Alien Invasion

Spiritual Aliens! Will They Visit Humanity?

The Spiritual Alien knows  about Evolution
            Spiritual Aliens will not travel the universe seeking to interfere in other worlds.


Spiritual Aliens! Will They Visit Humanity? This one single question holds the key to all the other burning questions regarding Alien activity in our world. We live and exist in a Greater Community of Worlds; we are part of its Physical Reality and Creation. Yet Spiritual Aliens are very careful about where they place themselves, because they know and understand how Evolution works. They realise that every world has its own path of Evolution, making mistakes, correcting their mistakes and steadily advancing. Slowly worlds advance and move forward, like our world in its Evolution. You may have noticed how quickly things are changing now in comparison to the past, why has this momentum changed? Yes there is a momentum that carries Evolution forward through the many thresholds it approaches, encounters and moves forward. In this regard, Spiritual Aliens will not go travelling the Universe visiting other worlds or intervening in other worlds. They know how delicately balanced World Evolutions are, and that each threshold is the stepping-stone to the next level of advancement. The slightest interruption by Beings from other worlds will create chaos for the momentum of any worlds Evolution. Our problem is, we have lived in isolation within a Greater Community of Worlds, unready for life in this Greater Arena. All Spiritual Beings and their worlds will understand this and will be very considerate and careful where they place themselves. Spiritual Beings will not be the ones running around the Universe Intervening and Invading other worlds. This then, tells you something about the Aliens Intervening in our world and the method being used to remain here. The Aliens in our world at this very time are not Spiritual Beings; they are Beings known as Collectives. They travel the Greater Community seeking Resources, sustaining requirements and needs of all worlds containing intelligent life. In fact they predominantly seek what are known as Building Blocks of Life, a valued commodity in the Greater Community. These Building Blocks are within all living things, in particular the Human Beings own bodily made Resources. These Resources are valuable for their natural medical abilities and will be used to manufacture medicinal products in the Greater Community. The Intervention in our world is not here to make friends with the Human Race. They need the Human Race for Resource gathering and the Resources contained within the Human Being. If you are not subservient or subordinate then you will be held as heretics working against their needs. There is no Freedom here, you have no options but to work has slaves to remain alive; hoping for Human continuance. Yet hope for

The Allies of Humanity give guidance and Assistance in dealing with the Collective Intervention and its removal through the Spirit of Knowledge.

Humanity still lives; other Spiritual Aliens have made contact with Humanity, to give their Guidance for our situation. The Spiritual Aliens have been asked by The Unseen Ones to give their council, guidance and direction to the Human Family. The Spiritual Aliens are now known as the Allies of Humanity and they have experience of Alien Intervention valuable for Humanity. They have given humanity guidance and direction for removing this Intervention, if it is responded to. Now you can understand from this information, the Alien Intervention Forces are not here for a Spiritual Calling for they are not Spiritual in any form. Their mission is a mission of Commerce to achieve profit from their endeavours, Collectives are not Spiritual or a charity organisation. Collectives do not follow the path of original pro-creation, the path Human Beings follow; a path of natural selection. Collectives follow a path of Conformity, derived from Genetic Manipulation. They adapt life to their requirements by designing and developing the Being that fits their required needs. This is common practice

Reality of The Greater Community is why we need this Spiritual Preparation and its Revelations against the Hidden Alien Intervention in our world.

in many Technologically advanced worlds, it’s a method of control without freedom of the individual. In these worlds Science becomes their god, and they see themselves as creators. But the truth is, everything is already Created and they have learned how to manipulate what is already here. There are Spiritual worlds in the Greater Community, they are discreet self-sustaining and unified as a Races of Beings. The Human Family are also learning of this, and of these requirements to remain free in The Greater Community. Because of this Intervention in our world the Creator of all life has responded to Humanities need. A New Messenger from God is in the world today. He is a Prophet a Messenger and a Spiritual Teacher; He has received a New Message from God the Creator of all life. This has happened and is still happening in the world, He has delivered over 9,000 pages of Revelations for Humanity. For the Creator of all life Knows and understands the peril standing on the horizon for the Human Family. The human Family are not ready or prepared to Emerge into the Greater Community, yet they

Marshall Vian Summers, Gods New Messenger for the World.

