Alien Invasion

Reality of Alien Intervention, Can You Discern This?

Not Knowing chances are, you will give yourself away to those intruders

Knowing How Aliens Hide in Our World! Can you Know?

The Reality of the Alien Agenda in the World | Marshall Vian Summers

Reality of Alien Intervention, can you discern this? Yes, you certainly can discern this, and thousands of people across the world are awaking to this fact. You who are reading this can also learn to discern the Alien Intervention in our world. In the world there are many beliefs and false attachments encompassing this topic. Therefore, you will need certain information to place you on the right Path. Here you learn the Reality of Alien Intervention and separate the many ideas and notions from the false and the true. You will meet with much false information from those who are promoting the arrival of Aliens in our world. You may already have information about this topic, therefore you need to come with an open heart and an open mind. How can you learn anything if you bring with you preconceived ideas and notions that will inhibit your learning process? How often have you accepted information from other sources, having valued it highly, then find later much of it is false. This is the problem with holding parts of information that you believe and prefer to keep in your mind. For they become a liability for your learning and not an asset; Humans become burdened like this automatically you see. Knowing this is a learning in itself. In this vein, I will introduce names very important for your learning. I will start with the Man who is the greatest Reality of our times. He is a very special Man; He is a Teacher, a Prophet and a Messenger, all rolled into the One Being. Why do I mentioning this Man? What is so important about Him that is important for you to learn and know? The Creator of all life has sent this Man into our world. He is the New Messenger from God for Humanity for these times and for the times to come. Like Moses, The Buddha, Jesus and Mohammad, The New Messenger has come to bring a New Message to Humanity, a Message for the whole world. Never has a Messenger come to serve the whole of Humanity, but these are special times for the Human Family. The New Messenger brings Revelations of the Reality of Great Waves of Change for Humanity, Changes Humanity cannot see! He brings a Message concerning the Reality of Alien Intervention in our world, another Reality Humanity cannot see! The New Messenger from God is giving Humanity the understanding of Alien Intervention and its repercussions for the future of Humanity. The Creator also knows and fully understands the critical nature and need for the Human Family at these times. The Messenger is the Teacher that I follow, and in this I am a student of Steps to Knowledge. I follow and acknowledge the Revelations of the New Message from God. There are hundreds even thousands of students across the world now practicing the Steps to Knowledge. I will give more information about this as I progress. The Unseen Ones are working in the background for Humanity. They are the Spiritual Beings that work and prepare the way for worlds. They have made contact with a small

Reality of The Greater Community is why we need this Preparation and its Revelations against Alien Intervention in our world.

group of Beings who can assist the Human Family at this time. They are known as the Allies of Humanity, and have also had to deal with Alien Intervention. They are a small group of Beings from a small group of worlds, and were able to remove Intervention from their worlds. Intervention happens throughout The Greater Community, it is not a rare phenomenon, and frequently happens to unprepared worlds. Alien

The Allies of Humanity give guidance and Assistance in dealing with the Reality of Alien Intervention and its removal through the Spirit of Knowledge.

 Intervention and Living the Way of Knowledge for this small group of Beings is a common denominator between them. With this, The Unseen Ones gave a mission and a Purpose to this small group of individuals. The Allies of Humanity have come to the vicinity of our world to observe the activity of the Intervention. They are still carrying out these observations even now, but from a greater distance. For some of their group were caught making their observations and they had to destroy themselves, rather than be captured. Being captured means they would be interrogated and tortured for the location of their world. This would have serious consequences for their worlds and they would meet with Intervention retaliation. Their experience and their Reality is now the guidance for the Human Family. They pass their Revelations to the New

Marshall Vian Summers, Gods New Messenger for the World.

