Alien Invasion

UFO Twitter and “The Disclosure-coaster”

Ominous UFO above the city



Being on #UFOTwitter is like being on a rollercoaster, (or perhaps you could call it a “disclosure-coaster”… ). Chasing the excitement from the promises of disclosure and wallowing in the disappointment that follows, such as the 2021 Pentagon report and this most recent NYT piece. These disappointments are even more bitter for those of us who have experienced ET contact. It is like a parent, who is supposed to support and protect you, lying about an abuse you’ve experienced to save their reputation. It is a breach of trust and can feel bitter at the least.

Even whilst riding this rollercoaster, I can feel underneath my feet the hum of evolution. Giant, steadfast, glacial forces, moving our civilisation forward. Taking us somewhere that we’ve never been before and perhaps to a destination we can’t even imagine. Human civilisation is going somewhere new, day by day, moth by month and if we’re not prepared, we might be in a lot of trouble.

The contrast between these two experiences, between the discolsure-coaster and the glacial movement of evolution, is stark and serves to remind me of how important it is to dive below the surface narrative to discern these currents moving humanity. I mention this here because it has every thing to do with UFO’s and the subtle Alien Invasion happening beneath our noses.



“I can see this. I can Know this.”

The deep gut-wrenching reckoning that comes about from engaging with what this alien invasion is doing and what it means in our world can so easily be replaced by dullness and passivity. The language frequently used seems like it’s designed to switch us off, to stop asking questions. “Oh, it’s just some strange phenomenon, we’ll never understand it, clever people are working it out for us”. What if we could claim authority over seeing what this is. Can you feel in yourself the strength that says “I can see this. I can know this.”?

I often find myself doing a double take when I think about this topic. Sometimes I think about UFO’s in this bizarrely passive way. Almost like my mind is pandering to the beliefs of the masses. I have to make this switch, an internal switch which is also represented by the language I use. Language can be obfuscating or clarifying. These aren’t UFO’s – they are alien craft. This isn’t some strange phenomenon – it’s a subtle invasion. I need to remember to flick the switch. To go from autopilot to active engagement.

Humanity needs to wake up to the reality that we are experiencing a subtle, deceptive, alien invasion. In order to do this we need to slip beneath that surface narrative, leave the consensus behind and really know this for what it is. To flick that switch.


“Disclosure from governments or the Alien Presence is hopeless. That is why the Allies of Humanity have provided, in their Briefings, the disclosure that we really need, beyond what any person on earth could fully see.” -Marshall Vian Summers


So for those of you still disappointed about the Pentagon report not being out yet (I’m am, for one) think of this: We are sitting on knowledge that there is Extra Terrestrial life visiting our planet. We can at last say we are not alone in the universe. Whilst this is a remarkable revelation, their presence on our planet is not only a serious threat to our freedom as a race but also has deep implications for the evolution of our species.

Now ask yourself again; do you really need the official narrative to tell you what you already Know about this…?