Alien Invasion

Knowing How Aliens Hide in Our World! Can You Know?


Not Knowing chances are, you will give yourself away to those intruders
Knowing How Aliens Hide in Our World! Can you Know?

Knowing How Aliens are Hidden in our world! Can You Know? It is very important to gain this understanding. Without it, chances are, you will give yourself away to those intruders wishing to enslave you. To begin, you need to see where this is coming from. Why I am say this, and why you need to know. Because in truth, you do not know, and Knowing will make all the difference for the worlds future.

                                       NOT KNOWING IS PART OF THE HUMAN DILEMMA.

Greater Delusions and Learning about Control in our worlds Mental Environment is the Education for Life in the Universe.

Therefore, what is happening that affects us today, ongoing into the future? Life in the Universe has been a most sensational topic, now and continually over past decades. Yet, Governments have not accepted evidence of witness accounts regarding unknown and unidentified Alien Crafts. Victims of Abduction have not been given credence of Intelligence. Their ordeals have not been recognised or respected, still ongoing after so many decades. Nevertheless, Governments developed a regime of ridicule against these reports. Making those inflicted with this phenomenon, fear coming forward to speak out. Alone, this single act has done serious damage to our Human Family. It allowed Aliens to move in our world with impunity. Seriously, have our Governments been compliant to Alien requirements? Or are they also living in fear of these Aliens. Essentially, people still suffer this and have no way of Knowing what is truly happening in this regard!


Alien Incursion into our world has hidden complications for Humanity. Knowing why it is happening carries even more concern and worry. What do they want with our world? Aliens wish to own our world! They seek the Sovereignty of our world! Make Humanity their compliant and submissive slaves. Yet a problem existed, they recognised our biological environment is dangerous for them. To overcome this they established their abduction program; taking of Human Beings over a worldwide spectrum. This was their way of gathering Human genetic material,

Hybrids are developed by genetic manipulation to acquire a preferred Being.

Predominantly, Human Eggs and Sperm. It also how they gained Human collaborators to carry the Alien Foetus, developed by Genetic Manipulation. The Beings they develop have our appearance, that of a Human form. However, deep within this Alien Hybrid is a mind with Alien Intellect! This is very important. Knowing this, you will discern Alien Hybrid from Human.


Alien Hybrids are an Alien truth in our world; they hide and do their undercover work undetected. In this framework, Hybrids are every bit Alien. Do not accept them as a Human. When you do this you are accepting their presence in our world. Their Alien Masters seek this exact thing; this is the first step to captivation. Here you are failing your own intelligence to accept them as Human. Knowing they are designed and graded by their Alien developers. This Hybrid mind has been genetically enhanced for them to be loyal and allegiant to their masters. Here, they are void of Knowing Freedom, having no will to be Free Beings. They have no imagination or understanding what Freedom really is, it will not fit into their mindset. Truthfully, they are our predators working to take your Freedom from you. Now, are you Knowing?

                                     THE TRUTH MUST BE TOLD WHATEVER THE NEWS.

Encouragingly, latest news reveals, U.S. Government is now investigating UFO Phenomenon, be it blinkered and secret. Knowing this new information, I still tell you, this Alien Intervention is well advanced, dangerously so. It continues, and our Governments have no remedy for this Intervention! Surely you who are reading this must be wondering. These Aliens have travelled across Star Systems to arrive at our world; surely, they are intelligent? Then I must say. Yes, this may be so, but are they Wise and Spiritual Beings? Let me give you more here, bringing you up to speed for what is happening in our world. What I tell you may astonish you, yet is true, all I tell here is true. Whether you accept what you learn here or not, will not change its truth. Humanity has received Spiritual Messengers, Prophets and Teachers going back over thousands of years.                                                                                                                                                    

Marshall Vian Summers, is Knowing, and Gods New Messenger for the World. A Prophet and a Teacher.

                               WHY IS GOD’S MESSENGER IN THE WORLD.

Moreover, this is not just for our past, definitely not. Like Buddha, Jesus and Mohammed, there is a New Messenger from God in our world today. Marshall Vian Summers is Gods New Messenger for these times. He brings a New Message from God, a Message for our times now and for times to come. Our world is facing Great Waves of Change, including Alien Intervention from The Greater Community of

Revelation and Preparation for the Reality of what Change is on the Horizon of Humanities Immediate Future and The Alien Intervention here for our Resources.

Worlds. These are threats against Humanity, threats it has never encountered or experienced in its history. Great Waves of Change are occurring in our world, not because of the Planet itself. Yet because of Humanities neglect and over use of this Planet. We have all contributed to this disaster, in one-way or another. Not Knowing this, it is so easy to blame others, yet with foresight; we cannot go there.


Our Planets resources without Knowing, have been plundered by Mining, Lumber and Oil Enterprises. Seeking to satisfy manufacturing needs across our world. Here, Manufacturers strive to bring newer and better products into our shops. To make life easier, bring more entertainment and better vehicles to move about in. Military expenditure keeps rising due to cost of staying ahead of adversaries. Continually changing and renewing weaponry; up-rating their firepower and destruction capabilities. Aircraft and Sea vessels  continue being built, for move millions of travellers and products around our world. There is continual need to provide homes and business premises, machinery and furnishings. I have only scratched surface issues here, and resources used are immense. This has been happening for a few hundred years, so now resources are seriously diminished. Intervention Forces have identified this, having been watching for many years. Knowing this now, what should we do?

