Alien Invasion

Life from the Greater Community is Here.

Life from the Greater Community is Here.

Life from the Greater Community is here in the world.

Life from the Greater Community is here in our world. It has comes from the vast Greater Community of Worlds, otherwise known to Humanity as the Galaxy. Do not be excited by this news, or be joyful for the opportunity of meeting with an Alien Being, for this is an Alien Intervention in our world. It would be a great error on your part to see it as anything else. Humanity have many examples of these encounters, committed by the Human Race throughout its history. If you but examined what took place in our history, you will comprehend the nature of what is happening. It may serve you to study our history, specifically the Spanish Conquistadors who went to the Americas after its discovery in 1492. The word Conquistador mean, “He Who Conquers.” They were those who took up arms to conquer, subjugate and convert native peoples of this New Land to Catholicism. Many of these Conquistadors came not only from Spain but from various nations of Europe. They were not a standing army in any sense that we think of today. In this role in New World at least, they were more like marauding  mercenaries. They were there for precious metals, Gem stones and other resources they could retrieve. This was later reported as a Mission to take the word of God to heathen and newly discovered peoples and tribes. This may have been the case, but God was not the instigator of these missions. For hundreds of years this is how the world understood this type of contact with newly discovered Peoples and Nations. There have been many such discoveries by many other nations, many from Europe seeking resources and land to colonise and exploit its native people. With this, many have used the name of the Creator to take themselves to lands for the sake of religious advocacy.  To a great extent this understanding still remains, not only for our world but for the Greater Community. Many

The Greater Community Revelations and The Alien Intervention bringing change to our world.

believed with their visual association of the stars, that out there they will be free, but in the world they will not free. They also associate those who may come form the greater Community as Beings of Spirituality and come to enlighten them. This viewpoint is very dangerous to take on board for the Human Race, and will more likely bring about our extinction. The late Stephen Hawking said. “If Aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the Native Americans.” Then there is another commentator, who stated. “My feeling is if they are here, they’re most certainly peaceful, because if they were not peaceful they would have wiped us out a long time ago.” This comment comes from an intelligent person, and I can assure you, it is a statement of assumption based without fact . But this also seems a general scientific consensus of opinion at this time. There is a great deal of information about Life in the Universe and the Greater Community. They

Life from the Greater Community is Here.

are Books by Marshall Vian Summers and are readily available. They are Books of Revelation, received by Marshall Vian Summers, from God the Creator of all Life. The information within these Books is information no-one could dream up. It contains information about the Universe that only the Creator could know and could not be gathered by any other source. You will learn from this and many other books received by Marshall Vian Summers from God via the Angelic Assembly. This is because God the Creator has sent Marshall Vian Summers into the world to prepare and give guidance to Humanity. Marshall Vian Summers is the New Messenger, Prophet and Teacher for the world. These are very special times for Humanity, times that have not happened before, ever. How could we navigate our way through this Alien Intervention without help and guidance from the Creator. For the Human Family have no education that deals with this topic. Knowing this, you can determine for yourself how serious our situation is. The Creator has also sent help and guidance from those who call themselves,

Life from the Greater is Here.
The Third Briefing: Tools of the Intervention

The Allies of Humanity. They too are Alien Beings, but these Alien Beings do not travel the Greater Community seeking to interfere in other worlds. The difference is you see, they are Spiritual Beings responding to the Human need at this time. They will not seek to be in our world or seek Human association that will change the Human evolvement or destiny. But they communicate with the New Messenger from God through the channels of Spirituality, to deliver their observations to the Messenger. The Allies of Humanity have given information to the Messenger regarding what the Alien Life is doing in our world. There are several types of Aliens interested in our world and have come from different types of systems and cultures.  They are predominantly of the Collector variation of Beings and others are Scavengers and Resource Explorers. These Groups are not united with each other, they are more in competition with each other. They have been trying to  outsmart each other in their attempts to gain a foothold in the world of plentiful resources of Humanity. It is the Collector Type of Being that has made the break through, under a strict secretive regime of deceit, they only value the Human Family for it resource properties. Their  interest is Biological resources, particularly those resources that represent the building blocks of Life—Genetic Agents, Chlorophyll, Blood and Plasma. These are the things that are valuable and are greatly needed in a universe full of barren worlds.  They have not come to be friends or build a relationship with the Human Family. To the Alien Life form in our world we are valuable only as a resource. They are not here for small talk, they are here for the business of commerce. Life in the Universe is very old and far more mature and intelligent Life exists than the Human Race. Though there are many worlds at a similar stage of evolution as Humanity, Humanity are still in the stage of adolescents and not ready for other Life forms to make contact with them. But sadly, the Human Race is naive and easily influenced. The Alien Life forms in our world are very experienced in manipulation and influence, using the Mental Environment as their tool. They are not Spiritual Beings and will prohibit this type of Life occurring within their communities and societies. Yet the Human Race is Spiritual in nature even though it has much to achieve in this aspect. The Human Race values freedom and the right to follow the path of their chosen practice to achieve their freedom. But now a New realisation and awareness is needed

