greater than anything the Human Family have ever experienced. The

Life in the Universe is one of the revealing Revelations Given by God the Creator. Only the Creator knows what is happening in the Universe

Revelation, “Life in the Universe” is filled with information about the many billions of worlds and their mental perspective differences. It speaks of how many worlds choose to follow a path of Technological Conformity and others choose a path of Spirituality. This information could not be known form any other source but the Creator; it is Hidden and not collated. This world we live, in is seen as a Jewel amongst the barren worlds of The Greater Community. Some Spiritual worlds in the Greater Community, view the Human Family as having

Reality of The Greater Community is why we need this Preparation and its Revelations against the Hidden Alien Intervention in our world.

promise and potential for the future. The Human Family is a young and immature Race of Beings; still in the adolescents of its evolvement. So its promise and potential for the future is a Hidden quantity at this time. The Allies of Humanity come from some of these worlds that recognise the Human Families Promise and Potential. They have been asked to observe the coming and going of Alien activity in our world. The information our Allies gather is then given in briefings to The New Messenger to confirm the activity of the Intervention. Our world is a place where the Spirit comes to gain physical experience and find its way back to the Creator. Within each Human Being lives a Spirit that carries the Greater Spirit of Knowledge. The body of Flesh and its mind is not who you truly are; you are the Spirit, you see. Your reality is Spirit with a Purpose for being in this life; you bring this Purpose with you into this Life. The Spirit of Knowledge was placed within you, and is the Keeper of your Purpose. You already know the body of flesh and its mind is temporary. But you the Spirit are forever and therefore permanent. Surely, you have asked yourself “What is this life all about.” “Why am I in this life anyway. What is the Purpose of life? What does it fulfil?” The Spirit is here with a Purpose, a Purpose that will redeem the Spirit and start its return back to God. It is through the Spirit of Knowledge, that you the Spirit is able to return to the Creator! This takes the Alien Intervention in our world to another level of urgency. For those known as Collectives and who orchestrate this Intervention against the Human Family are using Alien Hybrids to achieve it. Their Hidden abduction program became known yet it remained Hidden due to not knowing the reason or its purpose for the Abductions. The Hybrids are not Human Beings, who they are depends upon who developed them. They are Alien due to this, and the fact they have a Collective mind-set that comes from genetic manipulated conformity. Now let us return to our situation in the world, the situation of Alien Intervention! The Alien Forces in our world are not Military Force’s; they are not here with great firepower. Rather they are opportunists looking for worlds like ours that are still naive and unaware of The Greater Community of Worlds. Those who were Military Higher Command back in 1947 became involved with the Alien Intervention; seeking Super High Technology. They were seeking to establish for themselves a greater power by aligning with the Intervention. Thankfully, a couple of decades later they started to see things with a different understanding; coming to see the Hidden truth. The truth is, the Alien Intervention is not here to make friends or bring enlightenment to Humanity. No, this is not their reason for being here. Why they are here has been Hidden, and the truth is the Aliens are known as Economic Collectives. They seek Resources from where ever and whatever world they can, taking them not with brute force, but influence and manipulation. They are highly skilled at using the Mental Environment to influence and manipulate worlds while remaining Hidden. Humanity is just beginning to learn about the Mental Environment, but is thousands of years behind the Alien Intervention. The Human Family is being

The Book of Knowing and a Spiritual Education for Your Life in and The Pathway to Gaining a Relationship with the Spirit of Knowledge within you.

influenced and manipulated, they are being pacified and kept from seeing the truth It is Hidden. But within each of us is the Spirit of Knowledge the Spirit that moves the Messengers from God. Jesus, Mohammed and The Buddha were all moved by the Spirit of Knowledge to serve Humanity for they all came from The One God. The Spirit of Knowledge will guide and protect us in these times and ensure the Intervention in our world is removed. Sadly, the Human Family have lost the connection to the Spirit of Knowledge and this is why there is so much turmoil in the world. But the Saving Grace here is that the New Messenger has been given the Pathway to reclaim their Spirit of Knowledge. Here, the Steps to Knowledge is a Practice to take you into relationship with The Great Spirit of Knowledge. And it is known that a world without the Spirit of Knowledge will not overcome the Intervention of their world. This applies to the Human Family also! So, you who are reading this have already been seeking the Way of Knowledge. Purely by searching for information about why you are here in the world is a sign from deep within you. Also given to the Human Family is the Revelation the Preparing for the Greater Community a preparation only the

A comprehensive Teaching about the Greater Community, Alien Intervention Reality

the Creator can give us. The Spirit within you is trying to communicate with you, trying to move you in the right direction. For you are needed now and what you are seeking has been Hidden for safety reasons. You see, you have a Purpose for your life that is Hidden from you. Hidden from you for good reasons of security. But now is the time to awaken to the Calling within you, to find your Purpose for being in this life. Those born later will have a problem in responding to their Calling, for they will lose their Freedom to respond. They will be subjugated and their Freedom and Sovereignty removed, they will be slaves to the Hybrid Rule of Alien Collectives. The Human family will only be tolerated for their biological resources, their Blood, Skin and Body Organs representing life’s building blocks. The Human Family will be used and employed in removing the Planets resources. There is no choice here; you must be allegiant, submissive and compliant to the Hybrid Rule. If you cannot do this, then you face destruction and being used for your body resources. When they have removed all of the Planets resources, then they will leave the remaining Human Family with nothing for survival. Those in these times cannot respond, but need you to respond for them, for they will be lost without hope and Freedom. All this was Hidden from you, Hidden from most of the world. Thankfully now you know. Go seek Marshall Vian Summers. Go and seek the New Message from God. Go seek the Steps to Knowledge and become a Student of the Way of Knowledge. Go and seek the Worldwide Community of the New Message from God. Here you will be welcome and you will be moving in the right direction for your Purpose in this life.