Alien Invasion

Preparation against Alien Invasion. Are You Prepared?


Hybrids manufactured for Alien purposes. Where is our Preparation for this.
Hybrids have become the Alien Intervening Forces. Humanity need a preparation of defence for this.

Preparation against Alien Invasion. Are you Prepared? It is time the world started to respond to the Alien Intervention in our world, and respond in a positive way. No longer can we accept seeking for Life in the Greater Community or for Life in the Universe. No longer can we accept the call of Science and Technology to lead us down a path of ever-growing uncertainty. We continually have half developed inventions filling the stores, only to find them in a continual redevelopment program. We have seen this type of product development in thousands of products, evolving to make the original product inefficient and outdated. When a product is being developed, surely it should stay in that format till all its true potential is obtained. They can make as many prototypes as they need to prove the product. We cannot afford this waste of resources as the world depletes its resources. When there is fierce competition in the world for Commerce to generate wealth and finance for the investors! When it is already ever more difficult to find work and make a living in the world. I say this because the Human Race is outstripping the worlds resources. These resources are not here for just the few generations that have abused and overused them. They have been squandered and wasted on products that have not been proven to be sustainable. Look at all the implements of war and protection that seem to be a governing factor in the overuse and abuse of our resources. Look at all the modern comforts of life and how we have become dependent upon them. This is another unsustainable path for the world, and everything points to a throw away world; and that’s exactly what is happening. Aliens have visited us because of this! They are here because the Human Race is throwing away the resources of their world on futile and stupid things. The Human Race is lacking the preparation for these Alien visitations; Humanity is not ready or advanced enough. In truth, it is not visitations, we are dealing with Alien Intervention in our world. Do not make the mistake of thinking they will be here for the betterment of the Human Race. Do not think they are here to uplift and enlighten the Human Race. For those who are in our world at this time are not the Spiritual Beings associated with Human understanding. Our understandings have developed over thousands of years. That the stars in the sky and what we see there is our heavenly abode. Because of this, we associate things that come from this heavenly abode has being sacred, with Spiritual intentions. We may even associate them as being Spiritual and Heavenly; this is silly and reckless assumption. These perspectives are false and misaligned; what ever gave us this understanding? What we are seeing in the sky is the Greater Community of Worlds. Our world, the Planet we call home is part of this Greater Community of Worlds. Yet the Human Being in its isolation has not developed sufficiently to embrace this. The Greater Community of Worlds is just the same as our world, but of cause far greater and far more complicated. Would you associate our world as being

The Greater Community is why we need this Preparation and its Revelations against Alien Intervention in our world.

