Alien Invasion

Hybrids! Are They Human Impostors?

Hybrids Impostors are a part of the abduction problem.

Hybrids! are they Human impostors?

Why are they in the world?

So, are Hybrids impostors? When you understand what an Hybrid Being is, you will understand there is something they are not telling you about themselves. The truth of this, is that they are Hybrid Impostors, gaining social status in the societies we live within. Their truth is not with Humanity but with Aliens, wishing to colonise our world with a Species that is favourable and submissive to the Alien Authority. Aliens have chose this world to become a colony of their Empire? This is what is happening. There are many question and answers not obvious or evident to Humanity. The Aliens awareness of our world has been ongoing for a very long time, they see Humanity as ignorant, arrogant and warlike, and not having developed sufficiently enough for our neighbours in our locality of the Greater Community to engage with Humanity, which is due to Humanity not having advanced enough and is limited in its understanding of evolution and the nature of life. They are still tribal and primitive, and focus on competition with warlike tendencies. But of cause, Humanity are still evolving from their adolescence, that which every world has to develop and evolve from. But there are other influences upon these Aliens from those worlds in and around the vicinity of our world, that draws the Aliens attention closer to this world. Our neighbours in this part of the Greater Community have been very anxious and concerned about the way Humanity are developing with continuous tendencies of war in our world. Concerned at the destruction of the worlds resources, its environments and the beauty of our planet, its wildlife, its Seas and Oceans, Humanity are being destructive in all they are involved with. And this was before the development of the Atomic Weapons and the dire pollution given off from these weapons. This raised our neighbours concerns to new levels, fearing for their safety and of Humanity taking their wars to their Worlds, this is a great fear for them. This became a catalyst for the Aliens to move against Humanity, with an Intervention and an Invasion using Hybrid Impostors to become the New Species in our world. Outright war between worlds is prohibited in our part of the Greater Community, and with this, the Ecological structures of our world, its Bacteria, Germs, Viruses and Diseases upon our world are barriers the Aliens could not cross. The only alternative for them was the Hybrid Being. This process is not used very often, but only used in this type of situation. The main inhibiting factor for using this method of infiltration into worlds is the cost and the time needed to set up the various requirements to bring about its success. So, the Alien abduction program was instigated in the late 1950’s to examine Human adaptability into a creation of an Hybrid Impostor. There are no prototypes or a set procedure, they had to start from the beginning, from scratch so to speak. But the Aliens are very technically advanced in the field of Genetics and Genetic manipulation. From the outset, errors were made, creating the need to rethink their design and its ability to learn in our societies, and in the environment of our worlds education. It was found the Hybrid lost much of its Alien indoctrination rendering them useless in the purpose they had been created for, in particular, to sufficiently pass as a Human Being without drawing attention to themselves. This undertaking, to develop the Hybrids and set them up as Impostors and their incorporation into the World of Humanity was a very expensive undertaking, for them and more so for Humanity. Millions of Men Women and Children have been abducted against their will. They Have been used as test samples for the Aliens. They have had their bodies and minds intruded and abused,and many have lost their life completely, all this to achieve their agenda of taking control of our world. This has been a very heavy burden for Humanity. The trauma created for not only every abductee but all their families, their loved ones and the future of everyone of them. Their lives are not recoverable, for many were taken and never returned. Those who returned were returned  not being the same person. If we are truthful the world has also changed, the ambience of the world is different as a result of this Alien activity within our world. If we you are old enough, then you will see the difference in the worlds Mental Environment and what has transpired since the last world war. For we will see the vast advancements in technology, in peoples mind sets and the great loss of Religious following in the world. Beyond this, there is a change in the worlds Mental Environment, an uncertainty, of what is happening around any corner that we are approaching. This is caused by the change in the Mental Environment and this change is occurring because we are not the same as we were. To understand this, you need to know what makes the Mental Environment what it is and how it affects people, because the Mental Environment of any world is made from all the thinking minds of the Beings within that world. If we understand that our Mental Environment had been the same for hundreds of years, changing only incrementally at times of new methods of crop cultivation and harvesting. The Mental Environment of the world was stable and uniform, because the minds of this world were of the same intelligence and strength, there was a balance within it. But halfway through the last century there was a change, a great change that could not be accounted for and it has been hidden from the world through its ignorance of the Mental Environment and the effect it has upon people. This change came about because there are different minds in the world now, with a higher intelligence and with a community cohesion Humanity have not experienced. This was created by the presence of the Alien Beings in our world, wishing to take advantage of Humanity with their weaker and lower intelligence and their ignorance of the Mental Environments we live within. The Aliens have an advantage over Humanity, because they are experts at manipulating and working in the Mental Environments of our world and any world they intervene with. They can push and pull Mental ideas into our world, in much the same way you receive notifications on you computer. They give false accounts in the Mental Environments that are picked up by the Human mind and the unsuspecting mind will even think they have created this Mental awareness, so we must be aware. What are the Aliens trying to achieve in this process? First and foremost they wish to take control of Humanity and the resources of our world. Then to use the Human Species as their slaves, to obtain resources from the world and the Human body. With the Hybrid Impostor, their own design of Being, a compliant and responsive Being, to the requirements and demands of the Aliens. The Hybrids Impostors are living within the societies of our world now, and are breeding with Human Beings to bring about another Race of Beings to replace Humanity as the Sovereign Beings of our world. Until the Aliens have restored this world, they will need the Human Being to do the manual work in the world, and this will be to return the world to its former glory and fertility, of lush forests and grass plains where the lives of the worlds natural creatures will be re-established across its surface and beneath the surface of the Oceans and Sea. The Human Being will be needed to work in the mines and gather the resources that will be sold and distributed throughout the Colonies of these Aliens, and to those who wish to pay the asking price for them in the Greater Community. When these