                                             THE NEW WAY FORWARD FOR HUMANITY

The Human Race is now very vulnerable not Knowing their Situation. Humanity has not made a

Abduction of Humans and its resolution was a dedication and devotion for David Jacobs.

connection between Human Abductions and development of Hybrids Beings. Even after great work achieved by David Jacobs and six or seven decades of Alien Intervention! This is why our Creator has sent a New Messenger into our world.

The Greater Community is in our world using our Delusions against us. We need this New Spiritual Preparation and Education, and a Revelation revealing the Hidden Alien Intervention.

Knowing from its outset, how Humanity would be Influenced, manipulated and persuaded. They are naive and gullible, chasing dreams and wishes, holding onto baseless superstitions. However, Humanity must now grow-up and leave their Adolescent ways behind them. The Creator has given Humanity a New way forward, a New Message with many Revelations. The body of the Human Being is a vehicle for the Spirit of Knowledge. Therefore, Knowing God the Creator has given Humanity what it needs to remove this Alien Intervention. There must be a response!


The Revelation, The Great Turning Point for Humanity is a revealing Revelation. It reveals that God and Gods Angelic Assembly and those called Unseen Ones are still at our side. Humanity are not abandoned or forgotten. In truth, Gods Heavenly Hosts are working in the background of our dilemmas. With Humanity Knowing or not Knowing how grave our situation is. God wishes Humanity grow up, loose their Adolescent ways. God also knows Humanity will need support. But we must respond. God has given everything needed to assist Humanity long before we came to this life. You see, we are Spirit within this physical body; our Origin is in our True Home with God. The mind in our physical vehicle has no memory of our Origin. It knows nothing before its birth to this life. But Humanity have always upheld a Spiritual countenance, it is our nature, you see.

                                                   AN EXCERPT FROM THE REVELATION:
                                            THE GREAT TURNING POINT FOR HUMANITY                                                                                                     

God’s New Revelation for the world is providing everything you will need to know and everything you will need to do, within yourself and in your relationships with others. For this must happen at the level of the individual, Whole nations cannot prepare yet. It begins with individuals, preparing individually and together.


But who would know how to do this? No one knows how to prepare for Life in the Universe, as it really is. Now one even knows what is there. Your movies and your fiction can give you no real idea of this.
Who can prepare you for a New World Reality? You have a few solutions, but you will need many more. Who has the courage to build a shelter far before the storm comes? Who has the foresight to do what must be done today before the waters rise and the lands dry out?
You have this power within you, but it is unknown to you yet.


We are here to prepare you for the great change that is coming to the world, the great change that will alter Human civilisation, for better or for worse––permanently, from this time onward, as if you have crossed an invisible line that changes everything.
You cannot prepare yourself for this. Even if people could see and feel it significantly, they would be in disagreement about what it is and what it means and how it will happen and what must be done.
Regarding your entrance into a Greater Community of life in the Universe, no one on Earth knows how to prepare for this. Only God can provide this. And those few Races in your vicinity of space who are free have played an important role in helping you, but they will not intervene. They can only share their wisdom with you, which they have done.   

The Book of Knowing and a Spiritual Education for Your Life, and The Pathway to Gaining a Relationship with the Spirit of Knowledge within you.

                     YOUR TRUTH AND STEPS TO KNOWLEDGE.                                                        

Beyond our day-to-day involvements of our life, something else is part of us within our flesh and mind. This part of us is special; moreover, it is a far greater part of us going unrecognised. However, we are ignorant of this because no eduction is in place to give us recognition of this special part of our Being. This has now changed; Revelations have been given; a practice, education and preparation has arrived. Steps to Knowledge is the Practice of Knowing. It provides the preparation and your Teacher is there with you. You learn because you come with an open heart and an open mind, this is important. Come with your preset ideas and you will learn very little. Because your mind is not open, you will not receive. It is this simple. To engage in any education you must first become open to receive it.

   KNOWLEDGE IS A FORCE FOR GOOD AND PREPARATION                                                           

You can now awaken and become Knowing, by forming a Relationship with Knowledge the Great Spirit within you. Become a Force for Good in the world by following the path to your

The Greater Community is in our world using our Delusions against us. We need this New Spiritual Preparation and Education, and a Revelation revealing the Hidden Alien Intervention.

Purpose for this life. You can learn to Look, See and Know. Knowledge within you will be your Greater Power for these times and times to come. Without Knowledge and Knowing, Humanity will succumb and fail. With Knowledge, Humanity will stand strong and determined to remain a Free Race in The Greater Community. Life is about giving and receiving, if you can look at life with Discernment you will see this. When you are with those more advanced than you, then you will receive. When you are with those less advanced, you will give to them. At this time, you need to be with those who are more advanced. This is part of the preparation.


So then, how do you become a Force for Good in the World?  Find God’s New Messenger for the world. You can seek the New Message From God. Also you can join the Worldwide Community of the New Message from God. Start the Practice of Steps to Knowledge, it is free online to follow each day. Step one is where you start your Practice, continuing on each day to follow the next Step in the order they are presented. Some Steps may need more than one day in order to fully absorb it’s learning. This then, is how you start developing to be a Force for Good in the world.