Alien Invasion

The Hybrids, are They a Human Being or Alien?

Abductee being prepared for The Hybrids Fetes implant.

The Hybrids, are they a Human Being or Alien? Do they come from the same origin and pro-creation that Humans have always been associated with? There are many thousands of The Hybrids in our world, having arrived here through artificial and unnatural methods of conception. What is happening here, how did it happen that thousands of these Beings are now in our world? Our world has existed in a Greater Community of

The Greater Community Revelations and The Alien Intervention bringing change to our world

Worlds without actually being part of this Greater Community. We have enjoyed the privilege of freedom due to being unknown in The Greater Community. We must look back to when the Human Race started to witness strange craft moving in our skies. Yet even before this, our world was being assessed by Beings from the Greater Community for its wealth of resources. From their observations they discovered our world was a biological mine field they could not navigate or survive to live within. Our worlds biological diversity may have been the reason we have been unapproachable before from the Greater Community. Is this the reason our world fell into obscurity and remained forgotten and hidden within the Greater Community of Worlds? Those intervening in our physical and mentally environments today, are using ways to side step our worlds biological diversity. For those who are Invading our world are known as Collectives, Beings that are developed through Collective breeding. The Hybrids are made to genetic conformity, having a Collective cohesiveness, it is no accident, it is their genetic design. The Hybrids in our world have been developed using the same technology that is used to develop Collectives. This is also known as genetic manipulation to achieve a Species of Being required to perform in specific areas of need. What need is required here? It is to have a Being designed to be submissive and conform to the wishes of those who developed them. The Hybrids must be compliant, following instructions planted within them by the Aliens and arrives from their genetic design. The Human Being has developed along its natural path of evolution and are not like Ants, Bee’s or other Hive developed creatures. They think individually and can change their mind in a split second, without directives or controllers. Here the Human Being has freedom to choose a path of its own choice. The Alien Intervention in our world is driven by the needs of Genetic Conformity genetically implanted into this Collective type of Being. They have designed The Hybrids to resemble the Human Being but with an Alien mind allegiant only to the Alien.

                           Life in the Universe: Chapter 6.

Life in the Universe is Given by God the Creator. Only the Creator knows what is happening in the Universe
                                  Families and Genetic Manipulation.


The family unit in more progressive and technological societies has at times been maintained all the way up to the ruling classes. But, in general, to maintain stability and security, unfortunate collective breeding has been generated and cultivated to a very high degree. Worker classes, classes of beings who have specializations, military classes and other groups have been the focus of collective breeding, except in nations where it is considered unethical or impractical.

From the human viewpoint, collective breeding is horrific even though at this moment there is experimentation with genetic manipulation under the guise of improving the health and welfare of people. But this represents a seduction of power and a complete undermining of the reality and the potential of human freedom and creativity.


To arrive at this point, The Hybrids used by Alien Intervention  not developed from the Human Being. They were from a different structured Being, used to harvest Human Beings. This was the Alien abduction program, extensive it was, and covered the whole world. The Aliens used these abductees to experiment and design their preferred Being to gain authority and control over Humanity. The Hybrids now in our world are the result of their abductions, through Human experimentations and influencing Humans to be Donors. The Donors are required to carry the genetically designed fetes in the Human womb, and become attached to them emotionally and protect them. Most but not all Donors were oblivious to their abduction and implant, but what a clever way to dupe Humanity. After the first wave of Hybrids were established, they were also used to lure and captivate Humans into their breeding plan. The Breeding Plan and the Abduction Plan started to run side by side, many of The Hybrids were

The Abduction and Inter- Breeding program revealed by the Allies of Humanity

developed in this way. The Human Family are learning of this and more, from those who call themselves The Allies of Humanity. They are from a small group of worlds that are Spiritually inclined and live in the way of Knowledge. They too have had to deal with the problem of Alien intervention, escaping from its grip after receiving help from others. Their help here came from a Spiritual source on each occasion, from those known as the Unseen Ones. It is frequently the case, that Collectives or Resource Explorers invade a young and adolescent world for its Resources. For in the Greater Community there are many worlds struggling to survive, having exhausted their own resources. This is a problem for worlds who seek the path of technology and its continual use of their worlds resources. Eventually, worlds run out, and to exist and continue, they rely upon Resource Explorers and even Collectives to supply them. Once this happens, the freedom of these worlds disappear, having to conform to the rules of commerce. This is a truth and stark reality for worlds that over use and deplete their resources in the Greater Community.

                   Life In The Universe: Chapter 8. Freedom.


 Freedom is rare in the Greater Community–Individual freedom and the existence of free societies which value the potential and the creativity of the individual–particularly as it pertains to the welfare of a nation and a world. 

You might wonder why this is so, thinking that the development of freedom really represents the goal of evolution in a higher sense. But freedom is rare, freedom in any society, even in a primitive society. It is rare because of the difficulties of living in the physical environment—the challenges of survival, the acquisition of resources, competition with others, the threat of war and annihilation, the problems of governance, the size of civilizations and the rise of technology. All these things, to whatever extent that they exist in any world or in any group, tend to be a limiting factor on the value and the recognition of the importance of individual freedom.

Groups must work together to survive. And surviving in the Greater Community, even as a technologically advanced race, is not an easy proposition. If you become dependent upon other nations for the very resources you need to live and to function, then your existence is always jeopardized by any interruption in trade and commerce or the threat of exclusion that can be placed upon you by other nations. To lose your self-sufficiency is to move into a position of greater insecurity.