Messenger through a special Spiritual Channel, set up for this very purpose. This Channel cannot be intervened or overheard by any other Reality; it is totally secure. The New Messenger is known in our world by the name Marshall Vian Summers. He is a humble Man, sincere, compassionate and dedicated to His life’s Purpose, given to Him by God the Creator. It is to Marshall Vian Summers the Allies of Humanity give their Revelations and experience. They leave nothing out saying exactly as it is and how it will be; Humanity must respond to their advice. All the briefings our Allies give are recorded and secured for the future. They have been published for the people of the world to obtain, study and gain understanding and respond. The Alien Intervention is not casual visitation or friendly in nature. It is a deep provocative act of stealth, cautious and a surreptitious operation aimed at Humanity and its naivety. The Human Family is being used as resources and supplements, to create Hybrid Alien Beings through their Alien abduction program. Knowing this Intervention has been secretly engaged in this activity for at least six decades is surely a deep concern. The Hybrids are not only being placed in our world, they are breeding in our world!! Their numbers are swelling and many thousands of Hybrids now exist in our world. This is not fiction. This is not imagination. As the Alien Intervention functions it does so imitating the world’s normal advancement and evolution. To this end, it employs cunning and secrecy to go undetected and achieve Invasion at the same time. Do not think or expect Aliens to arrive with great armies and weapons. This thinking is the Reality of our world. It is not the thinking of the Greater Community of Worlds. It is only in the mind of Humans that the Greater Community thinks like Humans. This is an error in discernment for Humanity and we are learning these things from the Allies of Humanity. The Alien Beings of Intervention in our world are more alert and aware than we are. They learned long ago, war and destruction defeats all their objectives for seeking and securing resources from worlds! This is the Reality we are facing you see, the Alien Intervention is here for our Resources!! The Human Being is also part to their need on their resource list. Anything related to the Building Blocks of Life will be a priority. Many worlds have over engineered their genetic structures and have moved away from their origin. With unaltered Building Blocks of Life they can look to get back to basics, with their own genetic structure. The Alien Intervention is made up of various Races and are known as Collectives. Yet they have a cohesiveness and loyalty akin to genetic conformity. The Human Family has little understanding of the term Mental Environment. If I say, it’s an environment we have always been part of and involved with since evolvement of thinking Human Beings. In fact, wherever there is a thinking Being, Human or Alien, then a Mental Environment will develop. This is because the thoughts generated have a force of their own, depending upon the amount of energy they possess when created. This energy permeates the Environment they were originated in, depending upon the amount of Energy used to produce them. You have been involved with the Mental Environment, because you are a thinking Being. You may recall a time you entered a room where a discussion was in progress and felt the energy there. In places where there has been tragedy for people, you will feel the Mental Environments there. If you attend a wedding you will be part of the feeling of joy, this joy stems from those who are there. If you attend a funeral of someone you had a deep friendship with, you will generate and feel the energy there. The Alien Intervention are very experienced in the Mental Environment. They can influence and manipulate it, this is also their advantage and agenda. Think about Conspiracy Theories and the impressions they can put on your mind. If you get involved with Conspiracy Theories you will lose your recognition of the truth, they are so influential in the mind. Conspiracy Theories are the same as the Forces of the Mental Environment. The Intervention in our world is using the Mental Environment of the Human Family. They can overtake our world without firing a single shot, using their seduction, influence and manipulation. This is known as Subterfuge, it is the ability to deceive and manipulate to gain advantage. They have been doing this work in our Mental Environment and they are extremely advanced in this form of influence. They are fully aware we have little or no understanding of the Mental Environment and what can be achieved with it. But to influence our Mental Environment the Alien Intervention needs to be part of our worlds Mental Environment. This is why the Alien Intervention has gone to great lengths to insert their Hybrid Being into our world! Because they cannot navigate the Reality of the biological environments of our world; it’s Germs, Bacteria and Virus elements. The Human Being has immunity to this environment to a great extent; Aliens have no immunity here. The Hybrids then, have a very important role to play for the Alien Intervention. They are being born to our world, gaining the same immunity as Humans, yet they have an Alien mind. In Reality, they are Parasites breeding within the Human Family while being allegiant to our predators. They are predators because the Alien Intervention has created the Hybrids, and the Hybrids are the weapons of the Intervention. The Hybrids are being coached and directed by the Alien Beings, and the Hybrids are as

The true Reality of Hybrids receiving coaching and direction from the Aliens who created them.

much an Intervention as the Aliens. This is happening, yet who in the Human Family is discerning this? This is real and is our Reality at this moment; who is going to respond to this Alien Intervention. If you did not understand or discern the Reality of Alien Intervention, surely you can see clearly now? Marshall Vian Summers the New Messenger is giving Himself to save the Human Family from this grave situation. The Allies of Humanity have given themselves also. Yet, how can the Human Family retain the Sovereignty of its world in this eroding situation? Where the Human Family cannot Look and cannot See the truth of their short sightedness and intransigents. This is due to the loss of discernment through pacification from the Mental Environment. The Hybrids are now pushing themselves into positions of power and authority and this is the agenda they pursue against Humanity. Who is going to make a stand for the Human Family? Who is going to awaken and respond the world’s situation, to our situation? Go check out the Allies of Humanity. Go and find the New Message from God; you are needed here. You who are reading this information do not have all the information of why you are here in the world. Surely, you have asked yourself why you are here in the world, what is the reason for life anyway? What is the purpose for being in this life? These questions are asked by nearly everyone, but do we listen for an answer? No we never do. The truth is you see, if you knew who you really are, then you would sit up and take notice. Because who you are is something very different to the body and mind you have take as your true Reality. Your True Reality is not the flesh but the Spirit that lives within the flesh. OK, you maybe thinking, what has this got to do with Alien Intervention? Well the two are intrinsically involved, in a way you may not have realised before. This is because our world is a world where there is freedom! It may be a loose and reckless kind of freedom but it is freedom none the less. In the Greater Community of Worlds freedom is rare! Where freedom is established, it is cherished and defended closely. You may know of those who had to fight to keep the freedom you now enjoy, is this not true? Because freedom is hard earned it must be guarded, cherished and protected. The small amount of freedom we enjoy in our world, is far more than most worlds in the Greater Community. Because Alien Intervention is in our world, Humanity is at great risk of loosing its Freedom, Sovereignty and Self-Determination. This is the stark Reality of our Emergence into the Greater Community of Worlds. The New Messenger has received from the Creator of all Life, over 9,000 pages of Revelations. They have never been given to The Human Family before, because they deal with the times we are now in. The previous Revelations from Previous Messengers gave a Message for those times and the circumstances for those times. The Messenger that is here now has come for these times with a message for these times. With this, the future will be unlike the past, and here, the Messages for the past will not serve these times. Within the Revelations for

