Alien Invasion

The Alien Invasion Requires AWAKENING of Humanity

Humans hold dear to what they perceive through the mind,
regardless if it’s through an experience of our thoughts, or
through the imagination or what is seen with our eyes,
whenever we experience life in the world. No matter where
we are, we receive information through our senses, whether
aware of it or not, it is happening. With this, we cannot stop
what arrives in our minds, but it is very important for us to be
aware of what is happening to us continually in order to know
what is influencing our thoughts and the ideas that suddenly
arrive in our heads. Some ideas may be of use or may not, yet
we cannot reject those we do not need. Here, we need to
identify what is true, from what is false, but to do this we need
to be aware and present to where we are, who we are with,
what is happening around us and why we are in that place.
But this is not how we are, even when fully awake, in truth we
are living in our imagination! For our safety,
Humanity needs an Awakening to what is around them.

The Mental Environment has been previously mentioned on
this site, it is an environment we all contribute to as we think
and reason and when our emotions go overboard. Our mind
sends out impressions of what we are thinking, this is because
our minds are made for communicating our various thoughts in
the arena’s we exist within. We are receiving and projecting
thoughts and ideas on a continual basis, into the Mental
Environment, and with this, Humanity has little or no awareness
of the dangerous repercussions this presents for them, due to
their seeming naivety and disregard for this phenomenon.
Therefore we do not guard or protect what we say with regard
to information we share, not only in the Mental Environment
but what we broadcast through the TV and Radio broadcasts,
for we are continually telling the Universe all about our
problems and our secrets. How we abuse and mistreat each
other in our day to day lives. This has created unwanted
attention from those worlds that are our neighbours and
even further than this, we have given our information to The of Worlds in our vicinity of the Universe.
For our own safety, humanity must become more discreet and
aware to the dangers this has now presented to Humanity.
Humanity needs Awakening to their discretion and what is
around them.

Alien Beings are now Intervening in our world, and they do not
want our friendship. They are here to take advantage of our
naivety, superstitions and religious beliefs and lack of
understanding of the Mental Environment.They are turning our
disadvantage into their advantage, to take the world
Sovereignty away from Humanity for their own use. Because
our minds cannot understand the Mental Environment they will
use this against us and to great advantage for themselves.
With this the Human mind is acting subconsciously within the
Mental Environment, and they are using this to manipulate and
deceive humanity. Those who are weak mentally will succumb
to the influence and persuasion, as is the case in the world now.
Even though Humanity cannot understand the Mental
Environment, they will receive subconscious feelings that
somethings are not right in the world.This is because the Mental
Environment of this world is contributed to by human intelligence
and has been this way for thousands of years, but at this time,
there are Beings of a higher intelligence contributing to the
Mental Environment of Humanity. This will create a strange
unbalanced feeling for Humanity, especially for those who are
more sensitive and aware of where the are and to what is
happening around them, they will know something is not right,
something they can detect but not identify, making them
uncomfortable and knowing things are not right in the world.
Humanity need an Awakening to these serious problems in
our world.

Humanity lives with Intervention against them, irreversible once
achieved, because it is a program of Gene manipulation and
inter-breeding all at the same time. Humanity are being forced
to participate in a breeding program they have not agreed to
and most certainly would reject the very thought of if humanity
had control. Humanity needs an urgent Awakening to the these
serious problems.

The Allies of Humanity Book One,
Third Briefing: A Great Warning

“The interbreeding program is becoming very successful.
Already there are those walking your Earth who are born of the
visitors’ consciousness and collective endeavor. They cannot
reside here for long periods of time, but within only a few years,
they will be able to dwell upon the surface of
your world permanently. Such will be the perfection of their
genetic engineering that they will seem only slightly different
from you, more in their manner and in their presence than in
their physical appearance, to such a point that they will likely
go unnoticed and unrecognized. However, they will have
greater mental faculties. And this will give them an advantage
that you could not match unless you were trained in
The Ways of Insight.”[7]

The Allies of Humanity Book One, Second Briefing:
The Challenge to Human Freedom

“The interbreeding program that is occurring in the world will
continue. The only way that it can be stopped is by people
gaining this greater awareness and sense of inner authority.
Only this will bring these intrusions to an end.
Only this will uncover the deception behind them.”[2]

The Intervention is deceitful, do not expect anything of truth
from them. They give comforting ideas and illusions about
who the Alien Invaders are, and why they are in the world at
this time.They say they are our spiritual family, who seeded us
in this world and have come to rejoin us back within their family.
They say they are here to enlighten and bless Humanity, to help
Humanity evolve into greater Beings.
Although there are Spiritual Races in the Greater Community,
they are not the of ones going from world to world trying to
subjugate worlds and remove the wealth of resources from
those worlds. No, this they will not do.Those who are in our
world are ignorant races using their ignorant ways to gain
wealth from their explorations and exploitations of naive worlds.
This is the truth of the Alien Invasion in our world, this is their
only truth. Again, I tell you, Humanity needs an Awakening to
these serious problems.

