Alien Invasion

Transition Towards A Greater Community

                                     Chapter 1, from the Book The Journey to a New Life

The Greater Community Revelations

The World is in Transition, and is not only moving from one day to the next but is moving intoThe Greater Community of Worlds. It is moving from one era into another, of the type Humanity have no understanding of, and as such, are unprepared for what the future has in store for them. This transition has been initiated by Mankind’s endeavours in its recent past, and the effects they have had upon the worlds environments have been building continually and is still happening now. This problem is far more serious than the attention it is receiving from mankind. The environments of the world are so precious for life upon this planet, and without them, life fill fade from this world. If this happens it will be the greatest devastation Humanity has ever known, for they will lose all they have, in order to ignore their responsibilities for the world they are stewards of. Living in a world as beautiful as this world, brings with it great responsibilities to care and nurture it back to its former glory on the few occasions it may suffer. The transition being spoken of here, is the New Revelations of The Great Waves of Change and The Environment. Both of them give guidance and warnings and of the need to follow them. The Great Waves of Change will affect every Nation and every Being in the world. This may

Revelations for what is on the Horizon of Humanities Immediate Future.

bring about a new cohesion between the worlds Nations and peoples, to come together in unity in order to survive what Mankind is so unprepared for, physically and Spiritually. This will be part of the repercussions needed to avert an even greater tragedy being instigated by Alien Races moving against Humanity and its Sovereignty of this world. The Great Waves of Change incorporates both of these situations, both have their origin with Humanity, and both have developed considerably, growing in seriousness and danger to mankind’s survival from extinction or losing their freedom in the Greater Community. Both scenario’s for mankind are unthinkable. Our world is very sick, and this cannot be over stated, yet in some quarters this topic is treated has a joke by those in control of our greater worldly affairs. Our world is very sick, ecologically our world has passed the tipping point of no return, and whatever mankind do now will not avert what has already started to make their
entrance into the worlds weather systems, and into the worlds Oceans and Sea’s. What is happening to the worlds environment will take hundreds of years to correct, but to do this, Humanity need to come together, working for each other to repair the damage the worlds environments have suffered. Humanity is responsible for the environments of this beautiful world, and it matters not in what direction you look, the worlds environments are falling apart, affecting the worlds weather systems moving deeper into chaos and becoming more ferocious across the world, creating even more unseen upheaval for a world moving deeper into a transition of full decline. If this transition could have been identified prior to the events that created them, would Mankind have taken another path to achieve their requirements, instead of having to go through the dire circumstances occurring today in the world. The transitions are moving into new territory and building into an environmental vicious circle, where the environments have stopped working for each other and go their own way. The environments of the Oceans and Sea’s, the Rain Forests and the Mountains all worked together to maintain a balanced movement between them, that was self-regulating. Such was the plan and mechanism of the worlds weather systems. These weather systems were created over millions of years, yet took man just a few hundred years to destroy. Now we are held in a Great Waves of Change of the world, affecting far more environments than the scientific community have realise as yet, and there is so much more being revealed as time goes by. So, we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg at the moment, and therefore, a plan of action is required world wide, involving all the Nations of the world, working together to off-set the effects that can only get worse and even worser. The transition we are experiencing is going to last for eons and beyond unless Humanity repairs the damage already done, and prevent new damage being done to the world.


Again, there is another transition, designed against Mankind by Alien Forces of Invasion, much is going undetected by most of Mankind, due to being influenced and manipulated in the Mental Environment. The Mental Environment is another area being used for the purpose of Alien transition into the world of Humanity. This you can know. Knowing what is happening around you is the greatest indicator of being aware and present to yourself and the circumstances that are forever changing around you. What you know cannot always be proven to others, and if you have witnessed something through experience, you will not be concerned about proof because knowing is far more assuring to you personally, than what others believe or do not believe. This transition is being forced upon our world by an Alien Intervention, and has been ongoing for many decades under a cloak of secrecy, to
prevent the populations of the world being a threat to their hidden agenda.
The Alien Intervention in the world is to take control of this world from Humanity, for they have witnessed the destruction Humanity have applied to this world from the many wars trying to make profit and wealth from war, this is their truth. Now, there are Atomic weapons that puts even higher priority for the Aliens to advance their transition of ownership to prevent the world from further demise and wasting of the worlds resources and devastation to the worlds environments. The Aliens themselves are too vulnerable to be in the environments of our world, because we live on the surface of our world, we are prone to the biological threats they could not defend themselves against. Mankind have an immune system gained over many thousands of years of being in this biological threat, from germs bacteria virus’s that can develop into serious outbreaks or pandemics within the nations of the world. Even catching the Common Cold or an accidental scratch to their body would be life threatening for the Aliens, due to their existence being a sterile environment and not having contact with any biological structure that may create the need for an immune system. To overcome this problem, the Aliens have developed what we have come to learn as a Human/Alien Hybrid Being, a replacement for the human species. I know this is so, for I have had dealings with them through the comment process. I can also assure you, this will mean the end of Humanities existence as a free race of Beings in our world. but sadly, Humanity have been irresponsible.

The New Message from God is The Awakening for Humanity

       THE JOURNEY TO A NEW LIFE.                              

