Alien Invasion

Purpose of Humanity during Alien Intervention.

Alien Contact is Intervention - NOT Visitation

Purpose is an objective, It is a goal that you need to achieve and is built into the movement of our life. Not only for this world, but for all Sentient and Intelligent Beings throughout the Universe. Purpose in many, is self designed, or can be given to you through your job of work as a target to achieve. It may be a target or a position and status you wish to achieve in your life. But if we stop and contemplate this, we will come to the realisation, that Purpose is built into everything that moves within life. There is another type of Purpose that is moving the world, a Purpose so discreet and secretly established, and moves as does time to assimilate the movement of the worlds Evolution. It is not a Purpose born of this world, or born of Humanity, but is born of Beings not Native to our world and are Intervening in the Human process of having the freedom to live and decide their overall structure and design for their future. Yet, in saying this, Humanity have not shown their intent, objective or Purpose to the Greater Community. Instead, Humanity have given an undesirable impressions of themselves to their Neighbours in this part of the Greater Community, our locality, and place in the Universe. It is a place we know nothing about. It is the vast expanse of Space that is Home to Billions upon Billions and Billions of worlds, inhabited by Sentient and Intelligent Beings at every stage of evolution. Some are very advanced, Spiritually and Intellectually. Some are highly advanced in Science, and Technologies, some are developing in these advancements. There are worlds that have not advanced to any proficiency and are not developed to a degree of an intelligence or civilised societies. There are also some worlds that have developed to the stage of adolescents, gaining intelligence, yet still brutal and lacking the skills of living or

The Greater Community Revelations

emerging into a Greater Community, and what can this can mean for these worlds. This is the stage Humanity have arrived at, in their evolution, having reached a crossroads in their evolution, of which they are unaware of. Humanity have gained a little intelligence but still lack comprehension of Discernment, Discretion and Unity. Humanity are warlike, seeking vengeance, are arrogant, complacent and disrespectful of their Environments and other species of life living in this Human dominated world. Humanity have weapons of mass destruction, and have used their worlds natural resources unwisely and wastefully, and are now seeking Higher Advanced Technologies, and these things along with war and destruction will use up a worlds natural resources if no awareness is used, but sadly Humanity are lacking in this area also. But to bring a deeper meaning to Purpose, I will use the Purpose of a small group of Spiritually evolved Beings, that know exactly what is happening in our world today. They know far more about our situation than most of Humanity do, and have been involved with observing our world from a distance, to learn what is happening to our world. This small group of Alien Beings originate from a group of Spiritual worlds, and they were given a Purpose by those known as the Unseen Ones to observe and note the coming and going of Alien Beings, moving in and around our world, and being done in a secret and in a surreptitious way. This Purpose was accepted, because these Beings had been involved with an Intervention against their world, by other Beings from the Greater Community. To overcome their Intervention, they were given help from other Beings who had also been through this same ordeal that changed the course of their Intervention, to the extent the Intervention was removed completely. So now this small group of Spiritual Beings accepted their Purpose in order to repay those who had helped them. The Help they received was not weapons or greater skill in warfare, but a Spiritual Practice called Steps to Knowledge. This Spiritual group of Aliens are known to Humanity as the Allies of Humanity and have passed on to Humanity, all that they observed. The Aliens moving in and around our world are far different to those who call themselves our Allies. So yes, Beings are moving to and fro and in and around our world, having come from the Greater Community, intentionally to have great affect upon

A Guidance and Spiritual Assistance and Direction from those calling themselves the Allies of Humanity

Humanity at this time. They have come with the Purpose to remove Humanity as the Race having Sovereignty of their world, and it is a Deep Intervention that only a few are aware of. They are using Humanities disrespect of their world as a need to replace them. This is part of the reason Aliens are Intervening in our world, and the other reason is the great amount of natural resources held in our world, Animal, Mineral and Vegetable. Other worlds in the Greater Community have depleted and used up their resources and will willingly purchase them from those who have them for a price. Yes, this is Commerce, and our resources are a valuable commodity, for resale and for bargaining with, to achieve other acquisitions. There are Resources in our world not yet discovered by Humanity. Resources Humanity have no realisation of, and are of great value for the future of Humanity.