The Greater Community Revelations

things have been achieved, then the Aliens will have no purpose for the Human Being except they may use them also as a resources in their search to discover further resources in the Universe, for the Human Being is strong and resilient against disease with their immune system, and can go where others cannot go. Yet in this, even the Human will lose its immune system if it lives in a sterile environment too long. Otherwise they will only be tolerated if they are compliant and responsive to the New Hybrid Race that will rule over the Humans. This is the agenda for the future, in the mean time, the Hybrids, the Impostors live amongst us as impostors, pretending to be good citizens of the world yet carry their agenda within them everywhere they go, secretly despising Humanity for the ruination of the world, feeling the Hybrid Impostors are the rightful Beings to be in the world and that the Aliens will come again to set in motion the final push for them to take the mantle of the worlds sovereignty from humanity. Yet what do the Aliens or Hybrids know of Freedom? They have lived with their engineered structure for so long and have been captivated by those that rule them for so long, they have forgotten the truth of Freedom. Here, there is a flaw in the scheme of things, because there is something within the Human Being that brings to them the longing for Freedom and makes them Free Beings, in a Universe where Freedom is scarce. Humanity have had to fight with their backs to the corner in order to keep what Freedom they have. They have given themselves totally, to even die for what Freedom there is in the world. This was not an easy life and didn’t make for an easy life. It has taken hundreds of years of fighting to maintaining our Freedom, not for that moment but for the world and for its future. Is all this passion for nothing? Is our freedom worthless? Of cause, our values and attachments to what we call Freedom today have changed and have been eroded, the meaning of Freedom has been diminished to mean something rather different in our time. Money and wealth, possessions and acquirements, of property land and anything that has purchasing power, and reward of financial interest have become the hallmark of Freedom, and have been adopted into a distorted meaning of Freedom. Money and wealth resembles power and it is seen that power is Freedom. This is the devalued Freedom the world is chasing now. But Freedom is not something you can buy! Freedom is not a place you can go to with a suitcase! True Freedom is within you, it is our True sense of existence. This has always been the case. What is our Freedom for you might ask? But to ask this, you need to ask, what is our life for? Our world, is a world where our Spirit comes to exist, for this world is a place where Knowledge can be found and achieved. There are not many worlds where this can be achieved in the Universe. The Human Being is a Spiritual Being, purely because it is the Spirit that has a body, not a body that has a Spirit. Without the Spirit the body would be an empty carcass without a Purpose, and so it is, that the body is born to the world to be the home of the Spirit while it is in the world. Here the Spirit can function in the world through its participation within the flesh, otherwise, the Spirit, will not be able to interact and participate in any way. You see, we are the Spirit within the flesh, and within our Spirit is the seed of Knowledge the Greater Mind of a Greater Spirit that was placed within the Spirit before it left the Presence of God to be in Separation from God the Creator. This Separation was the wish of the Spirit and not the wish of God. But God had to create all that is of the physical reality and the many Dimensions in order for the Spirit to have a place of Separation away, from the abode of God, for there was no other existence at that time but with God. It was on leaving Gods Presence, that God placed within the Spirit the Seed of Knowledge in order for the Spirit to find its way back to God and for assistance in the time of need. So, it is now, at this time of great need upon Humanity, where the Spirits will be prevented from seeking a way back to God, because Knowledge will not come forth if the personal mind is following some other authority than Itself. Here the Spirit will be incarcerating in the body for the duration of its life. Now is the time to respond to the worlds situation of Alien Intervention. Now is the time to reach out to Knowledge within us, for God the Creator has given a New Message to Humanity with a hundred or more New Revelations never given to Humanity before in its past. God has given a New Messenger for the world, to bring a New Message into the world. Within these New

