Alien Invasion

Humanity’s Mental Environment

The Body is an instrument of Communication and Demonstration

Humanity must learn of the Mental Environment

What is it, that you know about the Mental Environment, that which you live and exist within? It is far more than you understand or have learned about, or if you have learned anything at all about it. For it becomes a place of entrapment and seduction, manipulation and confusion that operates beyond your awareness and your day to day involvements. The Mental Environment is a tool of influence to those who know how to use it, and what I tell you here, needs to be learned and accepted by Humanity, if they wish to remain free and self-determined in the Greater Community of Worlds. The Human Being was created to be an instrument of communication and demonstration, with an intellect to learn and advance itself, through its experiences of life, good or not good, through its senses
of sight,hearing, taste, smell, touch, and I add speech to this list, because
it is the greatest asset in communication that we have at this time, and here
I am speaking of the power to communicate that is natural and not part of
the advent of electric and electronics age, that truly had their beginnings
with Benjamin Franklin in the year 1752 when flying a kite, and there after,
by those who followed, starting in the year 1800 and still continues to
this day.
But startling it may seem, the whole Human body is a tool for listening
and hearing. You may have noticed, with low density sounds you can
sometimes feel them as a vibration before you hear them audibly. The way
we communicate has many facets, for instance, we do things when
we talk that either exaggerates or re-enforces what we are saying. We even
say “no”with a shake of the head or “yes” with the nod of the head. This
happens because we regard what we are saying as important to us, yet when there is no importance to saying “no” or “yes” then, we automatically
withhold the shake or nod, but we may also just nod, or shake our head.
This may also happen on the occasions we wish to be discreet and keep
private what is really happening within us. This type of display or
demonstration is also part of our facial expressions, and very noticeable in
and around the eyes, eyebrows and forehead. Surely you have noticed
how when we are surprised at something we tend to raise the eyebrows
causing the forehead to wrinkle. Or when we are disappointed, we drag the
eyebrows down causing wrinkles above the nose. These facial expressions
are happening continually and the truth is, the face can say so much, but
not everything. The arms and shoulders can express our moods and without saying a single word.So we can understand that the body has a method of communication and a method of displaying our temperaments,
disappointments and surprises. Yet we share this communication and so
much more, with what is known as the Mental Environment, what we
receive from and what we give to the Mental Environment is done because
we are a source of a living communication, transmitting and receiving.
What is involved here, is what happens in the mind. The emotions of
happiness, sadness, trauma, shock, anger, heavy disappointments, conflicts,
brutality and mental anguish. These emotions embed themselves into the
fabric of the places you are in,as they happen. Then others who visit that
place will feel the ambience of its comfortable or uncomfortable atmosphere.
They can even attach themselves to people who create them and this will
be experienced by those who meet and associate with them. You will meet
with them, and experience their surrounding atmosphere. When you leave
them, you will say to yourself, “What a strange person.
There is something about them I cannot put my finger on.”And in the future
you avoid them.
So yes, we live in a Mental Environment as well as a Physical one, and the
Mental Environment is filled with thought forms and forces generated by
thinking Beings everywhere. You know of this and will experienced this
every day, but whether you recognise it, or are not aware of it.
Well, this is not a good situation to be in. The problem here, is not being
sensitive to the Mental Environments and what they tell you. Indoors
particularly and in close proximity to others, you will experience unique
Mental Environments.Some of them you may feel comfortable with. Some
of them you will not find comfortable.
The question here is, should I stay here or should I leave this place. Knowing
where to be and where not to be is having an advantage in life. Even being
sensitive to them is an advantage, because you will start to understand
where to be and where not to be. Knowing this is another learning, a learning
that gives you an even greater advantage in life. Have you ever noticed
the animals in their wild and and natural environments and how they graze?
If you look closely, you become aware of how they are part of  their
environments. They will suddenly stop their eating and become still,
listening for predators and anything that may be a threat to their life and
all the time they are motionless. When they are contented and all is as it
should be, they then go back to their grazing and foraging. Here, they are

Steps to Knowledge Continuation Training

taking notice of the signs and communications being given by their
Environment, they are taking notice and they are responding. The animals
in this respect, are more intelligent than the Human Being, who cannot
stand still for a moment, who cannot hear or see the signs the Environments
around them are giving them. Human Beings can learn to be the same, to
be able to see and hear the warning signs. To identify the cue’s and the threats
coming on the horizon and be prepared to respond to whatever life puts across your path. This is a New learning for you.
It’s not something you have been given or have practiced before. We are
talking of the Steps to Knowledge here, a Sacred Practice that brings you
into relationship with the great Spirit of Knowledge, living and waiting for
you to respond to the nature and Purpose of your life. Yet, the Spirit of
Knowledge lives within you, in a deep and private place, waiting for you to
respond to the needs of your life.
A group of Alien Beings representing a small group of Spiritual Races that
exist in our region of the Greater Community, were sent to observe those
who are Intervening in our world and have reported their findings to the
New Messenger from the Creator, explaining exactly how and what is
happening and what Humanity need to do, in response to this Intervention.
This small group of Alien Beings are known as the Allies of Humanity and
were able to establish contact through Spiritual means with The New
Messenger, and deliver their Briefings to Humanity. This is where the
Steps to Knowledge was introduced to The New Messenger and Humanity.
But lets continue with the understanding of the Mental Environment, for
Humanity is in great need at this time in their evolution. Humanity at this
time, is at a crossroads in its evolution, because we have created unwanted

