Alien Invasion

Seeding & Replacing Mankind Upon Planet Earth

Intervention is the same by Aliens or by Humans.

The Alien Invasion

Mankind have been in possession of overwhelming information, well known and very well documented, of visual, photographic and video evidence from across our world by every nation. Mankind give witness to intrusion from Alien Beings, giving no regard for the our Sovereignty and our Autonomy of the world we occupy and own. Mankind have been under Alien surveillance for many, many years now, and yet the governments of our world have kept what they know close to their heart. This in itself, creates distrust of the Governments of the world, by the people for those that should be the protectors of the people, and do they believe they are protecting the people in having this denial, for this is how it looks. But how things look, is not necessarily how they are! The Aliens present in our world, and there are quite a few different Species at this time, are relaying information to humanity, in one form or another, each giving their version or account of where Humanity has come from. There are several Species of Aliens telling us, we were Seeded upon this world by them. Although they are all very different in their appearance and skin texture and other anomalies. Yet, we are, in their reasoning, or in their subtle deceit, a distant relative! The Aliens will say this, even though it is not true, this is their deception and manipulation, to gain a foot hold into our world, they will say all things to encourage Mankind to form bonds with them, and encourage Mankind to share their world and its resources with them. If they could be established here, among Humanity, they would then soon enforce a takeover of our world, leaving Mankind to be their servants and slaves. This is the way of Colonialists, for we know only to well how this works, it has

Colonialists are the same, Intervention is the same, whether by Aliens or by Humans happened in our world many times, by foreign forces gaining footholds into lands, by offering the natives of that land mere trinkets and objects that manipulate the minds of the natives into thinking the gifts represent friendship, honesty and trustworthiness. But the reality was very different from this, for in just a few years the natives lost their land completely to the manipulation and influence of those valueless trinkets of the foreign invaders. Those Aliens that are in our world at this time are the Invaders, manipulators and influencers very capable of turning the minds of the weak and greedy, those who become infatuated with the Alien Technology and the stories they bring for those who have no discernment, for it is our discernment they are trying to erode and enable them to say whatever they wish without accountability. They will not speak of where they coming from, but say they are from another dimension or from the future. But this is also a ploy to keep their true home safe and secure, in order that there can be no reprisals upon their world if they do not seal a takeover in our world, or the many worlds they try to subjugate long before coming to our world.

The Truth of Mankind Being Seeded Here.

It is true, Mankind were Seeded to this world, but not by those interfering in our world at this time. Mankind were Seeded by a Spiritual Race of Beings to this world, and in this, Spiritual races do not move about the universe interfering in other worlds and their Races. Those who Seeded Mankind to this world, did so following the Will of the Creator, using discretion, discernment and compassion, for the task that was required of them to carry out. The Aliens in our world at this time, are not those who Seeded Mankind to this world. They are Prospectors and Collectives in the main, with those who are here to watch the Alien advancement take place in our world and are in effect just bystanders to the event. The Collectives and Prospectors are not from one world and are made up of Beings from different worlds in much the same as way as Nations in our world use Mercenaries to form an Armed Force of soldiers from different countries across the world. But there are also Clones and Hybrids being used to support another offensive against Mankind, forcing an integration into the Human Race. This is an Alien Invasion in every sense, and is being conducted with precision and stealth and are known as Grey Aliens. They are not aligned with the Prospectors or Collectives, they belong to an Ancient Race of Beings, and have been genetically engineered to a rigid conformity, in order to achieve a submissive and compliant Race of Beings and had nothing to do with Human evolvement in our world. That was until now. They are interfering in our world to acquire the resources of our world, and not our friendship. They have no interest in this direction and have many colonised worlds where there is insufficient resources to maintain them. They see Mankind as a Rogue Race, war like and dangerous who will kill you rather than be friends with you. They have been surveilling our world for many many years, maybe centuries with out our awareness, knowing the rewards this world will bring them at the right time. They view our world with enviousness, and see the Human Being as no more than how we see the beasts of the field, a creature of resource for exploiting.

The Grey Alien Invasion and Manipulation Against Mankind

The Grey Aliens have the above as their prime objective, and have enforced a subtle invasion of abuse upon the Human Being. They have violated our bodies and its Gene structure, to bring about a Hybrid Being with the Alien mind and Human in appearance, and has taken several decades to achieve.

This is why there have been a million or more Humans being abducted, in order to carry out their slow and gradual manipulation of our Gene structure. This is the type of thing that fiction is made of, but here, truth is far stranger than fiction, and being performed upon Mankind without any resistance from the Governments of the world. But this is a Silent Invasion using Silent Weapons.