People in the world today associate advancing technology with advancing security and often for very good reasons, for many people in the world today have an assured supply of food and can gain access to resources that only the nobility in times past could acquire. A great deal of wealth and a great deal of stability have been created amongst nations that have this kind of affluence. But should the resources that support this affluence begin to decline, as is happening in the world today, then you can see how easily your wealth, your security and your stability can begin to diminish as well.

Freedom is not a right in the universe. It is a privilege and a luxury. Your values may argue with this, but your expectations eventually must conform to the real circumstances of life. Individual freedom is extremely valuable, but it is not guaranteed, and you cannot claim it as a right. You will be shocked to find, as you begin to learn about and even experience the Greater Community in which you live, how rare freedom really is.


The Allies of Humanity have revealed much information about the Collectives and their methods of deception. The Collectives are a Greater Community organisation of commerce, it is well known those of Commerce always seek advantage over others. They are not Spiritual Beings and they are not intervening in our world for Human Friendship. The Intervention in our world seeks to remove the Sovereign ownership of the world from the Human Family. The Hybrids are working to give the Aliens this authority over the Human Family. The Aliens will either remove the worlds resources, or use the world and keep its natural resource for their own. Selling them in the Greater Community of Worlds to those who will pay the price demanded. The world is not prepared and not aware of its reality here. To the extent the Creator has sent a New Messenger into the world. He is not only a Messenger but a Teacher and a Prophet. He communicates

Marshall Vian Summers, Gods New Messenger for the World

with the Angelic Assembly. He communicates with the Allies of Humanity. He receives and is still receiving Revelations for the Human Family. The Messenger is Marshall Vian Summers, His life is a tremendous Gift to The Human Family. He brings a New Message from God to the world, Revelations and Teachings from God. The Angelic Assembly implement the sending of these Revelations and it is the Angelic Assembly the Messenger has come from. God has given Humanity the Revelation, Life in the Universe. A powerful understanding about the cultures and their development throughout the Universe. This information can only come

Revelations for what Change is on the Horizon of Humanities Immediate Future and The Intervention in our World

from God, for only God has all these details. The Messenger has received the Revelation; The Great Waves of Change, a true understanding of a world in decline and Alien Intervention in our world. A guidance for the present and needs for the future, surviving with the Great Spirit of Knowledge within us. The question asked at the outset of this post, The Hybrids, are they Human Beings? This can only be answered with No, they are not Human Beings. They are an Alien intelligence, simulating Human Beings. They are the same as a Trojan Horse and just as deadly. There are a few ill informed people in the world who have been influenced and manipulated in this matter. They are promoting The Hybrids as the New Human for the future of Humanity. The truth is far from this. Those being claimed as New Humans, are The Hybrids, and wish to enslave the Human Family  into  allegiance of their Alien masters. Our world is also being deceived by the New Age Doctrines that are seeking Alien association and their promise of Ascension. Do not believe or accept this, it is Intervention influence, it is a false path to world slavery of Humanity, There is no love or friendship here for the Human Being. The Alien has gone to great lengths to deceive and mislead Humanity, so do not be fooled by their words and The Hybrids. The Hybrids only wish to please their masters and subjugate the Human Family as they do so. The New Message from God in the world now, has been given to help the Human Family. It is part of the Creators help to remove this Intervention.  Another part of the Creators help has always been within you, it is the Spirit of Knowledge living within you. It is a powerful Force for Good in the Universe. It will not be deceived or corrupted, It will guard and protect you, give you the way forward in difficult times. Many worlds have had to face this situation of Intervention, without Knowledge they succumb and fail. Those who have achieved the removal of an Intervention have only done so by being with Knowledge. Here, you become a Force for Good in the Universe. A Force that the Creator has put within you for these times. Do not think the Creator must remove this Alien Intervention. The Creator has given you the means to do this yourself. The Creator has given you the Greatest Power in the Universe, do not neglect this Power. Yet how do you come to Knowledge and form a relationship with the Greatest Force in the

The Book of Knowing and a Spiritual Education for Your Life in a World in Decline. The Pathway to Gaining a Relationship with the Spirit of Knowledge within you.

Universe? Steps to Knowledge is the Practice needed to take you to Knowledge. It will prepare you and unburden you, for the Creator wishes to unburden you in this life. The Practice and preparation of Steps to Knowledge is much older than the world, it has been the saving of many other worlds and their Races. The Allies of Humanity have given their details of encounters with Intervention, and how they survived them. This information you are reading is seeking your response to become a Force for Good in the world. You must realise here, that you are the fortunate ones, you have the chance to respond. Those Generations of Humanity yet to come, will not have this opportunity, they will be too late to respond The present Human Family must achieve the relationship with Knowledge. You have this fortunate opportunity, to be the ones that keep the Human Family Free in the Universe. You will ensure you have the Freedom to be with Knowledge and follow Knowledge and keep its Spirit alive in the world. Seek the New Messenger, Marshall Vian Summers. Seek the Practice of Steps to Knowledge and become a Student of Knowledge in the world. It is no accident you have found this information, you were born to this life with a Purpose for your life. Surely you have asked yourself the questions.” Why am I here in this life?” “What is the Purpose to it all?” These are normal questions to ask, for you are here for a Purpose. Your Life is about your Purpose in the world. You may not know or have become aware of The Hybrids, this may well be the case. But now is your chance to learn and respond for the future. The Aliens and The Hybrids will ensure the world has little or no Freedom to be with Knowledge in the future. If the Human Family cannot respond to their Calling here, then the future will be so predictable for them. Their world will become a Collective Colony and the Human Family will be slaves without a voice. Think here about your children and their children, is this what you wish upon them.