Marshall Vian Summers, Gods New Messenger for the World

by Humanity, taking the Human Family away from its adolescents and naivety. The New Messenger, Marshall Vian Summers mentioned earlier, has received many Revelations for the Human Family, including the Steps to Knowledge. This is a Spiritual Practice for our time now, and for the times to come. The Religions of the past have long since elapsed, and not capable of serving Humanity for these times. With Steps to Knowledge the Human Race will have the  ability to remove this Alien Intervention. Without this Practice the Human Family will fail and succumb to the influence and deceit of the Alien Intervention. The Alien approach is to deceive Humanity, into believing they are travelling their normal evolutionary path. But all the time Humanity is travelling along a false evolutionary path. This takes time, if the reward is great enough, it becomes worth while, in taking this stealthily and deceitful action. The Intervention was being planned and facilitated during the last world war, and even before this. They were planning, preparing, doing their reconnaissance long before they started to intervene in our world. You see, it has been done many times before, using many different types of approach. So in this they are using what is tried and tested, using what achieves the desired result. They started by using scenario’s of influence to gain attention from the military of the strongest nation in the world. The Aliens used a crash scenario to involve the military and influence them. This was so easy, and it had the results they knew they would achieve. The Military Forces concerned recovered a crashed Alien Space Vehicle and check out the material used for its construction. This happened more than once, and the Military leaders were seriously influenced into back engineering these Space Vehicles. These Space Vehicles were far more advanced than anything known in the world, and the Military needed to keep it close to them. Here, the Military were being reeled in by the Aliens in order to keep much of what had happened secret. In essence, this was a snare of entrapment of the Military, to corrupt them and manipulate them. This Military organisation soon changed its name and association, to cover its tracks and the account of its secret details. While this was happening, an Alien abduction program was initiated by the Alien Intervention, a very sad time for Humanity. These abductions have been ongoing for decades, hundreds of thousands men women and children have been taken against their will. They were analysed, underwent experiments, and then returned to where they were taken from. Many never returned to their families and loved ones and were taken for ever. In the midst of this, the Aliens initiated their Pacification program to influence the minds of Human Beings. Humanity would see and understand the intentions of the intervention with their use of discernment. To this end, the Alien Intervention needed to inhibit the faculty of discernment in the Human Race, for discernment was a problem here. The Aliens need the allegiance of the people to bring their plan into fruition and succeed. Without this allegiance, the Alien Intervention would not succeed and would have to abort its plans for this world. So, The Pacification program is strong and flowing through the Mental Environments of the world, even now, today. With this, the Life and lives of those abducted in the past and up to this time are and were being used in the Alien Hybridisation program. They did not become Hybrids by accident, their Life was used to manufacture the Aliens preferred design of Humans. Hybrids are not a part of the Human Family, be sure to understand this. They are a simulation of  Human Beings with the mind of the Alien. The intention of the Aliens is for the Hybrids to become Rulers of this world, and thereby bring about Alien domination upon Humanity. In this way Humanity will become slaves, to mine the Planet and take its resources off to other worlds. Life for Humanity now, has become a program of change, to achieve the peoples allegiance to them. The future for Humanity is not going to be like the past, the Human Family is now