The Book of inner Knowing

Revelations is the Steps to Knowledge, and here, we have the will of God helping us. Our Purpose of Spirit is to seek and find Knowledge, and the Purpose of Knowledge is to demonstrate the Power of God in the world, and at these times, Knowledge is needed. With Knowledge, Humanity can rebuild and resolve the worlds problems, the problems of The Great Waves of Change the problem of defending our Sovereignty

Revelations for what is on the Horizon of Humanities Immediate Future.

from the clutches of Aliens and bringing the world to understand the way of the Greater Community of Worlds. The times we are in, are the times that Humanity can become extinct, times of Human subjugation in the Greater Community. Now, is the time to respond to the call of the situation, to start an Awakening to the crisis and the urgency in our midst, for it is our very Freedom of having a Free life and of seeking Knowledge that is at stake. How can we tell our children we have neglected their inheritance, their sovereignty of this world? How can we deny the generations of Humanity to come of their Freedom? The only way to do this is to respond while there is time to respond, for time is getting short now. There is no-one else, from another world coming to save us, this is not going to happen. The Creator knows this and has sent a New Messenger into the world, Marshall Vian

The New Messenger from God, Marshall Vian Summers

Summers, a Messenger, Teacher and a Prophet to Teach and Guide and Help Humanity save themselves. Humanity have already had help from those who call themselves The Allies of Humanity, but even they must keep their own world safe from reprisals from those intervening in our world. This message is meant for you who are reading what is said here, you are not reading this by accident. It may resonate with you, and it is Knowledge within you that is responding here, for it is the movement of Knowledge that creates this resonating feeling, for you yourself to respond. Everyone born to this world at this time, is born to respond, it is part of their Purpose in this life. Do not

The Greater Intelligence within you

leave for someone else to do, what you yourself have come to the world to do. By being with Knowledge you have the greatest Power in the Universe,

God has given the help Humanity needs for their great problems, The Power of Knowledge is the help that God has given Humanity. Go to the New Message from God, follow this link to find your free practice and preparation of Steps to Knowledge, the Book of Inner Knowing. Here you can become a student of Living the Way of Knowledge.

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