Alien Invasion

Wisdom is required to Keep Humans Free in the Universe

ET Colonization and the Freedom of Earth | Marshall Vian Summers

Wisdom is required in the world, in order for the world to keep its Freedom. It is needed for Humanity to advance as an intelligent Race of Beings, emerging into the Greater Community. Wisdom is rare and seldom achieved in our world, for Humanity is a Race of Beings in its adolescent

The Greater Community Revelations

stage of evolvement, and overtaken by the adolescent impulses that drive Humanity. They are driven in directions that are not sustainable for the Planet or Humanity and its future well being. But who can see this? Who can identify with the needs for the Future of Humanity? Who has the Wisdom needed to guide and lead Humanity in these times? It is notunderstood, that the worlds direction is being watched and interfered with by Beings from the Greater Community! The Greater Community of Worlds has ignored our world for millennia’s, but now see Humanity as ripe for picking. What do Humanity know about Life in the Universe? Humanity need to know far more than they do, for we are too vulnerable at this time. The Human Race has advanced technologically, and this has

Life beyond your world defies the imagination of Humanity.

brought interest from the Greater Community. This interest is not for the benefit of the Human Race, but for the benefit of those that have discovered Humanity. They have given much time, gone to great expense in order to discover our world. They have come for the benefits they can reap from this situation and in particular resources of our world. This happens continually in the Greater Community of Worlds due to actions of Resource Explorers and Collectives. They are an amalgamation of individuals from many different Races of Beings, hired for whatever expertise they may render to the overall outcome of their Collective ventures. It is always naive and adolescent Races that receive their attention, lacking experience and Wisdom to navigate these situations. Being without Wisdom, young and immature Races must learn what these predicaments are all about. They must be sensible in their approach at these times to maintain any kind of control. The Collectives use enticements of fascination and pacification to gain interest from their target world. These techniques break down the discernment of worlds, putting their presence in plain sight but avoid the need of contact. This creates great wonder and speculation for those who witness this spectacle. Excitement arises with the advent of these sightings, to the point of worlds thinking they are Enlightened Ones. These inexperienced and naive worlds view their technology as greatly advanced and that it will free them from their world. This type of response, is what the Collectives are working for. They wish to become accepted by their target world, in order for them to take control. Those few who have Wisdom, also view these same phenomenon and will see far deeper, seeing what’s truly being displayed. They see the foolishness to openly accept the phenomenon as Enlightened Beings. Enlightened Beings are Spiritual in nature, and as such will not  interfere in the affaires of other worlds. Our world is also under the Forces of Intervention by Beings from the Greater Community of Worlds. It is understood, some of Humanity openly accept these Beings has Enlightened,  having come to teach Humanity their ways and culture. That they have come with their advanced  technology and travelling the Universe, at speeds that confound Humanity at this time. But this is so foolish. It is living in dreams and imagination. Humanity must be sensible here. Many assumptions are being made from preferences and wishful thinking, this is not the way of Wisdom. It is now, that Humanity need to be sensible and gain the Wisdom needed so desperately at this time. Without Wisdom, Humanity will succumb to the enticements and


manipulation of the Forces of Intervention now moving in our world. The Forces of Intervention are so involved in the  world, you will not understand what is happening. They have command in the Mental Environment of which Humanity have no awareness. Humanity will lose its intrinsic Freedom, a Freedom we are born with, into this world. We will lose the power of Sovereignty over this world, to those who will remove it from us without a single shot being fired. There are Human Forces working with the Intervention, that are fully aware of the blunt reality Humanity is facing. These Human Forces are working for their own gratification, trying to secure their own structure of power and control. Along with this, Hybrid Beings have been created by the Forces of Intervention, created from the Abductions of Human Beings. This has taken place over the last seven decades or so. What did you understand these Abductions were for? The Hybrid Being is a tool the Intervention is using to remove the Sovereignty Humanity has over this world. Time is of the essence now for Humanity, it is a time to respond and take up their Calling. We all come to this world with a Calling, given to and accepted by us before this life. The body of flesh is a temporary vehicle for the Spirit to achieve its Purpose in this life. Simple this may seem but there is far more than can be given in just a few words here. When we are born to this world, we are born to a body that has a mind. This mind knows nothing about the Spirit,  about the Purpose it has agreed to, the mind was absent, without substance.   So, within each Human Being is a Spirit, it is this Spirit that you truly are. It is this Spirit that contains the Greater Spirit of Knowledge. Here you are the answer to the grave situation the world is facing. The Great Spirit of Knowledge waits within you, and you know nothing about either the Great Spirit or its

Purpose. Humanity have Allies in the Greater Community and this is known to only a few at this time. The Allies of Humanity have come to observe from a distance the coming and goings of the Forces of Intervention. This they are doing for Humanity, to give them advanced warnings and valuable advice to help Humanity navigate this situation. They are reporting their findings to a New Messenger from God in the world, here to Teach Humanity about Wisdom. Becoming Wise and to have the Wisdom that will save Humanity. God knows Humanities problems, God initiated the observations by our

Marshall Vian Summers, Gods New Messenger for the World

Allies and the New Messenger to be in the world. The New Messenger is reporting the Allies findings to the people of the world, now at this very time. This is the help God has given to Humanity in their time of need. God has also placed the Wisdom of the Great Spirit of Knowledge within all sentient and intelligent Beings, to be realised by the Being by forming a Relationship with the Great Spirit. The Spirit of Knowledge is living within each Human Being. Gods New Messenger is Marshall Vian Summers, He lives and walks among Humanity, like all the other Messengers   from God.

The New Messenger, Marshall Vian Summers, needs to Teach you and me of  Your Relationship with Knowledge. He has been born to do this for Humanity, this is His Purpose for His life. Steps to Knowledge is your starting point to gaining the Wisdom required to save the Human Race. But this also gives the Human Race a New Foundation for the future for the generations to come. Steps to Knowledge is part of The New Message from God, a New Beginning for a New World. Here the students of Knowledge are setting down the stepping stones for those who follow, seeking the Way of

The Book of inner Knowing and a Spiritual Practice involving Spiritual Education

Knowledge. This is the future and the beginning of the future with Wisdom. Knowledge is already within you, yet your Relationship with Knowledge is still needed and now the most important thing to develop. To reclaim Knowledge, is your first responsibility, this is your Purpose for your life in this world. This is something only you can do, it is your very own personal Purpose for being in the world. This is a Purpose that will bring you into Relationship and union with Knowledge. Knowledge is the hub of all Wisdom that will be shared with you at these times, Knowledge is so pertinent for the survival of Humanity as we know it. This is a Calling for you, to find your Purpose for this life.

 Your Relationship With Knowledge