Detailing the Future Change for Humanity in a New World

entering a New World. To navigate The New World will require that we gain the Relationship with the Great Spirit of Knowledge. There are biological adversities in our world for the Aliens they are incapable of doing the work needed to remove the Resources from our world. They will need the assistance of the Human Race to do the work for them. This is their goal and purpose for Intervening in our world. It is the reason they have designed their own Hybrid second coming. They have designed and manufactured Beings to resemble our Prophets and speak like a prophet. They will even appear to do miracles like our Prophets. But do not be alarmed into accepting these Beings, for they are False and have deceitful intentions. They have more than one of these False prophets, they will be cloned and kept secret. The pinnacle of their deceit will to have their False prophet killed by seemingly religious fanatics. This is how they will work, to snatch the devotion of the people away from the existing religions. Here, the Aliens will reinstall a replacement Being, a clone to take the place of the one destroyed. Then they will proclaim him as the Second Coming for they will say he has risen from death. This is but one of many other plans they may work with, designed to deceive and manipulate the people. They have the technology to project holographs onto a platform of thin air, to create the appearance of an apparition. This has been used in the past, do not think they are miracles, it is influence and mind manipulation. Do not believe what they do or say. Do not accept them as your saviour. There is much they do not understand about the Human Being. Why it has this peculiar fascination with religion and things of a Spiritual nature. So, the Alien Intervention has designed their own False prophet to simulate the Prophets of the past, yet have no idea how a true Prophet will respond and is responding at this moment. You may not know this yourself. You who have found this information, you are not only the Being of flesh with its mind for the flesh. The Human Being is far more than this, for you are a Being of Spirit that has come to live within the flesh. The Spirit referred to here is the Greater part of you, it is the Great Spirit of Knowledge. Of cause, you have no memory of the Spirit, yet the Spirit has existed for ever and does not perish when the flesh dies. You, the Spirit, is the reason the flesh even exists. For it is the vehicle for the Spirit, and the flesh is the part of Creation God has designed for the Spirit to experience Life. The Spirit of Knowledge is who you are, the flesh has the need to form a relationship with It. The Steps to Knowledge is the Practice from which to obtain your relationship with Knowledge. How can the mind of the body understand what happened before it was born? Yes you can read and research accounts from history, things put down and being preferences of others. But are they true. How can the mind see where the Spirit existed before it arrived in the body? How can the mind of the body explain the resonance from within the flesh? The movement within is not a function of the physical body. It is not the mind or the intellect. The mind nor the body are this movement. It originates from the Spirit living within the flesh. When the mind is not in relationship with its Spirit these things are mysteries the mind cannot fathom for itself. It cannot realise anything of the Spirit without its relationship with the Spirit. It is this very relationship that is needed now. A Relationship that is your Purpose for this life. This very same Spirit of

The New Messenger a Prophet and a Teacher for Our times and Times to Come of change.

Knowledge will remove this Alien Intervention from our world. Marshall Vian Summers is the true Prophet, Teacher and The New Messenger in the world. He has come to deliver the New Message from God, from the Creator of all Life. It is a Message for our time, now, and for the times to come. He brings to the World New Revelations for our Life, from the Creator, understanding the peril that is upon the Human Family. The Creator has sent a New Message to bring the Spirit of Knowledge to the Human Family, without it, the Human Family will fail. What is happening in the world now has happened many times, to other worlds and without Knowledge they failed. Only with Knowledge will we remove this Alien Intervention, only God knows this is so. Those who are born to this world now, come with the purpose of gaining and achieving a relationship with Knowledge. This is why you are here, to Seek the truth of your Life and Freedom seek Knowledge. Without Knowledge, Life and the future of the Human Race is

The Book of Knowing and a Spiritual Education for Your Life in a World in Decline

now in doubt, and we will not have Freedom in the Greater Community. For our Freedom is being taken form us. Seek Marshall Vian Summers and the practice of Steps to Knowledge. This is not a choice you see, it is a necessity if you wish our generations of the future are to remain free and seek Knowledge. Our own offspring and the offspring of those who are close to us are at serious risk in the future. Your response now in the present will determine what your offspring in the future may  become or even if they survive. Think seriously about this. Think seriously about what has happened to the indigenous peoples of the Americas, here you will know what is upon the world now.