Alien Invasion

Life in the Universe beyond our World.

What Do We Know About Life In The Universe

Life in the Universe beyond our World, does it exist? We witness through telescopes the Planets, Stars and Galaxies near and far, dealing with distances in the time it takes light to travel the distance’s from where we are, to the object under investigation. These are measured in light years, and are indeed an immense distance to travel, in any form of transport. Signs of life are not truly life, they are the conditions required for forms of life that we know, and may come to exist in and around where these signs are detected. The search for Life in the Universe has become very serious matter, for those who are conducting the search, and is been carried out by dedicated professional people. Yet their findings are not very promising, there have been no discoveries of Life in the Universe, nothing has been reported not after sixty or more years have there been any acknowledgement of any form of Life in the Universe? Do these researchers not think this strange? It may be baffling for them, to the point that assumptions are given to explain this lack of recognition of Life, and imagination takes over from the reality of their findings, and becomes an assumption for the time being. This is because they are driven by preference’s, that Life in the Universe is real, but is rare and uncommon, for the right conditions to arise for life to evolve and progress into a self-sufficient and flourishing habitat, that supports the well being of life to evolve and develop naturally. This in turn should lead to an intelligent form of Life to arise and populate the world where this can occur. But the consensus of opinion within the research community, is that these conditions are rare and uncommon and Life in the Universe is rare because of this. Here we have a problem! Because we have not seen or heard of any Life, does not mean that Life in the Universe is has they say it is. No, because all we have been given is the assumptions and proposals of the researchers, who are baffled and disappointed by their own results. But are these researchers aware of the Alien Crafts in our sky’s? Are they aware of the abductions happening in our world? Why have they not been involved in this aspect of Life in the Universe, as well as looking at the sky’s. Surely, this is a logical involvement, but it does not happen! Why is there Life from the Universe in our world when it cannot be seen by those searching for it in our world? This is the dilemma we are working with. But, Humanity have been given information that is pertinent to the situation and it has come from a source that is Holy. In and around January 1948 there was a rare phenomenon happen in the world. It was the birth of a New Messenger from God. The New Messenger, was born and grew up in the USA leading a quiet life. When He became a young man He was able to take up a position as a teacher for the blind, still without the realisation of the greatness of His life that lay ahead of Him. By the time He was 32, He was ready for His Mission in this life, and even then He knew nothing about it. His name is Marshall Vian Summers and was approached within himself, and told by the Angelic Assembly that it was now Time for Him to respond to the Purpose of his life. How do you respond to this? How can you deny them, by saying, this is not what you had in mind for your life. You cannot respond like this. After some time, Marshall started to receive Revelations regarding the dangers Humanity will soon be involved in, of what was happening in the world, regarding The Great Waves of Change and the Emergence of

Revelations for what is on the Horizon of Humanities Immediate Future.

Humanities World into the Greater Community of Worlds. This communication was no ordinary communication laid out with seriousness and spoken by Those who bring the Will of The Creator into being in the Physical Reality of Separation. The Power and Authority of the Voice speaking to Marshall Vian Summers, was the same Power and Authority of Voice that spoke to The Buddha, to Jesus and to Mohammad. It was the same Voice of Power and Authority bringing the Holy Words to Marshall Vian Summers has it did to all the Messengers, Teachers and Prophets throughout time. Marshall started receiving Revelations concerning the Direction Humanity need to take in order to overcome the Forces from the Greater Community and their gentle manipulation and persuasion with Humanity. But Humanity knew nothing of the Greater Community or the Ways of the Greater Community. How were they going to know what it was, they needed to learn. But all was in hand, for the Creator knew the conditions of Humanity, their weakness and their limitations, their needs and their scope of intellect to take up and respond to the Mission of Marshall Vian Summers, for it is Marshall Vian Summers who is responding to the Will of Heaven to bring this New Message into the world. Here, Humanity need to become educated about the Greater Community of Worlds and Life in the Universe and how other Races in the Universe have evolved and established themselves in the Greater Community. Marshall Vian Summers first received the Revelation, Wisdom from the Greater Community. It came as two volumes, Book One and Book Two. Then came the Revelation The Greater Community Spirituality, bringing the religious and Spiritual Teaching and guidance from the Greater Community of Worlds. Marshall received many other Revelations in between these great epics and then came the Revelation that gives

Life beyond your world defies the imagination of Humanity.

information about what I have been talking about, it is Called Life in the Universe. Who could bring this information to our world? Information about the many aspects of Life in the Universe being lived and conducted in so many diverse ways. About the various forms of Religions that have been established, yet so unlike the Religions of our world. Information regarding the Environments of worlds and how they are treasured beyond anything that we as a Race treasure treasure our worlds Environments. There is so much information here, of which Humanity have never been given before, information no-one in the Universe could give to Humanity, for this information has never been given in the Universe before. Only the Creator could do this. Only the Creator knows everything about Life in the Universe, and only the Creator has given what Humanity needs when Humanity needs it. There is a small Group of Spiritual worlds out in the Universe, who know and understand what is happening in our world, for they have had this same problem of races Intervening in their worlds. They have received instructions from the Unseen Ones, these are Spirit Beings working for the Forces for Good in the Universe, and have asked this small group to go and observe the comings and goings of the Alien Forces in our world. They have reported their finings to Marshall Vian Summers, and they call themselves the Allies Of Humanity. They have given advice and direction for what humanity must do, and to Practice the Steps to Knowledge is their advice that is strongly