The Alien Invasion has not come to this beautiful world to be
friendly. They have not come to enlighten Humanity or help
Humanity evolve into Spiritual beings. For if they had any
Spiritual evolvement themselves they would not be in our world
today or any time. Those who are Spiritually evolved, do not go
interfering in other worlds. Quite the opposite can be said of
them, for they are Wiser and more discrete, being self sufficient,
and as a Race of Beings they are united and live for each other
in their seclusion. Humanity is unaware of the Alien life forms
that are trying to remove humanity as the Sovereign race of our
world and to achieve their objectives in our world.The Aliens
have, and are still abducting humans in order to manipulate our
gene structure to make us into another type of human looking
life form, who is compliant and responsive to their needs. Yet
they will disregard the needs of humanity to achieve their own
objectives. Here we must understand and treat them as
predators against Humanity, for that is exactly what they
They will not say truthfully why are they in the world,but it
is known, they are not Forces for Good. Here, Forces for
Good in the Universe are part of a Greater Power for Good
known as Knowledge.
It is time Humanity had Awakening to the power of Knowledge.

Those Invading Alien Forces Intervening in our world are not
educated in Knowledge, they do not understand what
Knowledge is, Ignorant and Dissonant Forces are not in
relationship with, for they are opposing Forces.
Yet Knowledge is the Greatest Power in the Universe,
it cannot be deceived, manipulated or removed, for it is the
power of God given to all intelligent sentient Beings in the
Universe. This Power is a Living Power that understand you
and why you are in the world at this time. It has been with you
since God placed it within you, long before your birth into this
life and into this world.There is a great devastation here for
Humanity, for the Human Species is a Race of Spiritually
evolving Beings that have evolved to recognise the value of
freedom to move and go where we need to go. The freedom
to choose the way of life that is good for us, without the
dominance of being told what we must do, what we cannot do.
Where we must work, where we must live. Who we can talk to,
who not to associate with and who not to love and who we
should breed and have children with. And told you cannot raise
your child the way you feel best for you child. These are basic
freedoms to a Human Being. The greatest freedom we have, is
to seek the power and sanctity of God, and practice the Way of
Knowledge. This is being trained in the Way of Insight as
mentioned in the Allies of Humanity Book One the Third briefing.
Humanity need an Awakening to resolve their problems.

Human Beings are not just Beings of flesh with mind that lives
within that flesh.We are far greater than this, for our body is the
vessel for our Spirit. We are the vehicle for the Spirit to
experience life, without the body there is no participation no
interaction and from this there is no learning and all true
experience gives the basis for true learning.We are in the
world with the potential of developing a relationship with the
Great Spirit of Knowledge that is deep within us. To do this,
Humanity now have the Practice of Steps to Knowledge,
revealed to Humanity through Marshall Vian Summers, God’s
New Messenger for the world.Steps to Knowledge is an
education for attaining what the Allies of Humanity speak of as
the Ways of Insight. Humanity must rise up to this great
challenge from the Greater Community Forces in the world at
this time, for with their Genetic Manipulation Program and the
Interbreeding Program, Humanity will no longer be self
determined and free Race. The Genetic attributes Humanity
have, allows them their relationship with the Spirit. This will be
eliminated due to being submissive and compliant to our new
masters from the Greater Community. Awaken
Humanity need a Great Awakening to survive these times.

Because the Alien Invasion and its Intervention has come to our
world, it means that our world is now emerging into the Greater
Community of Worlds. Even though humanity is not ready for
this, it is still happening. Humanity, need more now, than any
other time in their history to unite as one Race, for this is how the
Greater Community views our world, as one Species split into
different Tribes and Nations, Each one try to out do its neighbour
and fighting over the spoils of their wars.This is looked upon as
uneducated and unintelligent, because we have damaged our
environments to the point of no return with pollution and over use
of the worlds resources by going to war so many time that it takes
its toll on the land, forests and the resources. the Ocean and
Seas are so polluted the life in them is seriously contaminated
and damaged to the point of no return. If this was not enough,
The Alien Forces in our world are pushing Humanity to go to war,
to use up our resources in order for Humanity to turn to them for
assistance to survive.
If Humanity are to evolve as the Spirituality they are, then
there must be an


With this, God has given Humanity the means to remove the
problems of this Alien Intervention in our world. The means I
talk about here is the Power of Knowledge that lives within
each Human Being. Discounting the Hybrid breeding Program,
everyone Being born to the world at this time is coming to the
world to assist Humanity in its great mission to stay a free
Race of Beings and practice the Step to Knowledge. This is
part of our Purpose in this life, this is why we were born to this
world at this time. Do not leave for others to do, what you have
come to the world to do.This will not be the answer to your
Purpose in life. What you have come to do, cannot be done by
any other, your Purpose is designed for you and only you can
achieve that which you have come to do in the world. For us to
fail now at this time means humanity has failed and we do not
get a second chance at this. God has given Humanity the way
to achieve this.This is a time of great reckoning, when
Humanity will have to either grow up and unite or fail and be
overtaken by others. If you do not accept this, if you cannot
accept this, if this is too much for you, if you think it is untrue,
then you are ignorant and weak. This is the Revelation.
Ignore it at your own risk. For even God will not save you if you
do not honour and pay heed to Gods warnings. Countless times
have emerging Races such as Humanity are now, have been
overtaken by resources explorers and economic collectives.
Let Humanity have an Awakening to understand this.

Examine the Steps to Knowledge, they have been designed
with you in mind, for the reasons we are speaking of here. This
is your destiny, to achieve, along with thousands of others
who have recognised their Calling to Rise Up to the Challenge
of the Alien Forces of Intervention in the world. For if this
cannot be agreed to by you. If you feel it is not for you, then
who in Humanity will do what you have come to do. Who in
Humanity has the same purpose that you have come to
achieve. The Awakening is with you, you are part of the Awakening.

Nasi Novare Coram.