And in this way, Mankind can be overtaken without a single shot being fired. The Hybrids are trying to rise into prominent positions near the
leaders of our world, making comments and giving advice in what they see is needed to be done in our world. This is how the Take-Over is implemented, this is how devious the Alien Plan is, and Mankind puts up no resistance to it.

Why is this so? Is it because, the Hybrid is gaining prominence and power in areas of Government, manipulating the minds of the decision makers, pushing ideas, created and distributed in the Mental Environment, something Mankind know nothing little of, but is the scheme of the Aliens, in order to achieve their goal. Here they will present themselves to the world with a way out of the endless turmoil of recurring war and destruction by giving their design to create a world without war. So simple, it beggars belief. But this design is not the peace and tranquility the governments think it will be, for it involves the designing of a conformity for the Human Being, designed in the Alien laboratories and away from prying eyes of Mankind.

Mankind and its development.
Our world has become the focal point of
of our neighbours, of those inhabited worlds
that have accepted Mankind as weak and
unintelligent. This is the overall opinion of
our neighbours, due to the display given
by Mankind over the many centuries of
Mankind’s growing and developing, and
how the world has been mistreated abused
and overused. Yet, these comments come
from Races of Beings that have existed
for millions of years, and as such, have
forgotten how they themselves developed,
how they also went through the age of

The Greater Community Revelations

adolescents to achieve a balanced and
intelligent mind. All Races enter this stage
of evolution in the Greater Community
and Mankind are no different.
There are worlds where Beings have
become advanced in the Spiritual Practice
of Living in the Way of Knowledge. These
beings will not interfere in other worlds.
Even those worlds that are new to the
Practice will decline to get involved with
other worlds due to the influence they may
receive and cast, even though it may be
subtle and unintentional.
But Mankind is still moving out of its infancy,
very caught up in the sensational aspects
of life, and will give themselves to anything
to gain the seeming thrill and value that
sensation has to offer, and at times it may
mean paying with their lives.
This in truth, is very reckless, yet in the light
of Mankind and its evolvement, the values
they establish are dysfunctional and wanting.

The Collectives and Prospectors                                                                            This has attracted the attention of the
resources explorers. The Collectives and
Prospectors, seeking resources to use in
their Commercial ventures as Commodities
valued very highly in the Greater Community.
The Freedom of Mankind is now becoming
very doubtful, for now there are Forces of
Intervention moving in the world and have
achieved great strides into removing the
Human Species as we know it, from this
world and being replaced by the Alien
Hybrid design already mentioned.
Even with the superficial limitations of
Mankind, there are worlds that view the
Human Race as having potential for the
future, because Mankind have kept their
values of Religion, where many other
worlds by this stage in their evolution
had already lost their values and beliefs
they held in their Religions and faiths.
Instead, they chose to accept their new
god of conformity and technology, to take
them down a different path, where their
Gene structure became manipulated, to
achieve a Species of Beings devoid of being
with their Spirit and to lose their potential
of achieving true Freedom and relationship
with the Great Spirit of Knowledge.

Mankind and its heritage of Spirit.

Humanity have this ability. So great it is.
The Human Being is more than the sum
of its parts, its flesh, blood and bones.
Although it is needed and important, It
is not the Greatest part of the Being.
Though important and necessary, it is
the vessel and vehicle for the Being of
Spirit containing the greater Spirit
of Knowledge. It is the body of flesh,
the vehicle that is important in this
process, for it is the vehicle’s Purpose
to discover and develop a lasting
relationship with Knowledge, that joins
our Spirit with the Spirit of Knowledge.
This is the way back to the Creator for
the Spirit, for Knowledge is the only way
for the Spirit to return to the Creator.
This is the Heritage and Birth Right of
the Human Being, to find and Awaken to
Knowledge. It’s the Force for Good in the
Universe, Greater than any other Force,
and is within us for times that we now
find ourselves, and suffering Intervention.
Mankind is a Free race of Beings with
the Spirit still within, yet the Forces of
Intervention are corrupting the Mental
Environment of Mankind by influencing
and manipulating Humanity in many ways,
in order to remove the Discernment that
people have for what is true and what
is false. People are not aware and present
to the situation, and in general, they are
mentally vague about what is happening
in the world. If you stop to look, at the way
people go about their life, you will notice
they are living in their minds, unaware of
what is happening around them, until
someone fires a shot or explodes a bomb.
Yet there were signs and cue’s, indications
along the way that got missed. This is
happening, and people are no longer aware
or able to discern what is happening.
There is now a Great need in the world.

         The Need and Calling Within, 
            Mankind Must be Saved.