For me, and for everyone who finds the New Message from God, a transition takes affect within their lives, because they have not only found the reason for their life, but how to become engaged with the Great Spirit that holds our Purpose for being in the world. The Great Spirit is the  Spirit of Knowledge, placed within us for such times as they are now in the world. An Awakening is needed. What can we do about this Alien transition and Intervention in our world? What do we have at our disposal to counteract what is happening and even stop it from progressing? How can we save ourselves from losing our freedom? Amidst all this activity, made by the those from the Greater Community, we have discovered that we have great Allies. They call themselves The Allies of Humanity,

A Guidance and Spiritual Assistance and Direction from those calling themselves the Allies of Humanity

but will not give any other information of where they come from or what their world is called because they do not wish their own worlds to come to any harm. Our Allies were given a mission to help Humanity in their hour of need, by Angelic Beings known as The
UnseenOnesOur Allies also had a similar Intervention in their world and at that time in their evolution, they also received help from those who gave guidance to them, and now they are repaying them by helping Humanity. Our Allies have been observing the comings and goings of those Aliens Intervening in our world. They have given briefings to the New Messenger, identifying them and what they are capable of in the Mental Environment, and their powers of persuasion and use of misinformation to deceive us. Because Humans are naive and will treat them as Spiritual Beings, they will overcome Humanity and the outcome is clear, even now. Our Allies have given Humanity, Living
The Way of Knowledge and how to practice
the Steps to Knowledge the Great Spirit that lives within all intelligent and sentient Beings. Humanity have the ability to take the Steps to Knowledge and with an open heart and an open mind we can practice it and open ourselves to receive the Great Spirit. It will guides us and protect us in those things we are uncertain of and keep us from being overcome by our adversaries. Knowledge will keep us safe from harm, for Knowledge is the strongest force in the Universe The New Messenger from God has received over 9000 pages of new Revelations, never before given to humanity, they are the basis of an Awakening for Humanity for these times and the times to come for Humanity. They are Great Scriptures guiding, us with Purpose, Meaning and Direction in our lives. This will be a transition and transformation for your life to be in relationship with Knowledge. Humanity do not have much time to prepare and live the way of Knowledge, to save them from the Forces now in our world. You will know that what is said here is true. It will resonate deep within you. In this day and age, you may think it strange for God the Creator to send a New Messenger to the world, but the previous Messages from God, were Messages for that time and did not have the capacity and requirements in them for what is happening in the world today. The Message for Humanity today is a Message for an educated race of Beings, that can understand the significants and gravity of what they are saying and what is given. The New Messenger is an open and sincere person, an Angel on earth for He came to this world from the Angelic Assembly and welcomes all those who come to be with Him, to bear witness to His mission in the world. It is so easy today to view His Message from God, all the Revelations He has been receiving for those who are waiting to be with them and become a student of the New

Steps to Knowledge Continuation Training

Message and of the practice and preparation of Steps to KnowledgeDo not leave to be done by others, what you truly know is for you to do. You who are reading this now, at this time, know it is meant for you. This is your time to respond to the need of the world, for you were born to this time to be in the world and live with Knowledge.


As an infant, I had vivid dreams of being in a huge Hall, where there stood what looked like groups of white podiums or rostrums,emblazoned by a bright light over each of them. I then found myself standing on one of the podiums, and it felt right that I was upon it. Not that I knew this, more of an understanding I should be standing upon it. In this, I realised I was standing upon one, trying to be very aware of what was happening and being guided in the moment by others I could not see. After being there a short while, things started to change, the podium started to change in size, its structure became strange and uneven, with a roughness to its texture creating anxiety within me. Suddenly I was awake, crying and shaken, everything was so calm and then so anxiously frightening and uncertain, causing me to tremble and cry. This dream came very frequently, every week or two for several years, never changing and always creating the same disturbing anxiety, yet they started to fade by the time I was about six or seven years old. I cannot forget them, they are part of me and held a deeper knowing than I could ever have dream of. Many years later, after many years of seeking and searching for the unknown for my life, and then the New Message from God, found me. A Message bringing information never before given to the world, teaching about the Purpose of Life and why we have come to this world. That our life is to serve a Purpose through the Great Spirit that is living within us and waiting to be discover by us. What I had discovered here resonated so strongly within me, each Revelation I read, takes me deeper into its Message and gave transition to my life, for it was in Transition. The New Message from God, given and received by the New Messenger from God, brought Purpose, Meaning and Direction to my life.

Here, the Angels are Speaking with us

I knew the New Message was the information I had been searching for, for so long. Six years ago, The Secrets of Heaven were Published. Regarding my dream, it had an hidden meaning, this I discovered in the Revelations, The Secrets of Heaven.

THE SECRETS OF HEAVEN                                       on page 67,

[quote]My Teacher spoke of these things to me over
over eighteen thousand years ago. I did not believe him.
He came again and again. I would not listen It seemed
irrelevant. The times were difficult. The old empire had
passed. Civilization was scattered and lost, and many great
ones were driven underground and destroyed. Pursued
they were. Records of history were destroyed. It
was a period of great undoing. In the face of such
calamities, the words he spoke seemed barely relevant to
me. And yet I chose to listen, for I had heard his words
before. An ancient chord was struck in me, an ancient
memory. I had a recall of an experience before birth
that I could not forget. They placed me on a dais and
prepared me to enter the world. They cast a light over
my head and they said “You will not forget this light.”
And I remembered. My Teacher, who is with me now as
he was then, prepared me. Things you encounter are
far less difficult though you have many more needs and
complexities in your life than we did. Food and shelter–
these were our concerns. You have many concerns we
did not even dream of.[/quote]

Nasi Novare Coram