A Guidance and Spiritual Assistance and Direction from those calling themselves the Allies of Humanity

recommended. These are the Greatest Revelations ever given to Humanity and the Steps to Knowledge are among these Revelations. Steps to Knowledge is a Practice and a Preparation for Humanity to obtain the needed Mental and Spiritual approach that will be needed when dealing with Forces from The Greater Community For they are in our world now and at this time in our Evolution. Spiritual Beings do not travel the Universe seeking to interfere in the affaires other worlds, for they know that to do this could change the Evolution and Destiny of worlds, and this they are very particular about. But the Races that travel the Universe looking to intervene in the Genetic make-up of a world are there for their own needs and not the needs of the world they are interfering with. In our

The Greater Community Revelations

world at this time, there are Races of Beings creating an intervention in our world, they have taken Human Beings from their homes and established a breeding breeding program with them. And of cause these Human Beings have not given their consent to any of this. They didn’t know it was happening. The Alien Beings in our world at this time are far more developed than Humanity, with their intelligence and their cohesion as a Force moving within our world. Some can enter your Mental Environment and give you thoughts of persuasion and manipulation, so stealthily they are, you will believe the thoughts you are having are your own and accept them as your own. These Alien Forces in our world are not here to help Humanity. Do not let anyone tell you this is not the case. They are here to colonise our world and in doing so have already interacted with some of the Governments of our world. But thankfully, these Governments have seen the Aliens for the truth they are here for. This is why Humanity have been given the Practice of Steps to Knowledge, in order that Humanity can develop the skills

The Book of inner Knowing

needed to deal with and remove this Alien Intervention from our world. This is why the Creator of all Life is speaking again to Humanity and why the Creator has given these Greater Revelations to Humanity. This is the help Humanity need at this time, this is the help the Creator has given to Humanity. Life in the Universe is vast and beyond anything we can imagine, far greater than our scientists can imagine. If we look at this in its true perspective we should feel blessed by what the Creator has done for Humanity already, and it is now in the hands of Humanity to respond by Practicing the Steps to Knowledge and to become prepared. Humanity can not do this without Knowledge, but with Knowledge, Humanity will not be overtaken or subjugated, and the children and generations to follow will be able to live with Freedom as a truth. This is a New Message from God, the Creator of all life. The world has never seen this type of situation before. How could they know the truth of what is happening? Throughout the ages, man has looked to the heavens as a place where Angels dwell a place we refer to as our Heavenly abode. And they would say, this world is a prison, but there in our Heavenly abode I will be free. But this is not true, this is not the reality of the Greater Community, for in the Greater Community, freedom is rare. The Greater Community of Worlds is like our world but on a far greater scale. It has the same problems and same constraints, but here in our world we have our freedom, the freedom to choose who you wish to be with, who to marry, where to live, and raise a family. There are so many Freedoms in our world, Freedoms we now take for granted. But if you knew the truth, you would stand and remove these Forces, for they are here to take your freedoms away from you. In the Greater Community of Worlds you will not be free to do the thing you have taken for granted, the things that are your truth of existing in a World where the Spirit is living within you waiting to guide and protect you. Your truth is, that you are the Spirit within the Flesh, and your Origin is with the Creator. With Knowledge, you will be Free for what else is Freedom for but to find and form a relationship with the Great Spirit of Knowledge. It is time to Awaken to the great need of Humanity, the need to find Knowledge. This is the Greatest New Message you will ever have, it is a Message for Humanity from God the Creator. Do what you know you need to do. Take the Practice of Steps to Knowledge and save Humanity, not just for yourself, but for all those who have yet to come to this world.

MVS on Guidance
By Marshall Vian Summers
July 17, 2019

There’s a distinction between being guided by the intervention and being guided by the Angelic Powers. To be guided by the Intervention is to lose your native sense of wisdom, is to lose your power and your responsibility, to become subservient to foreign powers and under their control. In comparison, to be guided by the Angelic Presence is to be given back your native powers, to be given power and responsibility, to be given greater authority in your life, to function in your own best interests and for the best interests of the human family. So these two arenas of guidance are completely opposite one another and move in opposite directions, and this has to be clearly demonstrated.

That is why the Allies of Humanity have stayed apart from the Earth to only impart their wisdom and their guidance, without seeking to take control of the minds and the hearts of people on Earth. They have respectfully kept their distance, only giving us what we really need to know about the realities of life in our local universe and what we must see, know, and do to prepare for our emergence into this larger and vastly complex arena of life.

This is ethical contact right here, in contrast to the activities and intent of the Intervention itself. If people could see this clearly, it would make all the difference in what they will listen to and what they will follow within themselves and beyond themselves.

This is a short video from Marshall Vian Summers regarding the removal of the Alien Intervention Forces in our World.