Heavenly? Of cause not, we do not look at our world and say this is our heavenly abode, yet we are part of The Greater Community of Worlds. I am sorry to disappoint any of you, but our Heavenly abode is not in the stars. But because of the Alien Intervention in our world we are now emerging into the Greater Community of Worlds. The Alien Beings intervening in our world are certainly not spiritual or from any Heavenly abode! Those who wish to replenish their own resources have visited our world many times in our distant past. They have respected our world and the time they have spent here. Our world is a biological minefield of many forms of germs, bacteria and virus’s that would cause extinction for other worlds. Because of this we have been left in isolation and undiscovered. As we view the Ancient Tribes of the Rain Forests, is how the Aliens view us. Aliens have been watching our world closely, monitoring our characteristics and development. From their reconnaissance of our world they will glean more about us than we know ourselves. In particular they will learn how we will respond to their type of contact. What is it that motivates the Aliens in their pursuit of our world? This is a very serious question, If we look at our own Colonialist past, we will find it was all about resources and their control. Never was it about seeking friendship. Never was it about teaching guidance and Spirituality! Look at those nations that were overtaken in those times. The indigenous peoples of those nations in every instant have all but become extinct and replaced by invaders. We have been watched and observed by Aliens for a long time. During this time they witnessed the last two World Wars, it changed their planned dynamics and convictions. Now with the introduction of Atomic Weapons the Aliens have changed their strategy and time scale has been reduced. They see the need to complete and achieve their Intervention sooner rather than later. The Atomic Weapons we used have sent very strong signals into the Greater Community of Worlds. It is no wonder we are called warlike and troublesome. But those Intervening in our world understand the stages of our evolution. They see the Human Race as adolescent, immature even backward. In this, they see the Human Race being set on a course of self-destruction, including the world’s resources. All they are here for is our world’s resources, for them to obtain own and remove. This is an Alien Invasion of a real kind, they do not want friendship with the Human Race, their desire is to own our resources. What preparation do the Human Family have for this situation? The preparation needed is beyond Human understanding; it is something Humanity have never had to deal with. What do we know about those who are our predators? We know nothing that will help our situation has it stands at this time. To understand what we are dealing with here, we must go back to the last world war. During that time Fighter Pilots of the Armed Forces made reports of Strange Craft buzzing in and out of the aerial dog fights. These Crafts had no involvement with the actual fighting, and were more of an hindrance in those circumstances. They soon became known at that time as Foo Fighters! This was just the beginning of a pattern of events that would become known as  the UFO phenomenon. If we had the Preparation at that time, Preparation to take appropriate action, of those circumstances, things would be far different now. In 1947, some miles from Roswell New Mexico USA, there were reports of a strange Craft crashing on a Cattle Ranch. It was reported and recovered as a UFO by the local USA Army Air Force. Then twenty-four hours later it was declared to be a Weather Balloon by higher Commanders. This type of incident happened two or three times during the late 1940’s and into the early 1950’s. Within six months of the Roswell incident the American Air Force changed and disbanded the USA Army Air Force. Strangely, all records of the Roswell incident were lost or destroyed leaving no trace for others to evaluate. This aside, the reports of UFO’s escalated year on year, with thousands being reported across the world. In 1961 Barney and Betty Hill reported the first instance the of Human abduction by Aliens. They were the normal man and woman of the USA. The abduction happened from September 19, to 20, 1961. in a rural area in the state of New Hampshire. The Alien’s told them, they came from the Zeta Reticuli System of Stars and gave a diagram of their Star Systems. The authorities of the time said there was no such star system ever recorded, only for it to be discovered some years later. This incident was a wake up call for Humanity, to sit up and take notice, but the opposite happened. The world’s government’s response was to ridicule all abductees’ and left them to be fodder for the media. There was no Preparation in place for these abductions; there was no recourse for the people of the world. Well over a million people have been abducted and there are millions who have kept quiet about it. Surely there was something amiss here, and it told of the world’s lack of intelligence in the face of Alien Invasion. Back in 1961 the Alien’s made their move against humanity! They had their preparation clear and ready to use. They understood our world,s biological hazards and made preparation to work around them. This is why they were abducting Humans. They were designing their own format of human Being. It is not Human but Hybrid, and could live within the Human Family. Genetically they are Alien and their sine wave activity of their brain is different to that of a Human. There are other features of the Hybrid that determines their origin. To mention it here is really inappropriate. The Hybrids have been genetically manipulated to receive telepathic contact, for their genetic origin is of a Collective Genetic System. The Alien,s who manipulated the Human genome to redesign the Human Being, may have now left our part of the Greater Community. This will have been planned to coincide with their overall strategy for restocking our world with their own type of Being. If their departure is true, it will change very little. There are many others Aliens waiting in the wings to take over the project. For them to succeed, they will need Human Beings to be compliant, loyal and allegiant to their directives. The Human Being will not be compliant enough for the Alien,s to have control of our world. The Human Being will not give their loyalty or their allegiance to the Alien’s, this makes Humans difficult to control. The Hybrid is of the same mindset as the Aliens, here they can guide and control them remotely and efficiently. The Hybrid receives messages and impulses, to tutor, train and stimulate them. When the time comes to respond to their Preparation, the Aliens can do this remotely over vast distances of the Galaxy. With this they belong to the Races that are Collectives who have a Collective mentality and awareness. This is what the Human Family is up against; this is what has been happening for decades and without any response. What can you do now? How will you know what to do? Humanity is at a crossroad in its

Revelation and Preparation for what Change is on the Horizon of Humanities Immediate Future and The Alien Intervention and Invasion in our World

evolution, it has all but destroyed the Environments of the world, creating Global Warming. The Planet is in upheaval from Great Waves of Change in need of a preparation. The world is in the grip of Alien Intervention and Invasion. What can we do? How will we know what to do? Because of these great upheavals and diversities happening in our world, other Aliens have made contacted with Human Family. They call

A Guidance and Spiritual Assistance to a Preparation against Alien invasion through Knowledge and Direction from those calling themselves the Allies of Humanity

themselves The Allies of Humanity. They understand and recognise our situation, they have also had the problem of Alien Intervention. To remove this Intervention is very difficult, and only a few worlds have achieved this. Our Allies have been passing information of their experience of Intervention to give the Human Family resolution for our situation. They are Spiritual Beings and live a Spiritual way of life. They have been asked to assist the Human Family by the Spiritual Presence known as the Unseen Ones. With this, they received a Purpose to watch and record the coming and going of the Alien activity in our world. This and their own experiences of Alien Intervention has been given to a representative of the Human Family. Our Allies speak of the Great Spirit of Knowledge, a Practice of Preparation that is urgently needed in our world. This Preparation will help guide the Human Family through the Great Waves of Change. It is a Preparation to Guide Humanity to the removal of Alien Invasion and Intervention that is here in our world. The greatest obstacle to this Preparation is the Human Being itself! You see, we are born to this life with a predetermined plan and Purpose that will serve this world. We accept this purpose and all it entails, because we are Spirits that contains the Great Spirit of Knowledge. Knowledge is the essence of God the Creator, placed within each Spirit by the Creator before the Spirits journey into Separation. The Spirit experiences existence in the Physical Reality, the Creator created the Physical Reality for this Purpose. The Spirit comes to this life and exist within the body of the Human Being, purposely chosen for each Spirit. Here, Knowledge is also within the body, and the Purpose for the Body is to seek the Spirit within the body. The body has a mind of its own, and this mind was not available at the acceptance of the Purpose for its life. The body and its mind did not exist at this time, it was yet to be born. This is why I say, the greatest obstacle to this Preparation is the Human Being itself. You who are reading these words, Knowledge is with you, and is a far greater mind. Knowledge has always been with you and It is very patient with you, waiting for you to recognise Its Presence. You see, you are the Spirit within the body but it is the mind of the body that has taken control. For Knowledge to interact with this life and serve the Purpose it has come to facilitate, the body must be involved. The Spirit cannot interact with the Physical Reality and this is why, it

