Alien Invasion

The Allies of Humanity, Our Truth, Their Blessings.

The Allies of Humanity and their Blessings, are reaching out to Humanity,

A Guidance and Spiritual Assistance and Direction from those calling themselves the Allies of Humanity

from a distance undetermined across the darkness of space. They truly are Allies, coming from a small Spiritual group of worlds, sharing a common denominator with the World involved. For this reason they have accepted a Purpose from the Holy Spirits of the Universe. These are The Unseen Ones, who nurture and guide the future of worlds, in their Relationships across the Universe. The Allies were asked to assist the Emergence of a world into the Greater Community. This emerging world, is emerging due to threats upon it, from predators from the Greater Community Worlds it is Emerging into. The Allies fully understand this situation, and what is happening in this world, for the Allies had experienced the same threat. All that is being written here is true, make no mistake here, of thinking it a work of fiction. The Truth can be stranger than fiction, this is well known. The world in

Revelations for what Change is on the Horizon of Humanities Immediate Future.

need here, in its emergence into the Greater Community, is our world. It is the Human Race and planet Earth. The Human Family has entered the time of Great Waves of Change, a time the Human Family have never experienced before. Here, Humanity has great needs it cannot identify for itself, how do you identify something you are not aware of? The Unseen Ones, and The Angelic Assembly, the Angelic Presence, assigned by the Creator, to listen and watch over our world. Every world where sentient Beings have evolved, has its own Angelic Assembly. It is through the Angelic Assembly that God moves in our world. It is from here that God sends New Messengers to the world. More will be said about this later. So, how does a world Emerge into the Greater Community of Worlds? This is when worlds have developed sufficiently, are Greater Community aware, being self sustainable, discreet and united. This can become the time for them to evolve and begin to emerge into the Greater Community of Worlds. It is

Life, Systems beyond your world bringing Change to Humanity.

very important, worlds are prepared and ready to evolve, emerge on their own and in their own time. But it happens, this is not always the case.Young worlds, naive, unprepared and without the requirements to emerge into the Greater Community, become victims of Resource Explorers and Collectives. Forces moving around the Greater Community seeking to acquire resources for worlds they serve. Humanity and their world has been discovered by these Scavengers of the Greater Community. Yes, this is the case for Humanity, they are a young and adolescent Race of Beings, unprepared for this great emergence. The Human Family, in its approach to the Universe is naive and immature, having no experience of Life in the Universe. Those who have arrived in our world are of various types, seeking to obtain resources without making themselves known to Humanity. Here, for the sake of the Human Family, The Allies of Humanity have been observing the activity of these Collectives and Resource Explorers. Observing the coming and goings of those intervening in our world. Their intervention in the world is far advanced in its strategy to take this world for their own.

 The Allies of Humanity. Book One. Briefing One. Paragraph 3 and 4 
We represent a small group who is observing the events of your world. We come from the Greater Community. We do not interfere in human affairs. We have no establishment here. We have been sent for a very specific purpose to witness the events that are occurring in your world and, given the opportunity to do so, to communicate to you what we see and what we know. For you live on the surface of your world and cannot see the affairs that surround it. Nor can you see clearly the visitation that is occurring in your world at this time or what it portends for your future.

We would like to give testimony to this. We are doing so at the request of the Unseen Ones, for we have been sent for this purpose. The information that we are about to impart to you may seem very challenging and startling. It is perhaps unexpected by many who will hear this message. We understand this difficulty, for we have had to face this within our own cultures.