All that is said here is true, and brings a
Great Calling into the world for Mankind
to Awaken. A New Message is in the world,
Given by the Creator, for our Creator
knows the situation we are now in,
and is not ignoring the Need of Humanity.
The Need is within each of us as we live
today and every day, it is the purpose of
our life and for everyone being born to
the world now, for they also have the
answer to the worlds need. They have
come to serve the purpose of Humanity,
and have come to answer the Calling.
Every Human Being has been born with

The Book of inner Knowing

the seed of Knowledge. It is there for
a Purpose, and in this, you who are now
reading these words, and doing so with
the Need to know. Are you searching
for the answer to the Calling within you?
Is there uneasiness within you, that you
cannot explain or find an answer for?
Is there something YOU must do?
There is a New Message that has the
answer to these questions.
There is a New Message from the Creator
for all Mankind. It is being delivered now, at
this time. It comes with a New Messenger
and Teacher that brings with Him the
Creators Message for Mankind. It is a
Message for our time and the times to
come, that’s how serious the times are.

A Guidance and Spiritual Assistance and Direction from those calling themselves the Allies of Humanity

Mankind have Allies in the Universe, and
are known as the Allies of Humanity.
They have come to observe the activity
of the Intervention in our world and to
advise and give guidance to Mankind.
They were requested to do this by the
Unseen Ones, because these Beings
have first hand experience of Intervention.
They have been through this ordeal and
Honour Mankind with their experience and
the Spirit of Knowledge.
The Need is to be with Knowledge, and
although most of Humanity are not aware
and present to the reality of the Situation,
Mankind is under the greatest threat of its
existence. Not only are we under threat
from the Alien Intervention, but also from

Revelations for what is on the Horizon of Humanities Immediate Future.

the Great Waves of Change, that has the
potential to bring about the extinction of
Mankind. Mankind have never had any
experience of this type of threat. They are
are moving in new territory and may fail.
If Humanity cannot accept this. If Humanity
think it is not true. Then Humanity is weak
and ignorant about their circumstances,
how can God the Creator help Mankind if
Mankind will not help itself. By taking the
Practice of Steps to Knowledge, Mankind

is helping themselves and this is the Help
given by God the Creator.
Without this help, Humanity will not be self
determined or free. They may never again
experience the Messengers and Teachers
that have come to Humanity, like Jesus,

The New Messenger from God,
Marshall Vian Summers

The Buddha, Mohammed, Moses and
Marshall Vian Summers, all sent to the
world to give guidance and direction for

the times they appeared and the times
following. Humanity will not exist for
they are being replaced by a Hybrid Being
with the appearance of the Human Being,
but with the mind of the Alien that designed
them. No more mister nice guy, only do or
die. In worlds of Conformity, you must
conform, if you cannot conform to what
is required of you, then you are destroyed.

Practice Steps to Knowledge for your
own sake and the sake of Mankind.

Steps to Knowledge Continuation Training

The Steps to Knowledge
Continuation Training.

Step 69.



What freedom you enjoy is a privilege in the
universe. Perhaps you live in a place where freedom
is taken for granted, where people assume that it is everyone’s
right. But freedom has been hard won, and defending freedom
has been difficult throughout time. Perhaps you have not been
through these trials, but you know of people who have.


[quote]Freedom is precious, particularly the freedom to
experience and to express Knowledge. This is an even greater
freedom than the freedom to move about, to choose your
occupation, or to marry who you wish to marry or to say what
you wish to say without fear of severe retribution. Yet even
these lesser freedoms are important.[/quote]

[quote]Yet, if it is Genuine, freedom brings with it responsibility,
a commitment to give, accountability to others and a dedication
to service. Freedom without these things is not freedom. It
is avoidance.It is true freedom that must be protected and
preserved. You lose your freedom every day when you lose
contact with Knowledge, when you are lost to yourself, when
you act in such a way that betrays your true understanding,
when you say things you don’t mean to say and do things you
don’t really intend to do and when you follow others mindlessly
out of fear and concern.[/quote]

[quote]In the study of Steps to Knowledge, you are in the
process of regaining a real freedom and all the power and grace
that accompany it. In the Greater Community, such freedom is
rare, for advanced societies do not exercise this kind of freedom
as a rule. Only in rare cases does this happen. In the universe,
there are greater forces and greater powers, world powers.
Their dominion is built upon conformity and control. You will
encounter them. Some of them are in the world today. What
contrast this will be. It will show you how valuable you
freedom is, why it must be honoured and preserved and why
your understanding of it must be correct and not corrupted.[/quote]

[quote]Consider this today. In addition to your practice in
stillness and your hourly practices, consider the value of
your freedom.[/quote]