Yes, Knowledge is with you The Greater Intelligence and Power in the Universe. Available through the Preparation of Steps to Knowledge.

is within the body of a Physical Being. Yes Knowledge is with you, and it has always been with you, but you do not recognise the Spirit within you. The mind must serve the Spirit and the body must serve the mind, this is the true hierarchy relationship with Spirit. The Spirit knows this but the mind has developed with a different understanding. It is the mind that inhibits our recognition of Knowledge, and it has been so restricted from the outset. The mind has been starved of this information from its very first day in this life. The mind of the body was created to navigate its way in the world and keep the body from harm. At this time it has limited intelligence and reduced faculties for achieve the things it is trying to achieve. In service to Knowledge, the mind comes to its pinnacle as a true vehicle for the greatest power and wisdom. Knowledge is the greatest power in the universe and will not be influenced or manipulated, and in this regard is protective. Knowledge will bring resolution to the Intervention in our world, it will bring

The New Messenger a Prophet and a Teacher for Our times and Times to Come of change.

resolution to the Great Waves of Change. With Knowledge, Humanity will follow its true evolution in the Greater Community and achieve its true destiny waiting in the future. To deliver this Preparation to the Human Family the Creator has sent a New Messenger into the world. The New

The New Messenger from God,
Marshall Vian Summers Giving Guidance of Change and Preparation

Messenger is a Prophet a Teacher and a Messenger, His name is Marshall Vian Summers. With this, the Sacred Seal of the Prophets has been broken. The New Messenger is the Messenger for these times and for the times to come. It is to the New Messenger that the Allies of Humanity report their observations. What has been observed is of great concern for the Human Family, the concern of Alien Invasion and Intervention. The Creator of all life has sent many Revelations to Humanity, through the Angelic Assembly to the New Messenger. Over 9,000 pages of Revelations have been received and they are still being given and revealed to the Messenger. The Preparation of Steps to Knowledge is a Revelation to help Humanity follow its Evolutionary path in the Greater Community. These New Revelations have never been given before, and were not appropriate for other times for other Messengers. The other Messengers, of which some are The Buddha, Jesus and Mohammed are standing with the New Messenger. There are others that go back into antiquity, all sent to guide and point the way along the path of Humanities evolution. They came to guide Communities, Tribes, and Nations, never before has a Messenger come to guide the world, not until now. The New Messenger

Life in the Universe is Given by God the Creator. Only the Creator knows what is happening in the Universe

brings a New Message from God for the Human Family, and this is the Preparation needed. Humanity is at the crossroads of its evolution and the question is, do you wish to remain a Free Race of Beings. Freedom in the Greater Community is rare. The Book of Revelation; Life in the Universe, explains that many worlds in the Greater Community are driven by Conformity. These worlds do not recognise individual Freedom of the Being, they do not have the Freedom of choice. They are born to fill a position that is needed to be filled, this will be their life. This Conformity does no encompass the Spirit; Freedom to seek the Spirit goes against their idea of Conformity. At this time, our world is a Free world, where the Beings of this world can seek the Spirit within them. This world was created to serve this Purpose. But if the Intervention succeeds to overtake our world, then the Human Family that we know, will not exist. Do not ask the

A comprehensive Teaching about the Greater Community, including Alien Invasion

Creator to come and help you, for the Creator has already given you what you need. The Creator has given you a Preparation to remain Free, Preparing for the Greater Community. The Creator has given the Spirit of Knowledge. Why should the Creator give you something else when you cannot respond to what has already been given? You have a dilemma here, for you need to respond, not just for yourself, but for those who cannot respond. Your family and its later generations, and generations to come will not be able to respond. It will be too late for them to respond, for Humanity will be overtaken by then. They will have to be submissive and become slaves for the Alien Hybrids. They will be used for the removal of the worlds resources, here they will not have an option. Even the Human Being will be a resource, for it carries the building blocks of life. They are carried within the Bone Marrow, Blood Plasma and Brain Stem. Without the response now, future generations will find their fate will be sealed by our inaction. Who is going to respond for them and all of Humanity at that time? We have all been born at this time to assist Humanity in its removal of this Intervention. Surely something resonates deep within you now, something you align with but cannot explain. Knowledge will do this you see. Seek the New Messenger and the New Message from God; here you will discover your Purpose for this life. Do not let the Sovereignty of our world, and your world, be taken from the generations to come. You have been born to respond to the Preparation and your Purpose, this is the meaning of your life. Join the World Wide Community of the New Message from God; discover the truth you have been deprived of. This is the beginning of responding for the world and Humanity.