The Creator of all life, has given the guidance and help not only to the Human Family, but all Sentient Beings. It is this help and guidance the Human Family need and must take to their heart. For they are being moved and coerced to emerge into the Greater Community. Humanity are so unprepared for the Greater Community of Worlds. They have no comprehension, for what is happening in their midst. This is the common denominator and why the Allies of Humanity are assisting the Human

The New Messenger from God,
Marshall Vian Summers Giving Guidance of Change

Family. The Creator of all life, has given even more to Humanity at this time. For the Creator has sent a New Messenger into the world, to bring awareness of Humanities situation to the world. The Human Family are being invaded in the form of Alien Intervention. The New Messenger brings a New understanding and a New Education for Humanity. An Education enveloping Spirituality and Wisdom from the Greater Community of Worlds. The New Messenger is Marshall Vian Summers and has come from the Angelic Assembly, as did all the Messengers before Him. The New messenger is in the world to bring information that is missing and indeed needed at this time. The Allies of Humanity have a Spiritual connection to give their information and education regarding the Intervention now happening. It is in this format the Allies of Humanity communicate with the New Messenger from God.

        The Allies of Humanity. Book One. Briefing One. Paragraph 2.

We are not communicating through any mechanical device, but through a spiritual channel that is free from interference. Though we live in the physical, as do you, we are given the privilege to communicate in this way in order to deliver the information that we must share with you.

The New Messenger has received this information, and its true value for

The New Messenger a Prophet and a Teacher for Our times and Times to Come of change.

what is happening in the world. It is not speculation or assumption, it is the truth and reality of the Human Family, for the Human Family. Without the aid of our Allies, Humanity would have no hope for the future. But then, our Allies are not here to remove the Intervention. They are here to provide valuable education, and new understandings we must establish in our world. To ignore and not accept their words, is not an option, if Humanity wish to live and be free in their world. Our Allies recommend with great emphasis and urgency, Humanity must become discreet, self-sustaining and united as a Race of Beings. If we cannot do this, then the Human Family will be overtaken and removed as the sovereign Race of their world. Along with this, is the receiving of the New Message From God, containing the Steps to Knowledge and the many Revelations from the Creator. Never before have these Revelations been given to the Human Family. The Messages of the past, will not help resolve the situation in the world now, they were created for earlier times. The important aspect for the Human Race, is learning about the Greater Community Spirituality and the Great Power within us. Our Allies have pointed to the weakness of the Intervention and this can be learned when you read of it. Being discreet is important here, for the Intervention is monitoring and evaluating the Human response continually. For they seek the allegiance of the Human Race, without this their planning and objectives will fail and fall short.

The Allies of Humanity. Book One. Briefing One.  Paragraph 42. and 43.

However, the requirements to learn about the Greater Community and to begin to experience Greater Community Spirituality are tremendous. Never before have human beings had to learn such things in such a short period of time. Indeed, such things have rarely been learned ever by anyone in your world before. But now the need has changed. The circumstances are different. Now there are new influences in your midst, influences that you can feel and that you can know.

The visitors seek to disable people from having this vision and this Knowledge within themselves, for your visitors do not have it within themselves. They do not see its value. They do not understand its reality. In this, humanity as a whole is more advanced than they are. But this is only a potential, a potential which must now be cultivated. 

The Human Race, is a Race of many Nations, divided and live with their own concerns and values for their futures. You will recognise this from the many wars that arise across this world. Here, I do not have to tell you this, for you know this is the truth. Is this then, the reason the Intervention has kept themselves secret and used stealth in their approach to our world?

     The Allies of Humanity. Book One. Briefing One.  Paragraph 13.     

Perhaps you might wonder why diplomatic efforts are not established to contact the leaders of humanity. This is reasonable to ask, but the difficulty here is that there is no one to represent humanity, for your people are divided, and your nations oppose one another. It is also assumed by these visitors that we speak of that you are warlike and aggressive and that you would bring harm and hostility to the universe around you despite your good qualities.

So why exactly, is this Intervention taking place? There are several groups of Aliens vying for position to overtake our world, for our world is a jewel of excellence and exquisite beauty. Our type of world is rare in the Universe. It holds all the resources the Collectives and Resource Explorers spend their lives travelling the Universe to discover. Even the Human Being is part of their overall plan. Those who become allegiant to the Aliens will be tolerated, they cannot be in our world, its biological structure will kill them. The allegiant Humans will work removing the resources from the world, as assets of commerce in the Greater Community. The Human Being is not seen as the equal to the Alien, but see us the same as we value the animals on our farms. They only see us as a resource, to work or be used as biological resources to be sold in the Greater Community. Those who will not become allegiant with the Aliens will be destroyed and their biological substance will be sold.