Greater Education is given by The Creator for the Human Family to advance in the Way of Knowledge

our time is the Steps to Knowledge. Steps to Knowledge, is a Greater Community Spirituality Practice. It is a Practice that brings the body and mind into relationship with the Spirit within the person and its mind. The thing is, all worlds that suffer Alien Intervention and having no assistance, never overcome the Forces of Intervention! But, those who are given help in following the Practice of Steps to Knowledge, succeed in removing their Alien Intervention. This Practice is in the world. The Creator of all Life has sent it with the New Messenger for Humanity. The Human Family has been given the greatest Revelations to assist them. Life in the Universe is part of these Revelations. The Allies of Humanity are part of these Revelations. The Great Waves of Change is part of these Revelations. Preparing for the Greater Community is part of these Revelations. There are many more

A comprehensive Teaching about the Greater Community, Alien Intervention Reality

Revelations to assist and guide the Human Family out of this Alien Intervention in the world. The Creator has done what is required for the Human Family to survive this Alien Intervention. The Creator has done what is required to keep the Freedom, Sovereignty and Self-Determination of the Human Family intact. But for it to work you see, the Human Family must respond to their situation and need. They must seek their relationship with Knowledge and gain help and guidance from the Spirit within them; their Truth. Here Humanity will have the mind that Knows and can See to Know what to do. The advantage will be with the Human Family here and the Human Family will succeed in the removal of its Intervention. You who are reading these words have not found them by accident. You have found them because you

Revelation and Preparation for the Reality of what Change is on the Horizon of Humanities Immediate Future and The Alien Intervention and Invasion in our World

were born to respond to the Alien Intervention, this is your Purpose in the world. This is why you were born at this time of Great Waves of Change. Seek then the New Messenger. Seek the Revelations from the Creator and go find the

World Wide Community of the New Message from God. This is the path to your destiny. You must realise, following generations will not be able to respond to this Calling. It will be too late and the Human Family will be overtaken. How will you protect those you love and care for in those times? For the Human Family will be herded and used as slaves to mine the resources of our world. You must conform and comply to the Hybrid Rule you see. They seek allegiance and loyalty from the Human Family in order to remove the worlds Resources. None compliance here or resisting their subjugation will be futile; your body of flesh will become resources for the Greater Community. You will be found to be a purpose for them in this way. When the Alien Intervention has taken every resource of value, they will depart leaving nothing for the Human Family. The time to respond is now; this is the Reality. There will be no other time or occasion to rethink this situation; it will be gone. Your response is important here, no-one else can do what you have come to do in this world. The time is now late you see; your response is needed if the Human Family are to succeed.

                Taken from :     PREPARING FOR THE GREATER COMMUNITY                                                        

                                                                   CHAPTER  9.

                                                                     VERSE   48.                                                                                                                                                                              

Perhaps you are thinking, “How is this possible? How could this happen within the world?” Yet I can assure you that it is happening at this moment and has been happening for decades and will become increasingly prevalent. For the Greater Community is here, and it is establishing its net of influence already. And this influence is far more pervasive than you at this moment may realize. That is why the need for Knowledge, the need for learning a Greater Community understanding and perspective, are so crucial at this time.

                                                                     VERSE  49.

Humanity is losing ground. It was never strong to begin with in terms of the mental environment, but it is losing ground seriously. That is why there is an intense and urgent spiritual calling within the world. It is more urgent than people realize. They think perhaps, “Well, it is just an opportunity to become enlightened.” No. It is a need to preserve the integrity and the self-determination of humanity itself.