But these resources are known to those Intervening in the world, resources the Aliens are being discreet about and wish to keep to themselves. The resources of our world are a valuable asset, and in this, our worlds resources are the reason, Purpose and motivation for their Intervention upon Humanity. At every great threshold of Humanities evolution, a New Messenger from God the Creator has come to the world, to prepare and provide guidance for Humanity, to meet the need for change that will, and is, taking place in the world, now and in the times to come. This is how God moves in the world, through those who are Gods Messengers. Gods New Messenger for the World, has come from the Angelic Assembly, those Angelic Spirits that Council and watch over our world. The Messengers

Marshall Vian Summers, Gods New Messenger for the World

name is Marshall Vian Summers, He is a humble man that lives among the people and He has been given information from those calling themselves the Allies of Humanity, information about the secret movement of Alien adversaries moving against Humanity. This, along with other New and Great Revelations, that are Teachings for our times and the times to come. He has been give a New Practice for Humanity, the Practice of Steps to Knowledge. This is an Ancient Practice, used even now in those worlds that are Spiritually inclined and follow the Steps to Knowledge. The truth of this Great Practice is the truth that lives within all Sentient and Intelligent Beings living throughout the Universe, for what is within us, is the Spirit that lived with the Creator before the event of Separation. Before we left our True Home with the Creator, we received the Great Spirit of Knowledge, placed within us by the Creator to help and guide us to return to the Creator and our True Home. It is for these times occurring now in the world, that Humanity are starting to experience, that Knowledge was placed within us, for they are times of great peril and suffering, inflicted by the Great Waves of Change. For the these times of Alien Intervention and how to navigate

Revelations for what is on the Horizon of Humanities Immediate Future.

our way through this time, and to remove this Intervention and survive the Great Waves of Change. It is the greatest event Humanity has ever had to encounter and navigate, without the Great Spirit of Knowledge coming forward in our lives, humanity will not have the Power to resolve the issues that will need to be resolved and for Humanity to survive. We are living with Hybrid Beings, placed in our world by the Intervening Aliens, through the process of the Abduction of Human Beings. This is their great Purpose for Humanity to be Ruled over, subjugated and turned into Beings of disadvantage and subservience and have our Sovereignty of this our world removed for ever. Humanity will be slaves in their own world, without Knowledge, Humanity will falter and succumb to the Powers of influence, manipulation and persuasion. This is how the Intervention will defeat Humanity, they will not use weapon or tools of destruction, for they need everything possible to help bring this world back to its original state of environmental affluence and beauty. Why do we need an Alien Race to do this? Why did Humanity let it get so derelict and neglected? It is the responsibility of Humanity to bring this world back to its former glory, for we are the appointed Stewards of this world, and this is why our Creator has placed within us the Great Spirit of Knowledge. Come and join those of the New Message from God, become a Beginning Student of Knowledge and take up the Practice of Steps to Knowledge and bring this world back to Humanity before it becomes to late. Awaken to the Calling in the world and recognise your own Calling, to answer your Purpose for being in the world.

For everyone in the world today, is here to attend to this serious issue. You are being called, and only you can answer your Calling. You know it is there Calling for you to respond, for Humanity and the Creator. The Messengers of the past, The Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad and many others in the very distant past, have all come from the Creator. They came at great turning points in the evolution of Humanity. But the Message they gave Humanity at their times were for those times that they came. The Creator has given Humanity a New Message for our time and the times to come. For the messages of the past will be insufficient and incapable of helping for today and todays problems. This is how the Creator moves in the world, through those we know as Messengers. It is now, that Humanity must awaken to the great threat upon their existence, from those who wish to remove Humanity. It is your time to respond and to be glad you can respond to the great threat upon us. Practice Steps to Knowledge to bring the Great Spirit

The Book of inner Knowing and a Spiritual Practice involving Spiritual Education

of Knowledge into your life, and we can practice to save ourselves and our world, this is a great need now, The Greatest Need of Our Time.

A Quote from the Greater Community Spirituality, Chapter 5, What is Human Purpose.

You do not need to feel an affinity with the Greater Community or even to believe in it to come to the understanding that your purpose is related to it. Everyone’s purpose is related to it, directly or indirectly, because this is the world that you have come to serve. This is the time that you are here, , and this is the condition of the world and the evolution of the world at this time. Though your specific calling may seem to have little to do with the Greater Community, you are serving the world in its emergence into the Greater Community. You are fostering goodness, Wisdom and the reality of Knowledge in the world through your own demonstration. This is your purpose.

Come, then, without definition. Come, then, without the need for self-validation. Come to the open door to Knowledge. It awaits you now.