  The Allies of Humanity. Book One. Briefing Four. Paragraph 21.

The visitors firmly believe that if they do not intervene in a timely manner,  humanity will destroy itself and the world. This is not based upon truth; it is only an assumption. Though humanity is at risk of self-annihilation, this is not necessarily your destiny. But the collectives believe that this is so, and so they must act with haste and give their programs of persuasion great emphasis. Those who can be convinced will be valued as useful; those that cannot be convinced will be discarded and alienated. Should the visitors become strong enough to gain complete control of the world, those who cannot conform will simply be eliminated. Yet the visitors will not do the destruction. It will be wrought through the very individuals in the world who have fallen completely under their persuasion.

The Allies of Humanity. Book One. Briefing Four. Paragraph 46.

If humanity should fail in opposing the Intervention, we can paint a picture of what this would mean. We have seen it elsewhere, for each one of us came very close, within our own worlds. Being part of a collective, the planet Earth will be mined for its resources, its people will be corralled to work and its rebels and heretics will be either alienated or destroyed. The world will be preserved for its agriculture and its mining interests. Human societies will exist, but only in subordination to powers from beyond your world. And should the world exhaust its usefulness, should its resources 
be completely taken, then you will be left, bereft. The supportive life upon your world will have been taken from you; the very means of survival will have been stolen. This has happened before in many other places.

This must be accepted has very serious advice, it is very important

The Book of Knowing and a Spiritual Education for Your Life in a World in Decline

information. Here people need to respond and take up the practice of Steps to Knowledge and gain relationship with the Spirit that they are. Doing this, Humanity will be protected and guided. God has given this to all sentient Beings in the Universe particularly for these times. This is why God has sent a New Messenger into the world. This is why God has given so many New Revelations at this time, giving the needed information to respond and use for these times. Do not think it does not apply to you, for even you who are reading this, will be influenced if you cannot see. Essentially, you will not see that you are giving this world away. You will be under the influence of those who can persuade and manipulate you. You will be defenceless against them. How can you Trust the decisions you are making? How can you Trust what you are being told by others when you do not know them? How can you Trust anyone? Being a person of Knowledge will change your self awareness, and your awareness of how to Trust. You will know what is happening. You will seek to avoid those who are trying to influence you, for the Spirit of Knowledge cannot be influenced. You will seek to remove the Intervention and what it stands for, and reject and remove those who advocate the Aliens. Here, you are not just protecting yourself, you are protecting those who are your kin and family. You understand their needs. Without the help of the Allies, the Human Family would have no future, freedom and self-expression. The

Terms of Contact With Our World for Extraterrestrial Nation and Forces of the Universe

Human Family will lose its sovereignty of this planet and there will be no future for the generations to come. There will not be a world for generations to come. We can make the difference you see, the future is not made in some distant time, some distant realm of existence. No, the future is created in the present and evolves as the present evolves. It will arrive in our future for others to experience in their present. Knowing this is happening now, and knowing something can be done to prevent it from happening in the future is real. You who are reading this, have not found this New Message from God accidentally. This is why you were born. This is why the New Messenger was born to this world. To bring this Great Teaching to the Human Family at its time of great need. The Allies of Humanity are serving the Human Family and have given their lives to do so. Those who are Intervening, and what they intend for the Human Family and our planet, believe Humanity do not have the truth of their intentions. But the world is quickly learning, for we know, bad news always travels faster than good news. People are preparing to remove this Intervention, many are practicing the Steps to Knowledge now. It is a world wide movement to save the Human Family and it is important that everyone joins with us to achieve this. Come and prepare, you are needed to save the Human Race. Do not think you can leave this for others to do, when they have already joined. Only you can do what you were born to do, this is so true.