A Guidance and Spiritual Assistance and Direction from those calling themselves the Allies of Humanity

interest in the universe and in particular our local vicinity of the Greater
Community of Worlds. Our world has become the focus and interest for
various Races and Forces from the Greater Community of Worlds with
intentions of taking our world from us and having it for themselves.
These Beings are using a method of Intervention Humanity cannot
understand or recognise, yet have used this same but less sophisticated process themselves in their not to distant past. The Greater Community
Forces are very experienced at using the Mental Environments as a tool to overtake and subjugate worlds without using weapons of destruction,
for in this part of the Greater Community, this type of conduct,going to war
with each other, is strictly forbidden. Humanity is now under an Intervention from the Greater Community Forces and wish to overtake and subjugate Humanity into slavery. They are tying to make our world into one of their Colonies and then start removing the resources this Planet has, and
some of them Humanity have not discovered themselves yet and are unaware of them. They have been using our Mental Environment for many decades now, and because of their use of our Mental Environment, we can detect something different about it. The Mental Environment of any world is made up of the thinking minds that live within it, and the intellectual composition of the Mental Environment remains the same and will only change as that Race of Beings evolve. But when a different intelligence becomes involved with the Mental Environment, and is using that Environment, then you will

The Greater Community Revelations

Environment.You will sense it, feel it, but cannot pinpoint what, or why it
feels different. To understand the Mental Environments you must be
aware of where you are, who you are with and what is happening about you.
You must be strong within yourself, mentally, physically and Spiritually in
order to be prepared to move and respond, to that which is not obvious when
you are not present and aware, but is very evident when you are present to
yourself and what is happening about you. Here you need the guidance of
Knowledge, the Great Spirit that lives within you, beyond you and throughout
the universe, and is a Gift from the Creator of All life, a Gift for these times
that are upon Humanity and the world at this time in its evolution of Humanity.
The Forces in our world at this time do not know or value the Great Spirit of
Knowledge that is so evident and within us. For if they were aware and
followers of Knowledge, if they understood the meaning of Knowledge, then
they would not be here in our world, interfering and abducting men, women and children for Hybridisation of Humanity. This is a most serious
situation for Humanity, and threatens the continuation of Humanity as a Race of self determined Beings and even its very survival at this time. This is why the Creator has sent a New Messenger to the world for Humanity, to bring the Blessing of Knowledge to the attention of Humanity and the security and guidance it will bring to them.
Think not these words are not meant for you. You who are reading and noting what is said here. These words are for you, to enable you to respond to this dire situation Humanity is in. Humanity is in need of the Knowledge within you. This Message is for you and for your response. It is the New Message from God, being delivered by the Creators New Messenger for Humanity, Marshall Vian Summers.

What is the Truth about UFO’s and Alien Contact.

He follows all the previous Messengers and Teachers, in bringing the need for change and awareness to the seriousness of our time and a future that will
be unlike anything in our past. This is the Greatest Message the Creator has ever given to Humanity, and speaks of the need to respond to this New Message. Without the world responding to this Intervention, Humanity will lose its
Sovereignty of this Planet. We all know what happens to those who lose their Sovereignty in our world and particularly those of our recent past, like the indigenous Races and Tribes of the North and South Americas, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii and all those African Nations that are still in a race to catch up with the rest of the world after being subjugated for a hundred years and more.This is the plan for Humanity, that the Forces from The Greater Community wish to develop in our world. But here, it will not be Humanity with control, and authority over its future, this will be given to the Hybrid Beings now being propagated by the Alien Races working under  cover of secrecy.

Marshall Vian Summers speaks about The Allies of Humanity

                               THE  STEPS  TO  KNOWLEDGE  CONTINUATION  TRAINING
                                                                       An Excerpt of
                                                                            Step 72.
                                                 I  AM INFLUENCED  BY  THE  MENTAL
                                                      ENVIRONMENTS  AROUND  ME.
                                             Perhaps you doubt the the power of the mental
                                                environment to influence you. If you do, today’s
                              practice will be very helpful in showing you to what degree
                              these environments do influence you and even control
                              your experience.
                                        It may come as no surprise here that the wise remain
                              hidden. They are very selective about where they go, who
                              they are with and what kind of relationships they establish                                                         with
                              people. There is a very important reason for this. The wise
                              are not indiscriminate. They know that wherever they are
                              is important and has an impact upon them and upon others.
                              They take this very seriously. They are not careless in where they
                              place themselves. They do not spend time in environments that
                              are not supportive unless they have specific business in being
                              there. They are sensitive. They know that the environment is
                              powerful, and they respect this power.
                                          Yet look at people around you. They go from place
                              to place, they have experiences, and yet they do not recognise
                              the impact of the environment upon them unless the situation
                              becomes extreme. Sometimes they will say, “Well, this place
                              feels very good,” or “I don’t feel very comfortable here. I don’t feel
                              safe here.” And they may respond, but often they do not. If
                              they do not respond to an environment that is dangerous for
                              them, this is the first sign that there is a problem They have
                              missed the first cue. The cues are being given, but people are
                              not responding.