are been pulled out of their isolation. Because Aliens are Intervening and Invading our world, we are being forced to emerge into the Greater Community of Worlds. Humanity knows nothing about the Greater Community; it has never experienced this before; how must Humanity proceed at this time? This is why The New Messenger is in the world with a New Message from God. For we are at the Crossroads of our Evolution; being rocked and shaken it is. The New Messenger is Marshall Vian Summers, it is the New Messenger that the Allies of Humanity have made contact with. The Allies of Humanity have given many briefings to Marshall Vian Summers for the Human Family to learn and advance. The Great Revelation of Living the Way of Knowledge has been given Humanity. Accompanying this is the Great Revelation of

The Book of Knowing and a Spiritual Education for Your Life in and The Pathway to Gaining a Relationship with the Spirit of Knowledge within you.

Steps to Knowledge. It is a Book of Spiritual Practice, bringing you into relationship with Knowledge the Great Spirit within you. It is a Book of Knowing; how to Look, See and Know, how to be discerning and discreet. The Human Family has been given valuable information about preparing for this time. The prime and important

Life in the Universe is revealing Revelation Given by God the Creator. Only the Creator knows what is happening in the Universe

information is in regard to Living the Way of Knowledge and the practice of Steps to Knowledge. There is no Race or world that has removed an Alien Intervention without the guidance of the Spirit of Knowledge! The Revelation, Life in the Universe contains information only the Creator can know and give. It gives details of other Races and the Civilisations evolving in the Greater Community. Here there are Spiritual Teachings and Revelations with great value for our future. They are Books One and Two of Wisdom from the Greater Community. This information is hundreds of thousand years old, even before the Human Family came into existence. Reading of the Wisdom given in these

Greater Education is given by The Creator for the Human Family to advance in the Way of Knowledge

Revelations is inspiring and resonates with the Spirit within you. There is the Book of Revelation, The Greater Community Spirituality, gives all the information lost from Previous Teachers, due to mans influence and seeking of power. But let us return to the Alien Beings in our world, and if they were Spiritual, they would see their error and leave. The truth is, they are not Spiritual. How could they be Spiritual when abducting and violating the Human Family with a military style agenda? This is not the act of a friend or from a Being with good intentions; it is an act of an aggressor. It is surreptitious and deceitful, a friend will not do this, and if you are Spiritual you will not do this. The Alien presence in our world has obtained resources from those abducted to develop Hybrid Beings. They have placed them in our world to grow and work alongside Humanity. Has they grow and develop they will seek positions of power and authority to lay their foundations of Human slavery. Here the Hybrids will become the dominant Species and remove the Sovereignty of this world from the Human Family. Again surreptitious conduct, that a friend will not perform, conduct a Spiritual Being will not perform. The Human Family have a serious

Revelation and Preparation for the Reality of what Change is on the Horizon of Humanities Immediate Future and The Alien Intervention here for our Resources.

situation in their world at this time; Forces not of this world move amongst us. They are dressed in the Cloak of harmony but beneath this cloak they are dressed in deceit and conflict! There are Great Waves of Change happening in the world; Humanity must prepare. The Human Family have been given the Preparation to remove this Alien Intervention and truthfully, more an Alien Invasion. We have been given the Revelation Preparing for the Greater Community. Again a Book of Spiritual Guidance for our time and times to come. When reading these Books you will take the their words to your heart and you live with them. These Revelations from the Creator are your guidance and participation, responding to them will protect the Human Family. It will protect generations to come, who will not be able to do this for themselves, the time is now. For the generations to come it will be too late to respond; their fate will be

Yes, Knowledge is with you The Greater Intelligence and Power in the Universe. Available through the Preparation of Steps to Knowledge.

sealed by our inaction. With this, seek to Know why you are in this life and this world at this time. We are all born with a purpose for this life, for it is the Spirit within the Flesh that carries our Purpose. You are the Spiritual Being within the body of flesh. We have come to serve our Purpose and our true meaning for our life. To do this, seek the New Messenger from God. Seek the New Message from God. Seek the Way of Knowledge and the Steps to Knowledge. Knowledge will give you the strength, power and authority to serve the purpose of your life. Seek the New Message from God World Wide Community here and join with others who are answering their Calling in the world. To Knowing this is your Calling is a threshold in your life. The Threshold of gaining The Spirit of Knowledge is your Spiritual heritage and for the Human Family. Seek The Power of the Spirit of Knowledge.