Alien Invasion

Your Ship, is it held in Alien Intervention Dry Dock?

Your Ship does not have to be like this!
Your Ship, is it Held in an Alien Dry Dock of Intervention?

Your Ship, is it held in an Alien Dry Dock of Intervention? Has it been forced to take shelter from the Great Waves crashing all around you? One or both of these circumstances may be the case, for many cannot recognise their own Ship standing at the Dockside! Can you be honest with yourself and investigate “What is The Ship being spoken of here?” You come to this world and enter The Ship, it happens at its birth, all that went before will not be remembered by the Ship. The Design of your Ship’s cargo was created before you came into the world. It has a consignment and even a route to navigate, determined before you came to Your Ship. So many of us are confused and incapacitated here, relying upon those who are our providers when we are born. Sadly they too are unaware of their Ship and so cannot be of service in this regard. There are so many influences, so much persuasion put to you, and you follow the route of least resistance. But every now and then, you feel there is something you do not know, something is missing. A missing link for why you are in this life. This happens because you the Spirit was involved before coming to this life and to this Ship. But the vessel that is your Ship is born to the world with a mind not involved with the planning stage. Here you have come to this life and your Ship, now using a mind not present to its true understanding. Not present when you accepted this consignment and its Purpose. You see, you are Spirit and a mind with greater faculties. This is a big obstacle in your life that needs pursuing and investigating. When you are able to realise who you are, that you are not the physical flesh and its mind, but Spirit existing within the flesh. That your reality is the Spirit living within The Ship, and you have the vessel

It is here the mist upon the oceans starts to lift and gradually starts to clear. Your journey has started For Your Ship.

that is Your Ship, and you are the greater part of The Ship. It is here the mist upon the ocean starts to lift and gradually starts to clear. Your journey has started. You identify the Physical Being as your vessel, Your Ship to navigate the world. You are the Captain of Your Ship and you need a greater guidance to help you Navigate the world. Yes, there is a greater Guidance, it is the Spirit of Knowledge. Knowledge is the Great Authority in your life. It knows your journey, your cargo and your destination. All this was organised before coming to this Your Ship. It was predesigned. But there is great confusion and influence in the world, you can be influenced to take another journey to another destination. This happens you see, and in particular at these times in the evolution of the world. For the world is being influenced and manipulated by Beings not of this world, it is an Alien Intervention! I must speak of this, even though it may distress, you perplex you and annoy you. What would you say if I did not mention this, and you discovered the information too late. Too late to respond to the urgency in the world. Then I would be failing you and not helping you to respond. The Aliens are here to feign their friendship and have come here for the sake of the Human Family. They speak of the Human family being their long lost relatives from a time before we can remember, and convenient this is. Do not be influenced here. Do not be persuaded here or manipulated, for they have no designs of friendship. They are here to remove the worlds resources, resources of every kind. Even those resources that flow and are created within the Human Being! They are here to take your Freedom away from you, they will need you to follow the way of Conformity. Beyond this brief description, the Human Family have other serious circumstances flowing over their horizon they are the

Revelations for what Change is on the Horizon of Humanities Immediate Future and The Alien Intervention and Invasion in our World

Great Waves of Change. These Great Waves of Change have been created not intentionally but in ignorance by the actions of the Human Family. We have abused and misused the worlds resources. We have neglected our stewardship of this world and dysfunctional in its problems and their reality. Together these great problems could become the demise of the Human Family, they could even become our extinction! This could well be the case for Humanity if there is no response to the situations at hand. This is why Your Ship is in the world. Your Ship is

Marshall Vian Summers, Gods New Messenger for the World. His Ship is the commander of the Fleet.

an analogy of your truth. It is the truth of why you are in this life. You and your life is Your Ship. It has a Purpose, Direction and a Destiny. Your Ship is the response sentinto the world. It is a response from the Creator of all Life, for the Creator has sent a New Messenger into the world. The New Messenger is Marshall Vian Summers, a Teacher, a Prophet and a Messenger, for our times and the times to come. He has received over 9,000 pages of Revelations and they are still being given. His Message is the Greatest Message ever to be given, by the Creator. It is for the world, it is

The New Messenger a Prophet and a Teacher for Our times and Times to Come of change.

for Humanity. All previous Messages from the Creator were for a Tribe, Nation or People. This Message is for the world. In this, The Creator has given the Great Spirit of Knowledge to all sentient and intelligent Beings. But Human Beings have lost their pathway to Knowledge over their thousands of years in destitution and Spiritual neglect. Our Ship has the ability of relationship with Knowledge, through the Practice of Steps To Knowledge received by the Messenger. The Human Family have Freedom to seek this relationship and follow the guidance and

The Book of Knowing and a Spiritual Education for Your Life in a World in Decline. The Pathway to Gaining a Relationship with the Spirit of Knowledge within Your Ship

protection of the Great Spirit of Knowledge. But those intervening in our world will erode this Freedom, and with it the Freedom to seek Knowledge. The Human Family will lose the Sovereignty of this world if we cannot respond. The Messenger has given the Human Family the Revelation ‘Life in the Universe.’ A Teaching not available from any other source than the Creator, for only the Creator will know this information. We have been given  Revelations ‘Wisdom from the Greater Community.’ ‘Greater Community Spirituality.’ ‘The Allies of Humanity.‘ ‘ The New Messenger.’ ‘The One God.’ and many many more. Your

The Abduction and Inter- Alien Abductions and the Breeding program revealed by the Allies of Humanity

Ship is in need of this information, for it is involved with Your Ship forming a relationship with Knowledge. Your Ship is in great need of the Steps to Knowledge, it is your Guidance. A Guidance for where to be and not to be, and who to be with, who not to be with. It is for the Guidance of Your Ship along the predetermined route and its journey to its destiny. Here you are responding to the needs of Your Ship and this can be done now, in this time. For the generations to come this will not be the case! Who is going to respond for them? It is your responding that has meaning for the future generations. This may be your children and their children and the generations beyond this time. Seek The New Message from God and the Steps to Knowledge. Seek Marshall Vian Summers, this is responding to Your Ship and the journey of Your Ship. The longer your Ship is on the side of the dock, the more it will deteriorate and fall into disrepair. Do not let this be the case for Your Ship, for it will not always be available in the future. Know who you are and be who you are, the Spirit sent to help and serve a world in need.